Rage (id Software)

RAGE is pure ART! The shooting and enemy AI is also awesome but yeah the ending is the worst of any AAA in the last 10 years. The game as a whole simply feels like 1/3 of a full game. The development was pure hell at id at that time and it really shows IMO. And don't expect anything like it anymore given the success of DOOM (pure mayhem shooter = more $$$ than "story based" FPS) and the fact that most of the RAGE dev & art team is no longer at id software anymore.
Yup it's actually the enemy behaviour which feels so next gen like. I mean KZ2 also had great hit reactions but it's something else here. Shot a guy in his backside and the bugger clutched his bum and tried to run away [emoji14] ! Never has a game done that before ! Hahaha..also the way they dart around avoid grenades and try to foil my gadget usage makes it so dynamic. And it looks fantastic makes u just lose urself and feel even angrier at fo4 for looking that bad on next gen !

This tech as well as this ip deserves another go at newer hardware. We did get Wolf games but those weren't the iD dna shooters. We need that and this kindof awesome art!
Back to playing.

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Well as far as I can tell, the new Doom engine has enough of the virtual texturing tech from Rage that it should be possible to create similarly detailed and uniquely textured environments. It also has a proper dynamic lighting system and more advanced shaders so it could do even better.

However, technology isn't the only constraint on the art content for such a game... unfortunately. The amount of work to re-dress Doom (4) like this would be, well a quick guess, somewhere around 5-10 times as much as actually went into it. The game world is probably as big, but the texel density is way higher. It would be just waaaay too expensive to make.
On top of that, the storage requirements would multiply at least as much, and as far as I now Doom was already something like 78 GB! of data.

So I believe that, at least for the near future, Rage is going to remain to be a unique and beautiful demonstration of what a game without constraints could look like.
For me this and Killzone 3 were my biggest video game mistakes since 2006. Both were even released in the same year. In 2011 I found Dead Island, Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 much better while RAGE was boring for me. In my point of view AI and animations were the best elements of this game.

I do not like the graphics either. The game world was extremely static. Nearly every shadow was pre-calculated etc. Since I even found DOOM 3 graphically more impressive in 2011 than RAGE. Technologically the last Wolfenstein is similar to RAGE.
I like the newly written engine much better but it also has some graphical weaknesses.

Megatexture is also used in the new DOOM but I am only convinced by this technology with far sighted areas. Battlefield 1 also uses some megatexture like tech on larger distance in Battlefield 1 to make the terrain look better on a high distance compared to traditional video games where the texture does repeat itself visible for the player.
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Hey let's not forget that Rage, Wolfenstein The New Order, The Evil Within and Dishonored 2 are all similar in technology and have some great texture work. Dishonored 2 looks really amazing at times, quite an evolution of that tech.
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Finished it ! What a fab fab game and I feel its the most well imagined world in a video game, by that I mean I love the imagination, the art, the colours everything! Each area made me go wow ! If only ps3 had a share button I would save each location. Will play again on the PC once I sort out that diagonal tearing issue on my laptop and will make myself some superb wallpapers. But fantastic ! :D
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As for the ending, yea, even with the Marshal clearly telling me that this was the last mission, it just ended abruptly ! I was waiting for a final end boss or for all helll to break lose to use my BFG ! I never even got to use it as I was saving its ammo for the endboss which never appeared ! :LOL: ! All the missions prior to it were very very well designed, the maze like level design like KZ2 just feels fantastic to navigate, the reverse Dead City was so unexpectedly awesome too ! and one can clearly see they had a lot of stuff for the game which never got fleshed out. All those factions got just one mission each honestly. If it had gotten completed properly, I guess, it would have been a game to reckon with. Whatever it is right now, even this is purely amazing And I havent even seen it in its full glory yet on PC !

Damn, i wish this IP gets resurrected at iD and they actually get to make it as expansive as they intended to make it ! Though I highly doubt that will ever happen and that makes me a sad man :( !
Usually people just rag on about how awful some of the areas look. It's refreshing to see appreciation for the stunning work otherwise seen in it.

My main complaint with the engine is the pop in. It's mostly an issue when playing with a mouse because you can turn so quickly. Also, the lighting of idTech5 is so limited. Outdoor areas that are permanently sunny look great, but the limitations crop up elsewhere...
Hey let's not forget that Rage, Wolfenstein The New Order, The Evil Within and Dishonored 2 are all similar in technology and have some great texture work. Dishonored 2 looks really amazing at times, quite an evolution of that tech.
That makes me really excited for Dishonored 2. I will dive in once I am back to my ps4, currently going back to th eps3 has made me realise how goos the games were over there and I finding it hard to come back to the ps4 or pc.

As for RAGE 's art, yea, its so unlike other shooters, the Jackals, the City above Subway town, etc etc have such a fantastical look to them. You never get such amazing beautiful places in shooters ever. the artists must have been so heart broken when this game did not shake up the gaming world. It deserved to. I really wish Bethesda sees the potential and revisits this world again, its so well done. One can hope that after finishing DOOM iD might just be working on RAGE 2, might just be !
Imagine you're having an amazingly great time and then out of nowhere with no indication or warnings everything just stops; you didn't even know you were in the last two minutes of the game.

That's how the experience was described to me.
Well, they do tell you its ur last mission but yea, no boss fight, no end level, it just ended. Damn, i didn't even get to shoot my BFG that I was given for the last mission -_- . I am gonna replay on PC and take that BFG to every side mission and use th heck out of it before doing the last mission.
Here's a pro tip. You can save screenshots on regular PS3 [and later transfer them to USB stick], but not in all games.

When in game, press PS Button on DS3, go to Photos tab, and if the game supports it you will get "Save Screenshot" option.
Yea...i was frantically looking for it. Sadly hardly any games support it as it came very late in the ps3 cycle of life. RAGE doesn't seem to support it.

Dragons dogma has a photo mode inbuilt. And I took some sweet screens there. :)
Megatexture is also used in the new DOOM but I am only convinced by this technology with far sighted areas. Battlefield 1 also uses some megatexture like tech on larger distance in Battlefield 1 to make the terrain look better on a high distance compared to traditional video games where the texture does repeat itself visible for the player.
Frostbite games use virtual texturing for terrain, including the detail close to camera. (As does Farcry 4.)
Virtual texturing allows some very interesting things, including predictable memory usage.
Thanks for the information and the correction. Then I have to admit that I like the result in Battlefront and Battlefield 1 much more than in DOOM

Could this also be one explanation for the fact that SW: Battlefront and Battlefield 1 are each ca. 60 GB in size? Most games I consume are much smaller.
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Thanks for the information and the correction. Then I have to admit that I like the result in Battlefront and Battlefield 1 much more than in DOOM

Could this also be one explanation for the fact that SW: Battlefront and Battlefield 1 are each ca. 60 GB in size? Most games I consume are much smaller.
They use virtual texturing as a canvas in which they splat texture data to be rendered.

No reason why it should take more disk space than any other method.