Not just mad xp, but mad kills and great k/d ratios. The damage they do is slow, but it's steady DPS and if you chain the shot, you're hitting two enemies at once for that same slow DPS all while keeping your HP completely full. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like there's enough burst damage in the other kits to really justify their lack of self-heals.
Yeah, I alwaya end up as the top player if I play as a medic, the XP is two fold you see. You get XP for killing enemies like everyone else, but also get XP for healing teammates.I guess that makes for the extra XP. The Spec-ops also gets extra XP for providing ammo, but that just +30 for an ammo pickup, I think.
How do you chain a shot? I don't think I know about that.
And as for other classes having extra damage, well, the Marksman has more than enough damage if you keep aiming at their heads. The shield guy (chimera with green shield) can be taken down in a few bursts if all of them are at the head.
People not playing as medic is not just about being uncool, but also coz it feels lame to just keep your gun pointed at the enemy and wait for him to die. I know th e medic is the backbone of the team, but when you encounter bosses(with red stars), all the medic can do is keep the gun pointed at him. The enemy is large and you don't have to worry much about aiming.(The Titan trying to shoot the mountain instead of you doesn't help either) We do have the carbine, but phoenix is the primary gun. IF it had some burst animation, like health leeching bullets coming out, it might have visually felt more like killing an enemy and dealing damage.
I don;t like being the soldier at all due to the lack of variety in it. All you can do is fire the Wraith, which has a very spread out aim. But the shield he possesses saves a lot of people behind him.
I finished co-op twice, both times seemed completely different. The ends were way different. Medic gets mad xp if played correctly too.
I played multiple times, and there seems to be two endings. Did anyone find more than two?