Sony Halo, KILLzone hype thread!

I can translate it... I´m mexican. :)

If only there were any extra info aside from the page saying anything aside from "New KillZone pic". :p
Bowie said:
PC-Engine, why are you posting a pic from Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter?

Because he's an ass... does this surprise you? He didn't even change the url, this is just sloppy, fanchild antics.
This is what we have so far:

This one was scanned by psychopigeon at PSX Nation.

These two were sent to me by TTP4 from GA forum. He does have more, but is not allowed to post the rest of them.


One of them is obviously the same thing leaked earlier, but in better quality
Well, now I can confirm that all those pictures are indeed authentic, and I've got some more of them that I'm not allowed to post. The game does look really good though. If the pics are all realtime graphics, it could easily be the best looking game on PS2. Can't wait to see it moving.
No, and I'd never ask you to do that - but you can post your facial expressions when viewing them as represented by Chap's icons - you're not comment on the pictures, but rather your face. Perhaps to some catagories like: Your face when looking at them, Your face when considering hype, Your face when reading a Chap post?

Well, I can tell you that if one of those pics in particular is from a realtime cut scene, there simply is no doubt this is the best looking PS2 game. However, to be on the safe side, I'll assume it's pre-rendered.

All the pics are taken from some VHS video material, and are really grainy and blurry, with colors obviously messed up. What can be seen though, is that there's a LOT of detail. Everything looks very busy, very packed... I'd be really surprised if this game manages to keep even steady 30FPS, simply judging by all the stuff they seem to be throwing on the screen (one thing in particular, if I see it correctly in all this blur, has definitely never been done on PS2 before)
"(one thing in particular, if I see it correctly in all this blur, has definitely never been done on PS2 before)"

and what is that? Bumpmapping ? :D
now ,how could you see Bump mapping on a static picture ?.
i bet for dynamic diplacement,rather :LOL:

also,i know they made pretty heavy use of multitexturing (an average of 5 passes)