Rage (id Software)

I thought Rage was an interesting new direction for id. It could have been fleshed out a lot more of course. And the end area felt like a blast back to Quake 4 or something. Plus the consoles undoubtedly gimped the megatexture quality.
Rage is even better second time through when you know the mechanics inside out.

Third time through, on Nightmare, was my favourite though. With the spiky gauntlet things. Popping mutant heads with fists, Popping bandit heads with fat mammas. Playing ... cards.

I love Rage so much.

Rage has moar grphx in Wellspring than Borderlands has in the entire game. It may only be half a game, but it's a great half.

That was the saddest bit about Rage. If they'd thought about the game a little more and fleshed it out with more missions and actually created a second half it would have out Borderlanded Borderlands. As it stands it's just a showcase for the ID Tech and not a very well rounded game.
Imho, the art in rage was stunning and the gameplay was great. However the end really was abysmal. I seriously thought I began the third & last act of the game when the credits rolled. Note that if the game was that bad, people wouldn't complain that much about the end.
Rage 2 please, and this time, don't worry about adding too much rpg elements in the mix :D
I've never been able to finish Doom 3, everytime I start playing it with the goal of finishing it and get bored before I reach halfway in the game. It's just too monotonous and not fun. You know there's never going to be more than 3 monsters to shoot at, you know there'll be monsters appearing out of the darkest corner and your back, you know that this is what the entire game is about.
I've never been able to finish Doom 3, everytime I start playing it with the goal of finishing it and get bored before I reach halfway in the game. It's just too monotonous and not fun. You know there's never going to be more than 3 monsters to shoot at, you know there'll be monsters appearing out of the darkest corner and your back, you know that this is what the entire game is about.

Everytime I've got as far as the first pinkie, crapped myself and stopped playing. With the lights out and headphones on it's still the scariest game I've played.
Everytime I've got as far as the first pinkie, crapped myself and stopped playing. With the lights out and headphones on it's still the scariest game I've played.

Agreed, there is no scarier game that I am aware of. That alone makes Doom 3 a landmark game. I'd welcome some suggestions if anyone disagrees.
Agreed, there is no scarier game that I am aware of. That alone makes Doom 3 a landmark game. I'd welcome some suggestions if anyone disagrees.
The only scary portion was the first level (or was it 2?)m then it was painfully schematic - run forward, get ambushed, blast freaks. you can even tell by the level design every turn you should aim at the corners o the hallways.

in terms of jump scares even the first RE beats it (dogs bursting through the window), in terms of suspense - well there is no suspense and quick saves make sure you never fear of dying.
Ok, so YOU didn't think Doom3 was scary, but I'm creeped out by the game to the point I really REALLY wouldn't want to play it at night, or shit, even without company regardless of the time of day... Lol.

I just don't like all the creepy things-going-bump noises and weird breath sounds and the way Bad Stuff comes jumping at me out of the darkness. And yeah, the mildly humorously titled concept of "monster closets" are a tempting target to snipe at perhaps, but the original doom was basically little EXCEPT "monster closets", and nobody ever fucking complained about that ever, and instead held the title as a hallmark game.

The amount of monsters spawning out of closets in D3 are a decided minority anyway, most are just lurking ahead of the player, triggered by reaching certain points on the map. Some teleport in, rather than lurk. And gee whiz, a few sit doodling in a monster closet until the Nameless Hero shows up, big deal.

The handful of Hell levels are the ones I deal with most easily because there's relatively few scare-moments there. Monsters generally just come straight at me, like much of the original Doom.
I can't see how a game like FEAR or Condemned (especially) can be said to be less scary than Doom 3. And we aren't even talking about games like Amnesia or Penumbra.
I rather enjoyed what I played of DOOM 3 and Rage, but they're not super duper fantastic games. IMO, they're just really, really solid.
Condemned was creepy as hell I remember. I couldn't get very far into it. That, and the fact my launch-gen 360 made so damn much noise from howling fans and the roaring DVDROM I could scarcely hear myself think over all that racket... Would be very interesting to re-visit the game on a hopefully whisper-quiet future xbox. :) It seemed very well made from what I played of it, the story especially if perhaps not so much technically since it's a first-gen 360 title.
terror rankings
1)Amnesia, Penumbra, System Shock 2
3)Doom3, FEAR, Condemned
Ok, so YOU didn't think Doom3 was scary, but I'm creeped out by the game to the point I really REALLY wouldn't want to play it at night, or shit, even without company regardless of the time of day... Lol.

I just don't like all the creepy things-going-bump noises and weird breath sounds and the way Bad Stuff comes jumping at me out of the darkness. And yeah, the mildly humorously titled concept of "monster closets" are a tempting target to snipe at perhaps, but the original doom was basically little EXCEPT "monster closets", and nobody ever fucking complained about that ever, and instead held the title as a hallmark game.
I just dont understand why anyone would pick out Doom 3 as example of a scary game, it still could`ve been a hallmark game for other reasons(but I definitly dont say it was :LOL:)

There are already some examples of really unnerving games mentioned, the worst ones for me are where you are nimble enough not to kill a room full of badies and unlike pretty much any FPS, cant pacify a whole section till you run down the next hallway (or whatever).

With Doom3, pretty much any danger jumped right in front of your loaded gun and after a few blood splatters you can run around freely everywhere except the next hallway. The thing about the bloody footsteps and occult rooms was done nicely though and I would have a different opinion if these threads would have continued after the first few levels.
Agreed, there is no scarier game that I am aware of. That alone makes Doom 3 a landmark game. I'd welcome some suggestions if anyone disagrees.

PC only? I guess Dead Space had it's moments. But again they were all monster closet type cheap scares.

Go play the Fatal Frame or Siren games if you really want to be scared, creeped out and unsettled. Also Silent Hill 1 was up there, back in the day I guess. It's a little harder to scare now with the primitive graphics.
I`ve played Doom 3 on a Radeon R200 GPU/p3 1ghz, athlon xp 3200+, geforce 6800gt, geforce 7950gt, athlon X2 6400+ and Geforce gts 250 1GB AA/AF maxed and even in god mode due to game design and cheap death flaws the game is still psychologycaly able to scare you with its use of volume and dark shadows and later with the creepy hell level.

However the game missed the cinematic point as well as gameplay evolving over the years where IdSoft made some rather daft decisions like flash light to gun switching which is what really detracted many from the game because it just did not make sense, it was a clueless and shortsighted design flaw.

both Doom 3 and ROE on PC did have a few cinematic moments that could have enhanced the story more if not for their also crappy and short ending scenes.

The biggest problem I had was the lost potential of the 2002 leaked Doom3 E3 alpha demo which seemed to hint at animated death sequences with the hellknight decapitating you and eating the head.
Also lost was the demons eating the zombies stomach showing chaotic demon AI eating the lesser possessed lost souls.

Doom3 had big flaws but the shadows and how they were used to be the main boogieman were quite effective, I urge people here who have not finished the game to just go god mode, I can bead Killzone 2 on elite difficulty and have beaten Halo series on legendary... Doom3 is too cheap in that gameplay aspect so skill, headshots, and cover is more like frustration and cluster fuck.
RAGE however was far superior to borderlands, it just comes down to quality models, graphics over bland low poly mess with more and more missions looking at the same thing.
the ending sequence is tipical Idsoft John Carmack showing that maybe he doesn`t watch films... Or play videogames... Not that he should play but Contra`s ending is fondly remembered for being climactic even though it was nes graphics, its aged like fine wine in that sense.
Rage needed an ending that either set up a bigger conflict.
That would lead to a sequel or sent hordes and giants at the player where insert cliche sequence and you set of some detonators, kill them all, think your dead and wake up somewhere else or see a new threat or something. In fact I feel game devs should make multiple endings for these action rpg fps games but thats just me... Maybe its a lost art or its too expensive.
the console versions of rage were decent and most console games only complained of the end... Id soft has to learn from that, not give the gamers what they want or imitate other games but show that they played the game and made the proper ending or set up epilogue.