Resistance 2

And the water already looks good in the online San Fran level :) Good to hear they're adding the reaction. Plus we know there are swimming chimera this time... :D

I heard some rumbling about this, but can Nathan swim this time ? Is there a new weapon ? Or does he just fire at the water Chimera from land (e.g., using Auger) ?
I heard some rumbling about this, but can Nathan swim this time ? Is there a new weapon ? Or does he justfire at the water Chimera from land (e.g., using Auger) ?

Yup he can. There are lots of new weapons...dont think he can go under water though.
Is it jsut a coincidence Nathan Hale and Nathan Drake share the same first name?

Heh, I wonder about that before. Did the NaughtyDog and Insomniac guys agree on a bet to create the best "Nathan" character ? Or do they have a common friend named "Nathan" ? :LOL:

They can't be more different. One is bald, battle hardened and hardly human anymore. The other is a regular whimpy guy with a knack for treasure hunting.
Heh, I wonder about that before. Did the NaughtyDog and Insomniac guys agree on a bet to create the best "Nathan" character ? Or do they have a common friend named "Nathan" ? :LOL:

They can't be more different. One is bald, battle hardened and hardly human anymore. The other is a regular whimpy guy with a knack for treasure hunting.

Yeah, but they both rock ! they are two wonderful games of my catalogue ;) !
I wonder if Snake's real name was nathan too :LOL: , maybe Ratchet was called Nathan in his home planet :LOL: !

Edit: I guess the lack of ps3 on my table is driving me sad and making me say such stupidities :( !
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Wimpy?! The guy can jump up his own height using his arms!

Heh... yes. It always amuses me when I see Nathan scale the fortress with his bare hands but he looks so vulnerable in front of that show host.

Doesn't Resistance 1 use auto-aim? If so, he is hardly impressive

Well, auto-aim or not, if someone ventured voluntarily and alone into monster infested tunnels and their base, he would be impressive by any measure.
Doesn't Resistance 1 use auto-aim? If so, he is hardly impressive

How does the auto-aim work in R:FOM? I didn't motice it in my three playthroughs.Whereas, in The Darkness demo I could see the crosshair snapping to enemies. I couldn't see any snapping of the crosshair or tendency to stay on the enemy in R:FOM, in fact, my crosshair used to be swaying side to side when I started playing R:FOM :LOL: as I was mainly a PC gamer before that and had lost touch with my ps2 after God of War II.

No, seriously, how does it work?
It's subtle - all it does is while you move your aim to an enemy, it stops just that little sooner while over an enemy than while not. At least, if I remember correctly. There may be other subtle assists. No snapping to though as far as I know.
Just something that came to my mind- Is there only one 60 player map in R2?
I think I heard that in the podcast, but can't confirm though. Is the 60 player map there in the beta you guys are playing?
There were more than one large maps. Don't know if they are for 60 players. Can't wait for the public beta so that I can talk about the maps more. ;-)
On the last podcast they said, all the maps could scale between 60, 40, 30, 20 and 10 players. And some maps having more then one version for 20 or 10 players. Making a total of 70 versions across the different sizes. That should be more than enough.:smile:
Ok. that makes sense... essentially like R1. Although one of the maps I saw (only once !)
@_@ <insert your favorite expletives here>
He means auto aim ;)

Yeah! :smile: I was confused about that for quite some time too! I was wondering Turning on Anti Aliasing???? in a console game??? Took me sometime to understand. Heh ! heh!
I don't remember turning it on though, seems like I played without it then ;) !

@Cornsnake: I don't think all maps can scale, as all maps are not that huge to support 60 player battles. I'll have to listen to the podcast again, but all can't be 60 player, but yes, the 60 player map can have some areas shut out for smaller skirmishes.
I think it was episode 31 or 32 of the podcast where they mentioned the no. of 60 player maps. I'll check.

EDIT: I checked the podcast, they are mentioning that one whole 60 player map is divided into 40 MP map, and 2 20 player and 4 10 player maps and so on, multiple variations!
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