The old "Edge Anti Aliasing"

What would be the reasons why you would not use all 6 polygons for a strip? Or is that done by the TA automatically?
I mean I understand models back then would not be as complex as today by far... but it still seems to me that such small strips would rather be an exeption.
So why did you take 3 as an average?
Not every triangle drawn can be part of a substrip of 6 triangles. You're going to have strips that can't be 6 triangles long, like having to draw quads for UI elements, which will bring down the average. If you have a strip of 7 triangles, it would have to be broken up into a 6 triangle substrip, and a 1 triangle substrip, effectively giving you a substrip length of 3.5 triangles.

I picked an average of 3 triangles per substrip as an arbitrary pessimistic value.

And what would be the disadvantage of using only 16 bits precision for UV coordinates? Misalignment/shimmering artifacts?
Misalignment. The 16-bit float format used by the PVR just drops the bottom 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit float, so you only have an 8-bit mantissa (including the implicit 1 bit) . You only have enough precession to whole texel accuracy for 256x256 textures. If the texture is 512x512, the coordinates aren't precise enough throughout the whole texture, and could require rounding the texel position (e.g. (383/512) would have to be rounded to (382/512) or (384/512))

Also, it seems a lot of PS2-games have an awful lot of texture shimmering. I wonder why that would be, as the hardware supports mip-mapping.
The "standard" answer you would get would be they try to save space in the 4 MB eDRAM to make texture "caching" easier; but I guess that should not be aproblem if you schedule the GIF-bus transfers of textures accordingly...
I think I read here somewhere that the functions to select the correct texture LOD were very simplistic on the GS and would need manual touch-up in the game's engine.
Don't know if that's true, but there must be a reason why many PS2-games have this problem.
From what I've heard, PS2 mipmapping doesn't factor in perspective when selecting LOD, and always assumes the texture is perpendicular to the camera.

Compare Le Mans on Dreamcast and on PS2, for example.
PS2: Textures in the distance very sharp, but shimmering.
DC: Textures in the distance too blurry (no Anisotropic Filtering used and perhaps conservative texture LOD), but no shimmering.
First time I've ever seen someone complain about DC Le Mans's filtering. It's far better than the average DC game, and likely uses the PVR's aniso filter. You can open Le Mans's resources (modified zip file) and see text files describing per material settings that control either detail bias or aniso (it's just a number, so I'm not exactly sure what it means).
From what I've heard, PS2 mipmapping doesn't factor in perspective when selecting LOD, and always assumes the texture is perpendicular to the camera.
It seems to be the case in at least games like rogue galaxy.
Not sure if one can adjust mipbias etc.

Aliasing it caused is quite horrible.
Not every triangle drawn can be part of a substrip of 6 triangles. You're going to have strips that can't be 6 triangles long, like having to draw quads for UI elements, which will bring down the average. If you have a strip of 7 triangles, it would have to be broken up into a 6 triangle substrip, and a 1 triangle substrip, effectively giving you a substrip length of 3.5 triangles.
I picked an average of 3 triangles per substrip as an arbitrary pessimistic value.

Ok, makes sense.
As your calculation did not include any fancy stuff like specular lighting or modifier volumes, that again balances this a bit I guess.
From what I've heard, PS2 mipmapping doesn't factor in perspective when selecting LOD, and always assumes the texture is perpendicular to the camera.

Read that too... shouldn't that mean textures directly in front of the camera look better than the one on the sides?
Anyway this should not be hard to fix on a software-level, assuming you have a bit of control over it.

First time I've ever seen someone complain about DC Le Mans's filtering. It's far better than the average DC game, and likely uses the PVR's aniso filter.

It does? Would be one of the few games that do, I guess. But I think DC's AF is only 2x, so it would be of limited effect.
PS2's textures look sharper and a bit more detailed in the distance, pause at 5:27 for example:

This always bugged me a bit on Dreamcast. A few other examples:

But don't get me wrong, I am allergic to pixel shimmering and aliasing, so I definitely prefer the Dreamcast look.

Only trying to say that it its not perfect on Dreamcast either and it has it's disadvantages.
found a free program called Shader Glass. A CRT window for Windows that simulates a monitor. It is meant for emulators and classic games, but works on any active window, so I guess you can try it on any modern game?

It even works on youtube videos, so no more horrible looking Super Mario World videos on youtube.

found a free program called Shader Glass. A CRT window for Windows that simulates a monitor. It is meant for emulators and classic games, but works on any active window, so I guess you can try it on any modern game?

It even works on youtube videos, so no more horrible looking Super Mario World videos on youtube.

Well for 2D-games like SMW we had things like xBR and stuff, which worked for some games... but I think we will see some great results from AI filters & shaders in the future.

For Anti-Aliasing, AFAIK the best method we can can use for recent games with halfway good quality/performance ratio to improve image quality would be DLAA (or DSR + DLSS)... still in the process of improving.
It you go past the 90s into the 2000s, Matrox Parhelia implemented edge AA. They called it Fragment Anti-Aliasing (FAA) and it only worked on triangle edges using an a-buffer like technique. It was like MSAA for edges and by being limited to edges it required less memory and had a lower performance impact than full screen MSAA.
It you go past the 90s into the 2000s, Matrox Parhelia implemented edge AA. They called it Fragment Anti-Aliasing (FAA) and it only worked on triangle edges using an a-buffer like technique. It was like MSAA for edges and by being limited to edges it required less memory and had a lower performance impact than full screen MSAA.
hmmmm I can recall the Parhelia. Just the name. I had the Matrox G400 32MB MAX and it was a heck of a graphics card at the time, although it worked better on DirectX and Glide still was faster. iirc, it was the first graphics card that featured bump mapping, and it was 32bits -colour depth-. I don't remember the kind of AA it used, or if there was something special about it, but I was pretty happy with it.
It you go past the 90s into the 2000s, Matrox Parhelia implemented edge AA. They called it Fragment Anti-Aliasing (FAA) and it only worked on triangle edges using an a-buffer like technique. It was like MSAA for edges and by being limited to edges it required less memory and had a lower performance impact than full screen MSAA.

MSAA only works on edges as well.
From the perspective of the rendering pipeline, the difference between MSAA and SSAA is when the sample rate is multiplied, not which pixels are affected.

With MSAA, pixels are split up into multiple samples when the ROPs spit them out into the backbuffer, meaning that it only deals with geometric aliasing.
With SSAA, pixels are split up into multiple fragments much farther upstream, at the point of rasterization, so the entire texturing/lighting/whatever process gets supersampled in addition to geometry.

(And this distinction isn't technically just an under-the-hood difference. "Supersampling-but-only-at-pixels-with-edges" would produce subtly different results at edge pixels than MSAA does.)
MSAA only works on edges as well.
It's not a perfect analogy. I was trying to distinguish it from SSAA without bothering to go into details.

MSAA allocates extra memory for the entire frame buffer. The A-buffer inspired approach used by Matrox's FAA only allocated extra memory for edges. The per pixel work was different than MSAA because it used a coverage map per fragment instead of having multiple depth samples per fragment.
John managed to run Sonic Unleashed -a X360 game which, using recompilation, is now a native PC game- at true 4K using 200% resolution scale on top of 4K and 4xMSAA 120fps šŸ˜†, and as he explains that's when you realize how current TAA falls behind. The IQ is a whole different story.

on ShaderGlass, an interesting video on how to use it. Use pixel size 1:1 and FPS 100%. That's the ideal start. More info on the video, but it starts to look great like my old monitor, great stuff.

basically, to get it working awesomely well from the start. Great stuff:

1) go to Input -> Pixel Size -> select x1
2) go to Output -> FPS -> select 100% (Vsync) option
3) go to Shader -> Choose Shader -> RetroArch Library -> presets -> crt-beam-simulator -> crt-beam-simulator-crt-fast-bilateral-super-xbr

Then you can tweak it to make it perfect but that's another story.
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(And this distinction isn't technically just an under-the-hood difference. "Supersampling-but-only-at-pixels-with-edges" would produce subtly different results at edge pixels than MSAA does.)
Is this because with MSAA you only run the shader a single time for every sampled primitive in a pixel, vs running it for every sample on edge pixels regardless of whether some of the samples are covering the same primitive?