NTSC SD CRTs scan pairs of 240-line fields at 29.97Hz, with lines scanned at 15734Hz. That's it.
The only two options are to send standard NTSC signals and have it be 480i, or to fudge the signals to trick the television into drawing both fields at the same offset, resulting in 240p60 progressive scan with "scanlines."
You said it.
Or in other words:
" SDTVs needed to use interlace to achieve full vertical resolution, but could display progressive video at the cost of halving the vertical resolution."
If the underlying imagery is true 240p60 and you allow the video signal to alternate even/odd fields, you'd eliminate the "scanlines", but in doing so introduce a slight vertical bobbing to the image.
And you also take away the advantage of the scanlines making the brain completing the image.
And you would get sawtooth-effects in motion on edges at 60fps.
Lack of interlaced scanline visibility has at least as much to do with eye persistence at television persistence.
Yes, that is what I was trying to say.
Also, phospors stay lit for a few milliseconds.
A simple proof of this is to just look at a TV in a way that makes your eyes eye-track something vertically at roughly 60 on-screen-lines per second. This amount of eye movement will keep the scanline grid "fixed" in your vision, allowing you to see the gaps, especially on bright imagery. I think the first time I noticed this was when looking at the brightly-lit ring in the skybox on Truth and Reconciliation in Halo CE.
It can be a little tricky to force yourself to eye-track something without having something to eye track. The easiest way is probably to load up a first-person shooter, and then make the camera tilt slowly while you look at a fixed point or object.
An even easier way to do that is to just move your eyes quickly up and down over the screen or move your head in a nodding motion up and down quickly.
Then you will notice the blank lines.