Couldn't it be Splinter Cell? After it got delayed I haven't heard anything about it.
Ah thanx for the clarafication...
Gametrailers has a video for Dark Void, it looks pretty good.
MS's financial strategy appears to have been built on quicksand. With no Halo 3 in 2008--and no Mass Effect, Forza Motorsport 2, PGR4, Bioshock [2K] either--MGS doesn't appear to have the titles one-up 2007, even with GOW2. And with a total marketshare that probably won't exceed the mid-twenty million range in consoles sold they won't be reaping the sort of royalties Sony did with the PS2 and PS1. Their console remains overpriced with laughable price movement, horrid perephrial pricing, and high priced games which require you to pay to [correction] play online. You can see how the Wii and PS3 respond to that. And while Sony is in deep, deep trouble with the PS3, MS has allowed them to hang around. It gets a few killer apps, moves some hardware in Japan and Europe and continues to drive toward some price parity with the Premium in 2008 ... yep, totally mismanaged situation.
There're two proprietary software platforms, Microsoft and Apple. The last thing Microsoft wants to do is bury Sony in the console market. They just want them contained, afterall, Sony is a great buffer against any encroachment by Apple. If market conditions change, Microsoft can put the pedal to the metal on a moments notice.
Sony is a domesticated cat that has been declawed.
Apple is a Siberian Tiger on the prowl.
For 2008 Microsoft has Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, and Alan Wake. Who knows what other games they haven't revealed to be Microsoft published or end up as timed exclusive?
Project Offset?
Cipher Complex?
Airtights games (ex-Microsoft Crimson skies people) undeclared title?
Not true (or it depends on what metric you're using).Sony is a much bigger company than Apple
What the hell is Marvel Universe Online? Sounds like a flop waiting to happen if you ask me!
If there's one title that stands out as a candidate it's the Marvel MMO.
You know, the game announced 2 years ago that has not released a single screen, preview, update or anything since that time??
I highly doubt it's too human, as they just staged a huge press showing 4 weeks ago, and reactions from journalists were very positive.
Both the super-hero MMOs are very quiet. I'd have thought given the size of the Marvel IP, it'd be a reasonably strong draw for an MMO, but also by that standard it'd be very constrained to the Marvel universe versus CoH. You're not going to get to play Spiderman or Wolverine as every other person will be wanting to play these Marvel characters, so you'll presumably be left as filler as an over-saturated hero population? Sony's DC MMO is in a worse position as its not as big a franchise. I wouldn't be surprised if a re-evaluation of the MMO market didn't consider a super-hero game locked to a franchise as too weak against CoH/CoV and it got pulled. Cryptic may well be working on something as yet unheard of, funded by the sale of CoH, if they want a change of direction or to try something divergent in the MMO sector.
Marvel MMO is being develop by Cryptic Studios who developed City of Heroes and City of Villians. Cryptic also just sold the intellectual rights of CH and CV to NCSoft just this month, so unless its working on a secret project noone knows about, then Marvel Universe is all its working on. With the success of City of Heroes and the backing of Marvel Comics its doubtful that this project is being cancelled at most maybe there will be a change of publishers.
So where is it?
Two years, dedicated to a single project, is a couple of screenshots too much to be expcted?
Is there any other game announced in 2005 that hasn't had a single screenshot or preview in the last two years??
I dunno, it just seems like the obvious choice to me.
Although, my real money is still on a) Shane is full of crap.
Marvel MMO is being develop by Cryptic Studios who developed City of Heroes and City of Villians. Cryptic also just sold the intellectual rights of CH and CV to NCSoft just this month, so unless its working on a secret project noone knows about, then Marvel Universe is all its working on. With the success of City of Heroes and the backing of Marvel Comics its doubtful that this project is being cancelled at most maybe there will be a change of publishers.
An "insider" in MGS Europe apparently mentioned on a message board that the title is Too Human. This guy may be full of shit (as may Shane) but I hope it's not, since it's looking like a fantastic title. I need Diablo 3, and this may be the closest thing yet (after the disappointment of TQ, HG:L, Sacred, etc, etc).