Depends on what you are looking for in the game. R1 is more than adequate for a quick and intense experience. The only thing hard about R1 is the speed.
The additional constraints you suggest adds more "technical" balance but they also complicate matters (Makes it less enjoyable for "arcady" fun). LAARK and 40mm are powerful, but a seasoned player have ways to counter or avoid them. The long ranged grenades you mentioned are good counters for LAARK too (if you see them before they see you). Grenades are generally not a problem because it requires skills to throw them well.
Grenades didn't require as much "skill" as most seem to think, as the grenade generally traveled to wherever you point your crosshairs to.
To top it off, a LAARK / Grenade battle usually ends with both players dying, or the LAARK winning out.
Those layers do add more technical balance, as it makes everything easily accessible and balanced. Skirmish simply wouldn't be as fun or intense with weapon spawns or an all weapon system, nor is it going ot be very fun with faster characters, since you'll be running back and forth between control points / VIP's.
The speed now is wonderful, and more accessible to folks. Most people who didn't like R1 online didn't like the speed, and where it is now makes it more accesible to folks, which gives it a better change to succeed financially, which will eventually result in a 3rd installment into the series (on an HD console).
Honestly, I think the game should stay the way it is, and everyone should just adjust, it's not that bad, it's being blown WAY out of proportion because folks want it ot be R1 with new maps and modes. These are the SAME FOLKS who likely complain about buying Madden every year with little to no improvement.
(BTW, nothing against you man! We played a few games online in Co-op, great fun, I just tend to disagree with the opinion that it needs to be closer to R1).