Revolution release date revealed?

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Shifty Geezer said:
Because the release of a stronger branded and more powerful console, and unique controller+cheaper console, won't have the slightest impact on XB360 sales...?I'm sure MS just can't wait for the opposition to launch.

Depends on how many consoles nintendo and sony can ship. I tmay have no affect on ms
jvd said:
Depends on how many consoles nintendo and sony can ship. I tmay have no affect on ms
It's bound to steal mindshare. I'm sure there'll be people who walk into a game store and see either PS3 or Revolution and put off getting that XB360 as a result. Even if there's a shortage of hardware it's likely people who are swayed will save their money for later. eg. If the next Mario game has super-whizzmatastic control with the Rev controller and someone wants that, they'll wait for it rather than buy XB360. Yet if Revolution doesn't appear in the shops that same customer might see XB360's great graphics and buy on of those instead, never knowing that they'd prefer to save their cash for Revolution.

As I see it tThere's no way two consoles launching with have no effect on sales on XB360.
ERP said:
If it does launch in June, there is going to be very little in the way of 3rd party support. Just going from what devs currently know about revolution.
Also why launch in June, when in at least two of the territories Xmas sales are king?
Now Nintendo might do this, but it doesn't strike me as the best time for a launch.

Which is precisely why this launch time frame isn't going to happen ERP. Nintendo will/are going to be courting as much 3rd party western support as humanly possibe, the eastern support is already there.

Qroach said:
Well like i said that came from nintendo, and a friend of mine working with nintendo of japan directly. ERP confirm seems to think the same thing...

I'm not disagreeing with you at all Quincy, the specs have yet to be finalized. But certain development studios have a range of what to expect, as I've stated before my buddy works for the Treehouse & my brother-in-law at NST. Yes Guden, b/c with the GC is a reality, I wasn't correcting you simply for the sake of doing so. I'm not claiming to be any sort of insider, they just drop info to me that won't jeopardize their NDAs. Other things they are much more cryptic about, leaving it open for me to speculate on.

Metal said:
I'm still curious about what I'm going to see on screen from this console. I just wonder how much weaker it might be to the competition. I also find it curious the timing of this with the delay of the new Zelda game. Would make since to abandon the Cube and move it to the revolution. Especially if the technological jump from GameCube to Revolution isn't that big with the new controller interactivity being the selling point for the system.

It isn't being designed with any of the Rev's functionality in mind, & for the bilionth time it is a GC game & won't be jumping platforms. A 20-21 million+ installed userbase is certainly nothing to overlook, the majority of the LOZ:TPs sales will come from this base, & you certainly don't know what you're talking about by assuming the technological jump won't be "that big" Mr. Kaplan simply due to the new controller interface. It will be worthy of its next-gen designation.

Squeak said:
Because waiting a year to release a technically slightly inferior machine, just when the competition has gained momentum and an installed base would be suicide.
Nintendo needs to release as soon as Mario revolution is finished and not a moment sooner.

Xmas is not *that* important anymore, games sell well all year round.

Suicide wouldn't apply with a platform that truly differentiates itself, (interface control) has a lower price-point, free online, easier & not as cost prohibitive to develop for, etc. I believe you need to re-check your hardware & software % sales numbers in regards to Xmas as well.
Shifty Geezer said:
It's bound to steal mindshare. I'm sure there'll be people who walk into a game store and see either PS3 or Revolution and put off getting that XB360 as a result. Even if there's a shortage of hardware it's likely people who are swayed will save their money for later. eg. If the next Mario game has super-whizzmatastic control with the Rev controller and someone wants that, they'll wait for it rather than buy XB360. Yet if Revolution doesn't appear in the shops that same customer might see XB360's great graphics and buy on of those instead, never knowing that they'd prefer to save their cash for Revolution.

As I see it tThere's no way two consoles launching with have no effect on sales on XB360.

Or it can be someone who walks into a store with 500$ . He can buy a xbox 360 premium at 400$ plus 5 games or a ps3 and 2 games or whatever nitendos pricing will be

Remember next holiday season xbox 360 launch titles will be dirt cheap as will other games released through out the year. So even if there is no price drop on the hardware itself ms will still have the pricing advantage .

I'm sure that ps3 will get alot of looks . But will that looking turn into lost sales for ms .
I think that Li Mu Bai has the point here,what if it do have inferior spec but you dont see it as from 480p to 720p you may need to have nice coditions to see the difference (ie in a store with bad light for the purpose, on a normal TV etc..., remember that at pixel pipes they only need 1/3 at the same speed as low as ~6 pipes (compared to a X1800 for example)), but the price is 1/2; the games may also be cheaper; the console being unique it can be a great Xmas buy/present; plus remember that for the first time some games like a "real" SW light sabers games (eg) can be made and that alone would make a lot of buyers for Rev ,this can make gamers wit things; also a very probable 65nm.

I always thought that this gen (all) as going to release to soon, at least nintendo can make put themselfs on a differnt path, that allows them liberty, and they have the chances to use it.
jvd said:
I think you forget zelda's importance. Zelda is a huge title for nintendo. I know personaly (and i know it doesnt' account for to much but ) that want zelda but felt picking up the gamecube this year (when it was still coming out this year ) was a waste of time but when they heard the rev would be backwards compatible they were excited feeling they could get the rev and the new games the controller would bring and also some of the gems esp zelda from the gamecube for cheap .

As for zelda pushing the cube i don't think it matters. I'm just saying that zelda will make people buy nintendo systems that can run it .

Well the same argument could (and was in fact) made, that Mario, Metriod Prime, etc. are huge draws for Nintendo. And I don't disagree with that (though obviously WW wasn't enough to propel the GCN very far) but I personally don't think Zelda now will do much for getting more GCNs into homes - it's simply just too late to matter. Revs? I guess it might but really it should have something special tied into the Rev for maximum effect.

In the end, I think we agree that Zelda won't save the GCN but disagree as to it's effect upon Revolution uptake. /shrug - we won't know till we know. :)
The LOZ:TP doesn't have to attempt to do what cannot be done, it simply has to sell over 3 million+ units (or perhaps even considerably moreso with its mainstream aesthetic appeal & consumer anticipation) which it will do so with ease. Heck TWW is over 4 millon ww already iirc. Coincedentally, this isn't Nintendo's only promising GC release for '06. Baten Kaitos II, (looks beautiful, much better than the 1st imo) 2 Naruto fighters, (JPN's upcoming 4th iteration & its sequel) Kirby platformer, (utilizing the SSB:M engine) & some as of yet unannounced titles.
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jvd said:
Or it can be someone who walks into a store with 500$ . He can buy a xbox 360 premium at 400$ plus 5 games or a ps3 and 2 games or whatever nitendos pricing will be

Remember next holiday season xbox 360 launch titles will be dirt cheap as will other games released through out the year. So even if there is no price drop on the hardware itself ms will still have the pricing advantage .

I'm sure that ps3 will get alot of looks . But will that looking turn into lost sales for ms .

jvd, you don't truly believe that the launching of 2 brand new consoles & their prerequisite "must-have" exclusive software will not seriously affect both the 360's mind as well as marketshare do you? Not that they are remotely in the same boat, but I remember the DC's games (many being superior to the PS2's launch line-up) being drastically discounted as well, it made absolutely no difference. 360 Launch titles will be dirt cheap next holiday? Are you certain? How long did Halo take to drop in price again? Any popular title with continously strong sales will remain at the same price point, (especially factoring in their production costs) only shovelware or those titles that have underperformed sales-wise will be "dirt cheap." Yes, those looks that the PS3/Rev receive will translate directly into lost sales for MS. You must be realistic here jvd.

So there is no pricing advantage in essence, & certainly not anything to deter the purchase of the newer consoles.
You know, I think sometimes little kids are a lot smarter than we believe... remember this?

"First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest!!"

Dreamcast failed
Sony ruled
and Nintendo made all the money

It'd be pretty funny if life broke down to nothing more than nursery rhymes...
In the UK it's "Third the one with the Hairy Chest". Hence XB360 is the worst hardware, PS3 the best, and Revolution released with...a fuzzy overcoat...:???:
Just want to give a hypothetical situation here. Let's say you're running a game on a PC with a X1800 GPU at 720x480 resolution with all features on then you change the resolution to 1280x720 with all features on. Will you see any difference in the visual effects? Will you see much difference in the resolution with AA enabled?

As for Zelda, I hope they thow in some Revolution specific treats onto the GOD.
PC-Engine said:
Just want to give a hypothetical situation here. Let's say you're running a game on a PC with a X1800 GPU at 720x480 resolution with all features on then you change the resolution to 1280x720 with all features on. Will you see any difference in the visual effects? Will you see much difference in the resolution with AA enabled?

As for Zelda, I hope they thow in some Revolution specific treats onto the GOD.

If the effects are the same the only difference should be the fremerate (aside the better qualittity of image overall).

About the AA there is a old thread about it.
Li Mu Bai said:
It isn't being designed with any of the Rev's functionality in mind, & for the bilionth time it is a GC game & won't be jumping platforms. A 20-21 million+ installed userbase is certainly nothing to overlook, the majority of the LOZ:TPs sales will come from this base, & you certainly don't know what you're talking about by assuming the technological jump won't be "that big" Mr. Kaplan simply due to the new controller interface. It will be worthy of its next-gen designation.

My post was complete speculation on my part, and I framed it as such. I don't think I need to be reminded from a GAFER that "I don't know what I'm talking about" when I clearly never stated I was coming to the table with clear facts. Perhaps you could learn something from my posting style. It's the way the internet was before the ******s invaded the forums.
Metal said:
My post was complete speculation on my part, and I framed it as such. I don't think I need to be reminded from a GAFER that "I don't know what I'm talking about" when I clearly never stated I was coming to the table with clear facts. Perhaps you could learn something from my posting style. It's the way the internet was before the ******s invaded the forums.

No you did not frame it as speculation, it was your own opinion presented & there was no clear fact ever presented. Look at who joined here 1st, whether you were a lurker here before or not. pcostabel, panajev, ERP, as well as many respected others also post on the GAF boards. So are they somewhat beneath you now as well? This "GAFFER" (btw I'm not there any longer) also has access to sources that you do not, so that is why I corrected your opinion. I also figured you were trolling subtetly, my mistake.
Belmontvedere said:
What about price? A launch price below $200 would be excellent. Definitely below $300.

Price and what the system is go hand in hand, so it depends on what you think the system will be.

If you think it's something very similar to the PS3 or 360 in power and has that controller that is certainly more expensive to produce than a standard gamepad then you should expect it to be in the $300 range. Anything below that is unrealistic unless you also think Nintendo is willing to take a big loss on the hardware.

If you think Nintendo is willing to make some sacrifices in certain hardware to save on manufacturing costs then they could easily launch at the $200 price point.
Would the 720p ---> 480p make less need for pixelpipes, high speed memory (memory capacity also if they will use lower rez tex, normal maps etc...) which is some of the most , lower capacity power suply there quite a few places here they can spend much less money than S or MS.
pc999 said:
Would the 720p ---> 480p make less need for pixelpipes, high speed memory (memory capacity also if they will use lower rez tex, normal maps etc...) which is some of the most , lower capacity power suply there quite a few places here they can spend much less money than S or MS.

Yes, they could use a lesser GPU and less RAM and still look "as good" as their competition if they stick to 480p as a maximum resolution.

Of course, "Ass good" is entirely subjective. I doubt you'll find very many PC gamers that think 640X480 looks "as good" as 1024X768 even when running the exact same game with the same settings.
Powderkeg said:
Yes, they could use a lesser GPU and less RAM and still look "as good" as their competition if they stick to 480p as a maximum resolution.

Of course, "Ass good" is entirely subjective. I doubt you'll find very many PC gamers that think 640X480 looks "as good" as 1024X768 even when running the exact same game with the same settings.

:LOL: Was that on purpose?
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