Rage (id Software)

Do you see pop-ins when you play normally ? If you see less pop-ins, then it usually means the engine was waiting for the data.

I was afraid of overheating, so didn't bother with 7200rpm HDD. ^_^
Was considering whether I should get a HMZ-T1 or a SSD HDD.

Okay, I bought a Hybrid SSD + 7200rpm HDD yesterday for my home PS3. Will see how well it runs :love:
Playing on Nightmare now. I already made it back to Wellspring. I think the RPG elements make the difficulty a bit moot. Simply buy better ammo to make it easier.
Earning money isn't that easy IMHO. The games in the towns don't pay that much, even the card game with the girl in Subway City; and Mutant Bash requires a significant investment in ammo, even though pop rockets for the shotgun usually one-shot kill the mutants there, or a single spiderbot can help a lot as well.
Also, it's kinda hard to avoid bandit cars in the wastelands, so you'll have to spend on rockets and reparis too, whenever you leave town.
I haven't been short on cash so far. And I neglected to sell all the junk I was carrying on my first playthrough. Winning against that girl in Subway Town can earn you 225$ on hard, which can buy you a lot of ammo, and that's mostly a matter of having the right cards.
Yeah, but it takes a lot of time and you can't rule out the luck factor - whoever gets the more hard hitting cards down first is going to be able to destroy the enemy's every card in the first turn it's participating in.
That's true. It's a shame that after picking your cards it comes down to luck because there is very little the player can do.
Wow, I did not realize how much I missed 60 fps until trying this demo. Seriously, for how good this game looks, it's amazing that it runs at 60 fps.
The co-op in this game is really something. I played splitscreen with a friend. Even at Normal it's a very good challenge. Sadly we weren't able to finish the final mission. My friend couldn't keep up, or be persuaded not to rush towards his doom.

It was nice having splitscreen use all of the screen for once, instead of cutting it further down to size with black borders. And the co-op missions being altered versions single player level designed for co-op. It adds another 5 good hours to the game.
The demo has been out for a while now. I just recently tried this game on pc, bought it for $30 during the steam sales. Have to say it's pretty fun so far. After reading so many negative comments on it I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm liking it.
It is a very slick shooter. It just ends too soon and feels a little dated game play wise. It just needed a bit depth to make it re-playable.
It really should have been three times longer. It feels like you've just got rid of your training wheels and you're ready to take on the world, and then it's finished. While Rage is technically/graphically slicker than Borderlands, the latter game stands head and shoulders above it in every other way. There's no doubt in my mind that id rushed to finish it by simply hacking content off the end of the game in a big way. It simply feels like they ran out of ideas/time.

Shame really, Rage could have been so much more, but then I've come to expect id to disappoint in the gameplay department.
Yeah while I'm liking Rage, I do get the feeling that Borderlands is a far better game even if it looks cartoony. At $30 I think it's a good deal and I'm happy with that, but at $60 for Rage I would probably have waited.
Just finished the PS3 demo. Now that was underwhelming. Visually it's quite nice, and the SSD in my PS3 pretty much eliminates the texture streaming issues. Still, coming straght from Resistance 3 and its gorgeous lighting effects, Rage just looks kinda boring. Thanks to really tight and responsive controls and a healthy dose of motion blur, R3 doesn't even feel much different. None of the above would matter if the guns felt powerful and fun, but unfortunately they don't. Enemies just soak up way too much damage in Rage. It just doesn't feel right.