Resistance 2

Not just mad xp, but mad kills and great k/d ratios. The damage they do is slow, but it's steady DPS and if you chain the shot, you're hitting two enemies at once for that same slow DPS all while keeping your HP completely full. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like there's enough burst damage in the other kits to really justify their lack of self-heals.

From what I hear medic is still not very popular, which makes me think there is also coolness factor that needs be taken into the balancing equation.

I imagine, when most people wants to play medic, there will be a problem, followed by a patch.
From what I hear medic is still not very popular, which makes me think there is also coolness factor that needs be taken into the balancing equation.

I imagine, when most people wants to play medic, there will be a problem, followed by a patch.

Here's hoping they buff, not nerf. Noted, I'm only level 6, so maybe some of the unlockable gear the other kits get far offsets this. But I sorta hope not, balancing through grind-specific gear is just bad design IMO.
From what I hear medic is still not very popular, which makes me think there is also coolness factor that needs be taken into the balancing equation.

I imagine, when most people wants to play medic, there will be a problem, followed by a patch.

The people who do play medic, usually play medic very well. I play medic almost exclusively, or play Spec Ops. I really enjoy the "support" role, plus I'm really good with the secondary weapons as both Spec Ops and Medic. I generally finish top 3 in co-op titles, and playing spec ops in co-op has made me *very* good in Competitive with the Marksman.
Not just mad xp, but mad kills and great k/d ratios. The damage they do is slow, but it's steady DPS and if you chain the shot, you're hitting two enemies at once for that same slow DPS all while keeping your HP completely full. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like there's enough burst damage in the other kits to really justify their lack of self-heals.

Yeah, I alwaya end up as the top player if I play as a medic, the XP is two fold you see. You get XP for killing enemies like everyone else, but also get XP for healing teammates.I guess that makes for the extra XP. The Spec-ops also gets extra XP for providing ammo, but that just +30 for an ammo pickup, I think.

How do you chain a shot? I don't think I know about that.

And as for other classes having extra damage, well, the Marksman has more than enough damage if you keep aiming at their heads. The shield guy (chimera with green shield) can be taken down in a few bursts if all of them are at the head.

People not playing as medic is not just about being uncool, but also coz it feels lame to just keep your gun pointed at the enemy and wait for him to die. I know th e medic is the backbone of the team, but when you encounter bosses(with red stars), all the medic can do is keep the gun pointed at him. The enemy is large and you don't have to worry much about aiming.(The Titan trying to shoot the mountain instead of you doesn't help either) We do have the carbine, but phoenix is the primary gun. IF it had some burst animation, like health leeching bullets coming out, it might have visually felt more like killing an enemy and dealing damage.

I don;t like being the soldier at all due to the lack of variety in it. All you can do is fire the Wraith, which has a very spread out aim. But the shield he possesses saves a lot of people behind him.

I finished co-op twice, both times seemed completely different. The ends were way different. Medic gets mad xp if played correctly too.
I played multiple times, and there seems to be two endings. Did anyone find more than two?
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How do you chain a shot? I don't think I know about that.

You're probably doing it already. It's automatic, you just have to target an enemy near other enemies. If you see two xp numbers popping up, you're hitting two enemies. And with it, as a medic I actually get top kills, or top 3 kills, and this along with healing and rezzing. You can hold your gun on an enemy and rez an ally. Healing is just 'zap! zap!'.

People not playing as medic is not just about being uncool, but also coz it feels lame to just keep your gun pointed at the enemy and wait for him to die. I know th e medic is the backbone of the team, but when you encounter bosses(with red stars), all the medic can do is keep the gun pointed at him. The enemy is large and you don't have to worry much about aiming.(The Titan trying to shoot the mountain instead of you doesn't help either) We do have the carbine, but phoenix is the primary gun. IF it had some burst animation, like health leeching bullets coming out, it might have visually felt more like killing an enemy and dealing damage.

True, but I think people just don't realize how much damage they do. With the chaining, with the fact that medics can shoot through shields, with the fact that they're incredibly survivable (toss down berserk plus phoenix gun, and if something doesn't kill you in one shot, it doesn't kill you) and hardly ever have to retreat, either for reloads or for health. Even the range isn't bad.

I don;t like being the soldier at all due to the lack of variety in it. All you can do is fire the Wraith, which has a very spread out aim. But the shield he possesses saves a lot of people behind him.

I liked playing soldier, but it's frustrating if you don't have the backup. You need a spec-ops with a close eye on your ammo. What I don't get, of course, are people who insist on playing soldiers with no spec-ops in the team. And then have to run around with a shotgun.
Also, I see very little Skirmish games going on. People are playing TDM on 60 MP maps. Skirmishes are much better in such cases as I t keeps the team together and it is fun to run as a pack from one objective to another instead of randomnly killing people. Also, that way you do get to roam the entire map too( which are huge )! Whenever I try to find Skirmishes, I hardly find any game going on and even if there is one then there are like only 10 people in it. I hope it changes as time passes and we have long Skirmishes too !
I don't want to miss out on the extra storyline and gameplay of the co-op but don't play MP ames so I don't have anyone else to play it with. I was hoping I could set up a 2 player private game then proceed alone. I guess it waits for another player to enter the game? I don't usually play coop games either so I'm not sure how the details work.

You can enter a private 2P co-op game using your 2 controllers. Simply select "Enter game" from both controllers. Then make 1 player stay behind the frontline to keep the game alive when you get killed.

Actually, you can play an offline coop game with just 1 player, and 1 controller. That way, you get the full screen.

Thanks for the asnwers about co-op. It will be interesting to how the difficulty is when I play a game meant for 2 players by myself. I heard the game scales for the number of people playing. I finished the first game on it's hardest(super human?) difficulty so I should fine.

As I mentioned above, you can play solo offline (no 2nd controller or anything). From my experiences, its a futile effort with anything but the medic. With the medic it can get pretty interesting. I've also played offline coop with a 2nd controller (by myself) and found that I was able to progress a lot further (with at least 1 medic).
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Sorry to be nagging and lazy, but is it confirmed now that there is offline splitscreen co-op?

Yes, you can play the Co-Op in split screen, offline, with 2 people. But, if you have internet, I don't know why you would want to do that anyway. Playing Co-Op with 2 people is difficult, and you're pretty much limited to either both playing as medics, or one spec ops one medic. Either way, it's difficult, long, and not nearly as fun.
Actually, you can play an offline coop game with just 1 player, and 1 controller. That way, you get the full screen.

That's news to me :oops:

As I mentioned above, you can be play solo offline (no 2nd controller or anything). From my experiences, its a futile effort with anything but the medic. But with the medic it can get pretty interesting. However, I've also played offline coop with a 2nd controller (by myself) and found that I was able to progress a lot further (with at least 1 medic).

Yes, I think "futile" explains it best. The developers mentioned that they designed co-op to be rewarding for multiple players anyway.
Yes, you can play the Co-Op in split screen, offline, with 2 people. But, if you have internet, I don't know why you would want to do that anyway. Playing Co-Op with 2 people is difficult, and you're pretty much limited to either both playing as medics, or one spec ops one medic. Either way, it's difficult, long, and not nearly as fun.

Thank you for confirming that. So I take it theres no way to play like we did the first one eh.

The reason some people prefer 2 player split screen co-op is simple : not all the people we know have a PS3 and internet connectivity with that console :p. In my case, when my girlfriend comes over, we might play some splitscreen co-op R2.
Got my beta code at last. Wish psn downloads weren't so slow. It's been downloading for well over an hour now on my 20 mbit connection should've finished in about 10 minutes not more than an hour!!
Got my beta code at last. Wish psn downloads weren't so slow. It's been downloading for well over an hour now on my 20 mbit connection should've finished in about 10 minutes not more than an hour!!

That's not how XBL/PSN work, they cap each user. They are not going to let the few people with high bandwidth suck the system dry at the expense of everyone else.
Thank you for confirming that. So I take it theres no way to play like we did the first one eh.

The reason some people prefer 2 player split screen co-op is simple : not all the people we know have a PS3 and internet connectivity with that console :p. In my case, when my girlfriend comes over, we might play some splitscreen co-op R2.

Well, if you have an internet connection, both of you can play Split Screen online. Basically, the two of you still play, *and* play with 6 other people. Best of both worlds :cool:

That said, kind of disappointed some of the old GAF members are tearing so hard about this game. RFOM was good, but aged and dated. I want to see the franchise grow, not remain stale for the sake of the few fans that were bonkers about R1.
That's not how XBL/PSN work, they cap each user. They are not going to let the few people with high bandwidth suck the system dry at the expense of everyone else.
If that were true it would always be slow, which it isn't. Only last week I downloaded Quest for Booty on my brothers PS3 and it took about an hour despite being twice as big as the Resistance 2 beta.