Resistance 2

If that were true it would always be slow, which it isn't. Only last week I downloaded Quest for Booty on my brothers PS3 and it took about an hour despite being twice as big as the Resistance 2 beta.

Bandwidth demand. It's quite possible the R2 beta is on a separate server to accomadate the large download demand (especially since it's 2GB) and trying to download that while it's in high demand may be the reason for the slow speeds.

I've had times where I've downloaded a game of 1 or more gigabytes in 30 minutes, and other times it's taken north of an hour and a half. It all just depends on your bandwidth, their bandwidth, the distance between the servers, that specific servers load, etc. Too many variables to really narrow it down to one cause.
Well, if you have an internet connection, both of you can play Split Screen online. Basically, the two of you still play, *and* play with 6 other people. Best of both worlds :cool:

Do you mean that split-screen co-op (2 local players) can be played with 6 other people who are online?

If so, then that is insane.
Same as Warhawk (allows 4 player split screen with online) and it's definitely the best solution. Playing oin the same room as a mate is genrally more fun than online with the same, even though online, a whole screen to yourself, nets you a better game experience.
I shelled out (wasted) money on a Qore subscription and the beta Episode and I have yet to receive my code. So I'm stuck reading beta impressions and they've been mixed, particularly in regards to the MP visuals. What's this I hear about rubbish, blurry textures, unremarkable lighting and ugly vegetation? The offscreen shots available dont support the comments about the lighting, but what of the other issues? Can someone comment on that?
I shelled out (wasted) money on a Qore subscription and the beta Episode and I have yet to receive my code. So I'm stuck reading beta impressions and they've been mixed, particularly in regards to the MP visuals. What's this I hear about rubbish, blurry textures, unremarkable lighting and ugly vegetation? The offscreen shots available dont support the comments about the lighting, but what of the other issues? Can someone comment on that?

At first I thought they were average, but that was a quick play in the middle of the day. I spent more time with it at night in the dark, they are not bad. The maps are large and the amount of enemies and effects are huge. They won't stack up to a claustrophobic shooter like Gears, but they can compete with Halo3 easy enough.
Same as Warhawk (allows 4 player split screen with online) and it's definitely the best solution. Playing oin the same room as a mate is genrally more fun than online with the same, even though online, a whole screen to yourself, nets you a better game experience.

Yes, I see it online too. You them listed as Username and Username(2).

...That is too awesome. I guess I have no choice but to get this game....And I JUST got Fifa09 too :(
I shelled out (wasted) money on a Qore subscription and the beta Episode and I have yet to receive my code. So I'm stuck reading beta impressions and they've been mixed, particularly in regards to the MP visuals. What's this I hear about rubbish, blurry textures, unremarkable lighting and ugly vegetation? The offscreen shots available dont support the comments about the lighting, but what of the other issues? Can someone comment on that?

Let's put it like this:

Visually, it looks good, probably on par with Halo 3 multiplayer. That said, not ONE OTHER ENGINE on the market could support the amount of on screen action with such smooth performance. Not one.

When you're comparing 60 players to 16, or 10, it's just a joke to even harp on the multiplayer visuals. Anyone who says otherwise shouldn't be taken seriously.
Well, I take it back IGN :LOL:

Even though my code worked and the game starts up fine (all be it I cannot connect to or create any games) the Beta code I have probably won't work when the beta finally starts working tomorrow.

I guess Sony remembered they sent play some codes after Play sent them out as many people who received codes from them got an invalid code message. Hope I don't have to download it again tomorrow.
I take it you can play co-op on public servers,by that I mean it doesn't have to be someone you know on your friends list. The ones i have on my list don't seem to be into FPS games judging by their trophy comparison.
Hey Insomniac, this is what I want to play...

TEH-CJ @ GAF said:
I just Encountered the biggest battle i have ever seen!. there was 8 of us vs what looked like over 100 chimera!, 30 sentry bots, 3 titans. 2 steel heads and about 10 of those chimera with the big green shields ( forget there name). just picture war of the worlds or star wars...and times that by 10! no thats no exaggeration!, it was beyond epic!. lasers and bullets everywhere!, explosions going off, battle cries, chimera roaring, people flying through the air! it was something out of this fucking world!. being pinned down for a good 10 min i decided to outflank them from the side to get there attention but to my surprise (geen sheild chimera dude) spotted me and put his shield up in defense and charged at me!, i was scared shittles and started running from him! thinking he would pull back! but he was determined to kill me!. i ran back into the woods and he was still on my trail!. i turned around and decided to face him one and one!. he put his gun away and we both had a epic melle off for a good 5 min! before i killed him and he rolled down the hill and landed in the water.

Besides the horde, I would like to fight extremely vicious enemy (just ONE against 8 of us). Developers told us they toned down AI because smart enemies would be too frustrating to kill. I would like you to try take 8 of us down... with 3 medics on our side (Ha ha). Do it !

[size=-2]No one-hit kill cheats[/size]
ya IMO the texture work in the beta is kind of weak, it has parallex map on all the grounds and rocks but building and enviroments and characters are very poor. Other than that the lighting is very good and theres 1 location that I played in the 8 players co-op mode had like 30 grims charging at you at the sametime whats even cooler is they have to go across a river you can see they move slower and crazy water ripple effects everywhere. The game still run at a rock solid frame rate. Just which the AI could have been a bit more active.
ya IMO the texture work in the beta is kind of weak, it has parallex map on all the grounds and rocks but building and enviroments and characters are very poor. Other than that the lighting is very good and theres 1 location that I played in the 8 players co-op mode had like 30 grims charging at you at the sametime whats even cooler is they have to go across a river you can see they move slower and crazy water ripple effects everywhere. The game still run at a rock solid frame rate. Just which the AI could have been a bit more active.

Honestly, I don't think it's fair to talk about texture work when you're looking at about 50+ models on screen at any given time without any frame rate drops.
Resistance commercials...

Building-sized Poster:

TV Ad:
You guys get to see such cool full building ads :) ! Here, nobody knows what Resistance is !!!
Nice Ad, nice to see ad campaigns for such an awesome game, more people need to know about it !

EDIT: My ps3 gets hung up if I try to access the the XMB in-game. Anyone else?
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My ps3 just got hung up twice :( ! I quit playing after that. It started happening yesterday. Earlier the in game XMB was very slow, now the ps3 just hangs.
That TV commercial is just tacky in my opinion. They should let the game itself do the talking. It's dangerous to let some hack actors represent the product instead.

I didnt like the commercial either, what shoddy and unconvincing acting.
Why dont they just air an updated version of the E3 trailer, that's the only good R2 trailer I've seen. R1 trailers were so much better than this.