Resistance 2

Depends on what you are looking for in the game. R1 is more than adequate for a quick and intense experience. The only thing hard about R1 is the speed.

The additional constraints you suggest adds more "technical" balance but they also complicate matters (Makes it less enjoyable for "arcady" fun). LAARK and 40mm are powerful, but a seasoned player have ways to counter or avoid them. The long ranged grenades you mentioned are good counters for LAARK too (if you see them before they see you). Grenades are generally not a problem because it requires skills to throw them well.

Grenades didn't require as much "skill" as most seem to think, as the grenade generally traveled to wherever you point your crosshairs to.

To top it off, a LAARK / Grenade battle usually ends with both players dying, or the LAARK winning out.

Those layers do add more technical balance, as it makes everything easily accessible and balanced. Skirmish simply wouldn't be as fun or intense with weapon spawns or an all weapon system, nor is it going ot be very fun with faster characters, since you'll be running back and forth between control points / VIP's.

The speed now is wonderful, and more accessible to folks. Most people who didn't like R1 online didn't like the speed, and where it is now makes it more accesible to folks, which gives it a better change to succeed financially, which will eventually result in a 3rd installment into the series (on an HD console).

Honestly, I think the game should stay the way it is, and everyone should just adjust, it's not that bad, it's being blown WAY out of proportion because folks want it ot be R1 with new maps and modes. These are the SAME FOLKS who likely complain about buying Madden every year with little to no improvement.

(BTW, nothing against you man! We played a few games online in Co-op, great fun, I just tend to disagree with the opinion that it needs to be closer to R1). can't say there was not a weapon more powerful than the other and then exclude the two biggest prosecuters. Most high level players form groups and immediately camp weapon spawns for LAARKs and 40mm grenades. Loading up on LAARKs, 40mm's, and grenades pretty much made you a tank from long range. use a LAARK and you can take out a small squad. 40mm's are good for 1 or 2 people. Grenades? You have TONS to stock up on, and can use AirFuel grenades to corner folks and kill them with whatever long range weapon you chose.

Fact is, Resistance 1 had great weapon balance, but the ability to make yourself a walking tank was NOT balance, and it destroyed the game. That, and the lack of any penalty for moving while shooting and jumping off of high platforms.

In the last update on Rfom they lowered the respawn counter on the Laark and 40mm grenade. That's when the weapon whoring became too much. I only use them against people who used them on me. Most people in our clan felt that way. We would pick them up so they couldn't use them against us, and end up having to find someone in the clan who didn't already have one ir we found another one. And in clanwars the Laark was banned 90% of the time.
(BTW, nothing against you man! We played a few games online in Co-op, great fun, I just tend to disagree with the opinion that it needs to be closer to R1).

No hard feelings here ^_^

Grenades didn't require as much "skill" as most seem to think, as the grenade generally traveled to wherever you point your crosshairs to.

Argh, not so. In practise, it allows for much creativity during gun fight.

I am referring to situations where you need to deal with 2 or more opponents at the same time: Depending on the grenade type, timing and lobing a grenade at incoming enemies, and then engage with another one in front of you. A lot of it is by gut feel because things happen so fast.

There are also times when the enemies sniped from obscure corners and sheltered towers. Very often, it's either you or him within split seconds. Finding the right (unblocked) angle to throw is critical. If he's far enough, I cannot aim the throw at the cross hair.

To top it off, a LAARK / Grenade battle usually ends with both players dying, or the LAARK winning out.

Yes, mostly; but it's possible to counter as long as you can pull the right weapon in time. It is gratifying to see the LAARK blow back when you use Auger, or sniped a LAARker at the same time he killed you, or grenaded him and his buddies at the last minute, etc. ^_^

It is not often, but people cherish these moments and hope to repeat them.

The speed now is wonderful, and more accessible to folks. Most people who didn't like R1 online didn't like the speed, and where it is now makes it more accesible to folks, which gives it a better change to succeed financially, which will eventually result in a 3rd installment into the series (on an HD console).

Speed is the one I think requires further tweaking. I agree with you somewhat, but at the same time, I just find the speed addictive. :)

Tough decisions.
Speed and accuracy good, slow and inaccurate bad.
Speed and accuracy good, slow and inaccurate bad.

I'm beginning to think my being in the Army (you know, brainwashed and all) has something to do with my appreciation for R2.

Slow is fast, slow is effecient.

I understand why people might like the ease of R1, where you just have to point at someones head and shoot, but it felt so...uninvolved, in a way, to me. This feels much more engaging and visceral.
Short answer is yes. Long answer is (I think) a game is designed around some optimal speed. So the feel is different even if you fine tune your own control.

EDIT: I don't know about inaccurate aiming though. Don't seem to get that in R2. I think the beta has been really helpful so far to set expectations and also get a little more understanding behind the scene. Some of our feedback seems to have made it. I hope more do.
I really don't think R2's aiming system is inaccurate, I just think people are so accustomed to letting the auto aim take over while they use only the right stick to strafe has caused them to get comfortable. Playing a lot of UT3, CoD4, Halo 3, and R6V, I fell right into R2 and had a blast. It seems like a lot of the folks who hate it are the ones who played R1 almost exclusively.
Ha ha, damn you ! I used to play Halo 1 and 2 every night. UT3 was ok, but I didn't enjoy CoD4 as much.

I think Kittonwy is talking about something else in R2 (Not inaccuracy but specific weapon traits). Anyway, I don't want to talk too much about R2. Will check back with the beta forum to see if I get flamed for my feedback ^_^

Gamespot Qn A with Ted Price ;) !

The game is just about finished as I write this. Yet the three to four weeks before we deliver a final disc to the factory are always the most difficult. This is when we're fixing bugs, adding tons of polish, making tuning tweaks, and trying to keep our builds stable for the testing team. What's great is that all of our features are in, and the game is looking, sounding, and playing fantastic. Resistance 2 has become everything we hoped it would be.

Co-op has a branching structure where players can choose to move through the game in different ways. This ensures that there is tremendous replay value for the co-op mode.
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During the last three or four years, we've been continuously improving our engine, our in-game systems, and our tools. The returns we've seen from these efforts include many behind-the-scenes improvements that enable us to support a better game experience. For example our "hidden" tech improvements result in more enemies running better AI routines, larger and more detailed environments, seamless loading between levels, more believable atmospheric effects--the list goes on and on.

And, then, there are the really cool tech improvements that everyone should notice right away. Two of my favorites are a) the vastly improved shaders on both characters and environment objects and b) our revamped lighting system, which uses a combination of dynamic and baked lighting to create more vibrant environments. As a result, the game looks very different from Resistance: Fall of Man.

But one improvement I think everyone will notice is our new water. It's refractive, reflective, and can be tuned to create anything from muddy swamp water to a crystal clear Caribbean shoreline. It's fully interactive--meaning characters create very believable ripples and waves as they move around in it.

Does this mean no more loading? Will it be seamless like Uncharted and God of War? Has he confirmed it before?
I want to see R2's water in action, because it will probably be the most visually impressive element of the game. The water shaders at the very end of the E3 R2 trailer looked damn incredible.
I want to see R2's water in action, because it will probably be the most visually impressive element of the game. The water shaders at the very end of the E3 R2 trailer looked damn incredible.

This is the amazing tech they were talking about. *Predicts realtime flooding of city* :)
WTH... that's just irresponsible prediction :p

If they can do real-time flooding, they should do a game on Moses instead of WWII aliens.
WTH... that's just irresponsible prediction :p

If they can do real-time flooding, they should do a game on Moses instead of WWII aliens.

LOL ! :LOL: Anyways it would be great to see flooding water while you kill hordes of Grims ! that would make it a timed objective ! Also, if it gets too flooded you can swim but the Water chimeras( reapers or something) will bite your ass off :p!

Any news on when the public beta starts ?

EDIT: The Gamestop Managers' Convention presentation for Gears2 is out at gamrvideos, lets hope R2 video will come out soon too. They said they'll be showing new SP section !
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WTH... that's just irresponsible prediction :p

If they can do real-time flooding, they should do a game on Moses instead of WWII aliens.

I don't think it's irresponsible. I'm presuming here...but the level shown to everyone with the big beastie - it was swashling around in water. If that is Chicago (could be San Fran) then we've already seen gameplay where the streets aren't flooded...thus my presumption is we'll see it get flooded (this may be a bit close to home due to horrible hurricaine Iche.) Maybe it won't be realtime though.

And the water already looks good in the online San Fran level :) Good to hear they're adding the reaction. Plus we know there are swimming chimera this time... :D
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