RSX exists (as does PS3 Reference Tool)

Nerve-Damage said:
Wouldn’t that explain the melting PS3(s)!?! J/K :LOL:

Seriously let’s say company “S†had a previous GPU design with company “T†(taped out) that consisted of 400+ million transistor design (Yes 400 million transistors on a pretty huge die I might add). And let’s say hypothetically I saw this finalized version with my own eyes. But some real bullsh** went down between company “S†and company “Tâ€. Soon company “S†figured that company “N†could offer a better setup engine that would fit perfectly with there own proprietary side engines. However company “T†felt that most if not all the original design (Between S & T) was their own brainchild, but before company “T†could make a stink about it…company “S†guaranteed certain things (mostly money) for there help.

Am I saying company “S†and “N†will be using the same technology that was derived between “S†& “T�

I really can’t say; meaning I don’t know!!

Is there a possibility of it being used is some type of fashion?

The possibility is very high.

What do I get from lying about what I know and what I seen?


Me being right about what I know?



That sounds logical/real. I'd a gut feeling that "T" had delivered big time, and the reason for "N" was that the format fiasco had messed relationships big time. Might've even been behind the delay of their 65nm-45nm(if this would've been on schedule a 2006 ps3 would own even a 4xnvidia sli setup, and pcs would've been ripped in the tech department for the rest of the decade...) process too.
DeanoC said:
Can I just say once and for all...

Nobody (who knows and doesn't have a death wish) is going to answer the questions
A) Have we moved from CEB to that slimline rack mount 'final' box
B) Are there any kits of any form with RSX in them.

A almost definately means B, hence even questions of form factor (size) are not something we feel comfortable talking about. Of course B doesn't mean A.

When Sony (on high) decide you can know about RSX, then okay but until then expect at best stoney silence or at worst a Dean (A or oC) talking about pies or foot-stools.

Hmmm Piiieee...

Ahh...but you see your clues are insightful (even if some people think not). I knew A implied B...but I was wondering about the otherway around.

This certainly implies that one of the cytology revisions may have a version of the RSX chip in it.
ROG27 said:
So, let's just say, oh, figuratively, as of right now (or up until recently), "T" has not only helped "S" with their cpu but also with their gpu. Is this the case?

Yes company "T" originally had a bigger part…more on the GPU end of things.

The CPU was more of company “S†brainchild with the aid of company “I†vast experience in chip integration, SOI, among other things. Company “T†was more of investor in the project and brought certain aspects to the project…but not at the level what company “S†and “I†brought.

DeanoC said:
Nobody (who knows and doesn't have a death wish) is going to answer the questions

Joe DeFuria said:
Which is nothing new. So please go back to square 1.

It's new to most who don't follow this religiously. I'm intrigued...let me have my fun investigating.

Nerve-Damage sounds like he is on to something, as does zidane1strife. If the Visualizer never substantiated because of external forces...but was co-developed by sony and was what they envisioned for the gpu....why not merge the research done there with established and proven technology (best of both worlds). Use a higher clocked, stripped G70 core like a PPE, add a EIB bus, as well as 4 to 6 SPE-like DSPs (one of these being reserved for redundancy to increase yields...much like CELL). It would probably take some time to work out putting together these technologies, which also makes sense, since the RSX taped out only recently.

In fact, I'd put money on this type of configuration coming to fruition.
ROG27 said:
It's new to most who don't follow this religiously.


There could be anything in the large boxes. RSX included. There could be ATI hardware in there for all we know....or a hamster feeding on meat patties and brown sauce.

...It would probably take some time to work out putting together these technologies, which also makes sense, since the RSX taped out only recently.

We have no idea when, or even if, RSX actually taped out.
****I just had a revalation.... (or could just be more craziness)

The problem with non-unified pools of memory is the need for redundant data to be stored in both pools. If the the process worked like the following, there would be no need for redundant data and their would be other added benefits on the performance and bandwidth end as well:

Code goes into CELL's PPE...delegated by DMA to SPEs

Processed code outputted in only one location

SPE-like DSPs on GPU act like vertex units but "see" and process the code outputted by the SPEs on CELL the same way the SPEs themselves "see" and process it. The output of these SPE-like DSPs on the GPU goes into the barebones G70 core, which consists of nothing but pixel-pipes (no vertex units on G70 based core...waste of transistor logic) which is then outputted to the display.

In this way, the RSX would be like an inverted CELL with a stripped-down G70 core made up soley of pixel pipes instead of a PPE.

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ROG27 said:
I found this news perusing the net and although it's an old article...some of it is rather contextually insightful and some rather obvious.



Speaking at the JP Morgan technology conference, Burkett confirmed that no silicon has yet been created for the RSX - which is being designed by NVIDIA, but will ultimately be manufactured by Sony itself.

The tech demos shown off at E3, then, were all run on a different piece of hardware - a forthcoming desktop PC chip which, according to Burkett, shares some of its capabilities with the RSX [implying that it's definitely custom...and not something just repackaged].

Well from past experience, we know nVidia does ship early versions of a GPU to key developers. A company like EPIC might have already recieved an early G80, so that when GDC comes around they can show some new type of demo for Unreal Tournament 2007 or just the Unreal Engine. Even though it would be the PC version they could work on first, when the PS3 final developer kit finally arrived with the console version of the G80, the PC code base could be ported to the PS3 developer kit.

So right now PS3 developers might be using two platforms for their games. A CELL workstation to work on CPU code, and a PC with a alpha G80 to explore its new feature set. I think even CRYTEK, the maker of Farcry, hinted to something to the effect they are programming their next engine in a way to take advantage of CELL. They've already shown of some DX10 style engine technology for the PC market.

This would be a big win for nVidia because they would be getting games that take advantage of their latest and greatest GPU, creating high demand in the PC market. Medal of Honor sold over a million copies on the PC, and we know it's at least comming out on the PS3. Unreal Tournament 2007 is another big PC game, and EPIC has a lot of incentive to be on the cutting edge of technology because it sells middleware. I expect UT2007 in some way to exploit the technology in the G80 in the PC market. These two game we know for sure exist because they've been shown running off of some form of PS3 hardware.
DeanoC said:
Can I just say once and for all...

Nobody (who knows and doesn't have a death wish) is going to answer the questions

What if...
(a) I happened to be a dashingly beautiful woman with a twin sister, but you could only choose one of us, the only difference would be our names, my sisters name would be RSX-is-4-real and my name could be RSX-not-yet... who would you choose? :D

(b) I was a strikingly charming girl in your age flirting with you. Would you have some RSeX with me?

(c) catholic game devs confess RSXs existance to a priests, do they still go to heaven?

(d) If I was a serial ps3-dev killer, would you confess then?

Enough pestering the devs :D
I think its safe to say that RSX has taped out. I've had the comment "We're done with that" suggested to me in relation to NV's primary involvement, so I would say that at the very least NVIDIA's design and development is complete and its now mainly in the hands of Sony that are in control of the fabbing (how "done with it" is another question - through the respin process NVIDIA is obviously still going to be needed, but not to the same extent as in the design phase).
Dave Baumann said:
I think its safe to say that RSX has taped out. I've had the comment "We're done with that" suggested to me in relation to NV's primary involvement, so I would say that at the very least NVIDIA's design and development is complete and its now mainly in the hands of Sony that are in control of the fabbing (how "done with it" is another question - through the respin process NVIDIA is obviously still going to be needed, but not to the same extent as in the design phase).

Comment date? :oops:

Ok you knew that was coming!! :LOL:
Final Devkits shipped in December 05 have the final RSX chip, Here is a pic of the PS3 alpha kit:


Here is a pick of PS3 Beta Kit, that launch games will be finished on:


Here is a pic of the final PS3 devkit, 4,000 of these have just been shipped:

Blackice said:
Final Devkits shipped in December 05 have the final RSX chip, Here is a pic of the PS3 alpha kit:


Here is a pick of PS3 Beta Kit, that launch games will be finished on:


Here is a pic of the final PS3 devkit, 4,000 of these have just been shipped:


Kaz Harai never said 4,000 ps3 reference kits have been shipped...he just said 4,000 dev kits in general have shipped...I assume that's an accumlation of all iterations that have been shipped to date.
ROG27 said:
Kaz Harai never said 4,000 ps3 reference kits have been shipped...he just said 4,000 dev kits in general have shipped...I assume that's an accumlation of all iterations that have been shipped to date.

Sony did a chart of how many units they would ship each month, here is the chart, unfortunately December isnt on their, but it doesn't matter anyway, beacause Kaz already mentioned 4,000.

xbdestroya said:
Dude, c'mon...

They are JPG images, or "pic's" as I said, would you rather I said "here is a Joint Photographic Experts Group image"? (JPG) I could have called them a number of things, what is wrong with pic's ? (short for pictures) you look at pictures, you read text, they are for viewing, not reading. My first post and you have to criticize it, thanks for the welcome, I can see I will have fun here :rolleyes:

You wanted me to call them slides right? (jeez this place is picky)
Blackice said:
They are JPG images, or "pic's" as I said, would you rather I said "here is a Joint Photographic Experts Group image"? (JPG) I could have called them a number of things, what is wrong with pic's ? (short for pictures) you look at pictures, you read text, they are for viewing, not reading. My first post and you have to criticize it, thanks for the welcome, I can see I will have fun here :rolleyes:

You wanted me to call them slides right? (jeez this place is picky)

LOL... no. ;)

It's fine you call them whatever you like... pics, slides... believe me I don't care. I'm just wondering if you're thinking you're bringing new information to the table here with those Playstation Meeting slides.

Those very slides have been exactly what we've been referencing this entire time, and unless you can confirm for us personally that those dev kits have shipped, not many of us are willing to take on faith alone that a slide from July saying final kits will ship in December actually means that final kits shipped last month.

What we're looking for here is confirmation, one way or the other.

AND, we *don't* expect to get it! :cool:

(Incidently, did you read pg 5 of this thread before you posted that?)

PS - Welcome to the forum by the way, I'm not trying to give you too hard a time with all of this.
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xbdestroya said:
LOL... no. ;)

It's fine you call them whatever you like... pics, slides... believe me I don't care. I'm just wondering if you're thinking you're bringing new information to the table here with those Playstation Meeting slides.

Those very slides have been exactly what we've been referencing this entire time, and unless you can confirm for us personally that those dev kits have shipped, not many of us are willing to take on faith alone that a slide from July saying final kits will ship in December actually means that final kits shipped last month.

What we're looking for here is confirmation, one way or the other.

AND, we *don't* expect to get it! :cool:

(Incidently, did you read pg 5 of this thread before you posted that?)

PS - Welcome to the forum by the way, I'm not trying to give you too hard a time with all of this.

No I didn't read all the pages, I just assumed you didn't know final devkits had the RSX in them, final devkits which I read about elsewhere beginning shipment on the 9th December, forgive me if I missed something and oppologies for my last post.