I'm pretty passionate about Resistance, and it just bothers me to see so many people ripping on the game because it's not a rehash of it's predecessor.
Those people are just as passionate about Resistance is what you need to understand. No one wishing for its predecessor is
not a fan of it, know what I mean? I *want* the bullet storms, the head shots, the speed, the quick kills. It rewards becoming a more able player in ways that XP points and weapon loadout options don't. You are, literally, a better player - and it means something.
Like I stated before, I think it has more to do with message board gamers in general secluding themselves to high profile titles only, thus having a very 'hard to reach' standard, and these games that are great get ripped apart, without a passing notice to how bad it COULD have been.
I think you need to get over this illusory bugbear of yours concerning gamers, message boards, 'other titles,' and contrasts. You can be certain that Insomniac, for instance, has played/explored a number of the high profile titles that are out there. If you disdain other players playing "mainstream" titles, do you disdain developers playing each others' games? Or checking out the competition? I think like most things, you are better served by having played more rather than less.
This may seem like from another world, but I recall a recent Project Runway episode, where the competitor was told that her creation resembled another famous designers; her response was equal parts 'so what?' and 'I'm not familiar with their work.' To which the judges response was essentially, if you aren't familiar with their work, you should be, if this is the industry you wish to be active in.
That's not anything at Insomniac, but rather towards your idea that folk hurt themselves by comparing one product to another. How, as a human being, can you
not compare your experiences? To which the answer is not: have fewer experiences.
Anyway, for my part, I don't own
any FPS' for the PS3 other than Resistance, and Resistance 2 - that shows you the extent of 'hardcore' I am for this game in terms of it being all I need. When I talk about my preferences for MP, it has nothing to do with any coloration stemming from other titles, because I haven't played those to begin with. It stems from changes to Resistance and within that context alone. R1 is a game that me and my former roommates played for hours and hours, both splitscreen in the same room (death match and co-op both), or online. I even created a different player account for them on my PS3 that's how often they were on this thing. When I recently got one of these friends a PS3 for his wedding, the first game he wanted to borrow? R1 - and this nearly two years after its launch.
I'm going to be spending a large amount of time over the next couple of days on R2 MP and Co-op, just because that's next up for me to do anyway. Honestly when I posted about the game a page or two ago, a discussion on MP wasn't what I was looking for. I'm not trying to tear it down whatsoever; by the same token, if my views are considered 'wrong,' I'm of course going to defend them.
I would honestly rather be talking about the SP campaign, and what others felt in terms of the pacing, structure, scope, and presentation.