Revolution release date revealed?

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Ok well there we go then:

Talking about the Revolution in an interview with Nikkei Business, Iwata stated, "I can only say that it's coming out during 2006, but it will be after the current fiscal year. We hope to make it a simultaneous worldwide release as much as it's possible."
Thought this was an interesting comment from Iwata in that Gamespot report.

"It [the Revolution] would be a complete failure if we didn't sell more units than the Nintendo GameCube,"

So, now we know what Nintendo considers to be a complete failure, and apparently that is anything less than where they are now.
Powderkeg said:
Thought this was an interesting comment from Iwata in that Gamespot report.

So, now we know what Nintendo considers to be a complete failure, and apparently that is anything less than where they are now.

**But they're making a profit!!!!11**
So, now we know what Nintendo considers to be a complete failure, and apparently that is anything less than where they are now

Every company aims to improve from one generation to the next. Not to mention Revolution is aimed at gaining new customers. Therefore anything less then GC's users plus new users would obviously be a failure of the whole "Revolution" concept. Iwata's words have little direct correlation to GameCubes situation.
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Powderkeg said:
So, now we know what Nintendo considers to be a complete failure, and apparently that is anything less than where they are now.
No, they would regard the current level of GC sales for Revolution as a failure of Revolution. And that's not hard to see why. They believe there's a huge untapped market out there which they think will flock to Revolution. If they only make 20 million sales in 5 years, even making a trillion dollars profit, it shows their belief was wrong and their philosophy failed. I'm sure Nintendo would have loved the GC to do better than it has, but it hasn't driven the company to ruin so I doubt they consider it an absolute flop. GC's purpose was to make more money for Nintendo from the existing market. Rev's purpose is to make money on a new market, and on that it needs to be judged.
Shifty Geezer said:
No, they would regard the current level of GC sales for Revolution as a failure of Revolution. And that's not hard to see why. They believe there's a huge untapped market out there which they think will flock to Revolution. If they only make 20 million sales in 5 years, even making a trillion dollars profit, it shows their belief was wrong and their philosophy failed. I'm sure Nintendo would have loved the GC to do better than it has, but it hasn't driven the company to ruin so I doubt they consider it an absolute flop. GC's purpose was to make more money for Nintendo from the existing market. Rev's purpose is to make money on a new market, and on that it needs to be judged.

Well now now, i'm sure that if they make 1 trillion, they won't even care about games consoles anymore! They'd go for private space holidays business. Or something like that. Advertised by Mario.
But they're making a profit!!!!11

Good point, your absolutely right there. Though I think you should try to post in a more calm manor, that post made you look a little bit fan-boyish, just FYI.
Teasy said:
Good point, your absolutely right there. Though I think you should try to post in a more calm manor, that post made you look a little bit fan-boyish, just FYI.

It was a sarcastic post. Making fun of the people who will come in and just tell us how Nintendo are making a profit so it doesn't really matter if they sell a lot or not.
Teasy said:
Every company aims to improve from one generation to the next. Not to mention Revolution is aimed at gaining new customers. Therefore anything less then GC's users plus new users would obviously be a failure of the whole "Revolution" concept. Iwata's words have little direct correlation to GameCubes situation.

I wasn't referring to the Gamecube other than to say that is where the line is drawn between success and failure. If the Revolution sells like the GCN, it will be a failure. Not only a failure, but a complete failure.
Shifty Geezer said:
No, they would regard the current level of GC sales for Revolution as a failure of Revolution.

Why do you say "no" and then agree with me?

I made no claim that the current generation was a failure, only that the current numbers would represent a complete failure next-gen.

It's something to keep in mind, because companies rarely continue following a path that led them to complete failure. It sounds to me that if the Revolution doesn't sell better than the GCN that Nintendo may be in for some heavy restructuring in their future console strategies.
Some important aspects to consider when reading this news forrumites: (directed towards anyone even considering this to be even partially factual)

-A worldwide June launch a mere month after its official "coming out party" at E3?

-Launching 2 months after the LOZ:TP would represent somewhat of a conflict of software interests imo as TP is not a next-generation title, the Revolution's software launch will be. 20-21 million+ GCs will have sold by then ww, all of these consumers may not be picking up a Rev upon release or at all for that matter. Backwards compatability has no meaning for them, but the upcoming TP does.

-Last but certainly not least, the source. Despite their intentions, the site's credibility for news of this magnitude is very seriously in doubt. An erroneous track record has been established for reliable information over the years, many more misses than actual hits.
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DemoCoder said:
I have a sneaky suspicion that Revolution's GPU will be an R520 or R580 equivalent given the timeline.

Lets hope that's true, my worry is that it will only have hardwired T&L and combiner.
V3 said:
Lets hope that's true, my worry is that it will only have hardwired T&L and combiner.

Be serious V3, the Broadway GPU will certainly be advanced enough. It's the Rev's dedicated Hollywood CPU is its weak point comparatively speaking, or so I've been told.
Powderkeg, so you weren't trying to say that Iwata's comment shows that Nintendo consider GameCube to be a complete failure? Sounded like it to me, but if you say so then ok.

Lets hope that's true, my worry is that it will only have hardwired T&L and combiner.

Why would you worry about that V3? There's no reason or logic behind the idea.

Be serious V3, the Broadway GPU will certainly be advanced enough. It's the Rev's dedicated Hollywood CPU is its weak point comparatively speaking, or so I've been told.

Broadway is the CPU and Hollywood is the GPU.
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DemoCoder said:
I have a sneaky suspicion that Revolution's GPU will be an R520 or R580 equivalent given the timeline.

Why put a hi rez beast in a console that is not suposed (as standard, at least) do HDTV:?:, probably making a shader intensive (I hope for a "GPGPU" ready one) GPU would make much more sense IMO.

Plus, unless it is a very moddified version, that probably would generate to much heat.
Li Mu Bai said:
-Launching 2 months after the LOZ:TP would represent somewhat of a conflict of software interests imo as TP is not a next-generation title]
Different markets. One doesn't neccessarily interfere with the other. Besides, Rev is backwards compatible, or so they say anyway. Or perhaps the game is delayed because it's being updated for Rev and will be released for both formats! *wild stary Doc Brown look*
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