Rage (id Software)

I finished it last night. Overall a very solid shooter apart from the end.
I was like WTF!? Is there a second disk? Who stole the ending...
What do you like and hate/dislike about the game ?

Good, steady, frame rate.
Solid feeling world.
Attention to detail.
Well balanced weapon selection.
Varied game play if you take on side missions, racing, jobs board etc.
The actual shooting element feels very solid. Shoot someone in the leg and they'll drop on that leg, shoot them in the shoulder and they spin round. The effects scale with the weapon and payload.
The engineering elements are just varied enough to be interesting.
Some sections are genuinely creepy. Dead City is a prime example.

The HUD makes you feel like you are a midget.
Shooting is off centre as the character is very right handed.
Some off the enemies are almost too fast to get a bead on, and HtH combat is very weak.
The world is disappointingly small with invisible walls and tiny rocks that are impossible to scale. You'd think that a sandbox would be an ideal show ground for mega-texture.
Speaking of which, the textures are very varied but very low res.
But in some places, Jackal Canyon for instance, it is simply breathtaking!
The driving sections feel off, just a means to and end. And the car handling is, quite frankly, a bit pants. Making the combat more of a chore than a pleasure.
And the biggest meh! of all... The end. If it was done to set up a sequel then it was very poorly handled.
The engineering elements are just varied enough to be interesting.

I also liked how you could just walk around with a bunch of components, most of which are multipurpose, and so this allowed you to utilize them in a way that fit your needs and play style the best.
Like, I could decide to build more wingsticks or more spiderbots from the same component, instead of getting a fixed amount of both. Same goes for the ability to buy ammo (although that resource is scarce enough so that you want to also use everything you find)

Some sections are genuinely creepy. Dead City is a prime example.

Oh yeah. Also, some areas with the flyes and disgusting stuff were pretty effectively disgusting, I literally felt an urge to run out of there. Like the lair of that tentacled mutant.

The world is disappointingly small with invisible walls and tiny rocks that are impossible to scale. You'd think that a sandbox would be an ideal show ground for mega-texture.

I hoped for that too, but I can see how that would make a very different type of game from the design and balancing stand point. It was id's choice to keep things relatively closed.
Still, you're able to take on 5-8 missions at the same time usually and I still haven't found a lot of the stuff scattered in these limited environments.

Although... there are a bunch of walkways and other areas that I've never been able to reach and I can't decide if those are secret areas or just scenery dressing. Jackal Canyon has a LOT of these and I've spent like half an hour trying to jump into places, with no success... It was very annoying.

The driving sections feel off, just a means to and end. And the car handling is, quite frankly, a bit pants. Making the combat more of a chore than a pleasure.

Wow, even with a controller? I thought the keyboard was bad enough...
The likes seem to be very strong ! Looks like ID has delivered on the basic shooting gameplay. Will chk it out next year for sure !

The shooting is very solid indeed. It has the meatiest gun play of any of the shooters this generation. Much more than Gears or Killzone. I just wish the game had been a little more like borderlands in the exploring respect.

As a showcase for Tech 5 it is very good. I can't wait to see what a dev with a more focused game design can make with it.

Something as open as Oblivion with the same solid gun play would be amazing. Now only if they could do something with the low res textures.
I also liked how you could just walk around with a bunch of components, most of which are multipurpose, and so this allowed you to utilize them in a way that fit your needs and play style the best.
Like, I could decide to build more wingsticks or more spiderbots from the same component, instead of getting a fixed amount of both. Same goes for the ability to buy ammo (although that resource is scarce enough so that you want to also use everything you find)

I definitely was a wingstick, spiderbot guy. Though the regular HE grenade is very effective against all comers.

Oh yeah. Also, some areas with the flyes and disgusting stuff were pretty effectively disgusting, I literally felt an urge to run out of there. Like the lair of that tentacled mutant.

Those sections were just pure ID. They've always had a slant towards survival horrors with their games. There were a few moments when I felt the stirrings of panic, when your vision was obscured by dripping goo or the blood and guts of a particularly messy kill, and you could hear more muties on the move!!

I hoped for that too, but I can see how that would make a very different type of game from the design and balancing stand point. It was id's choice to keep things relatively closed.
Still, you're able to take on 5-8 missions at the same time usually and I still haven't found a lot of the stuff scattered in these limited environments.

I can understand why. The game is more of a show boat for Tech5 than a blockbuster on its own. There are areas, especially in the wasteland, that I haven't yet explored. I just find that it is very hard to explore on foot without getting smeared by enemy vehicles.

Although... there are a bunch of walkways and other areas that I've never been able to reach and I can't decide if those are secret areas or just scenery dressing. Jackal Canyon has a LOT of these and I've spent like half an hour trying to jump into places, with no success... It was very annoying.

Yeah, that got me too. I'm so used to ID games having lots of secret areas and stuff, that I'm finding it hard to adjust to there being so few. I think they have put collectible items in there place. Like the Pinkie bars. I got the Anarchy edition which has the extra armour, weapons, vehicle, but it also has access to the sewers. Which sound like Rage's version of dungeons to grind in.

Wow, even with a controller? I thought the keyboard was bad enough...

Even with the controller. I find that if you are moving you have the turning circle of a small galaxy. But it you stop you can turn on the head of a pin. It makes vehicular combat difficult because, unless you can corner them, the enemy is always behind you. And drop mines don't seem very effective.

I still really enjoyed it though. Enough to go back to look for all the collectables and search the sewers.
I think its incorrect to use the word pop up here, cause that's not the issue with RAGE. The issue is with delayed texture streaming, on PS3 apparently its a lot more noticeable when compared to the installed 360 ver. (and even here you get quite a lot of it)

Does anyone have that Seagate hybrid drive in their ps3 by chance? This one:

Hybrid laptop drive review

It reviews well and seems to strike a decent price/size balance. Curious if that would help with streaming lag at all since it will keep 4gb of the most used data ready to go on the nand memory instead of the platters.
Are the 7200rpm drives good enough. Saw some good videos. If so, they are probably the cheaper route.

If swapping in faster HDD works, it means the bottleneck is in the streaming subsystem. The engine still has some legroom.
Are the 7200rpm drives good enough. Saw some good videos. If so, they are probably the cheaper route.

If swapping in faster HDD works, it means the bottleneck is in the streaming subsystem. The engine still has some legroom.

I figure for gaming that hybrid would be better than a typical 7200rpm drive, and maybe a very good fit for the ps3 generally speaking. Ps3 games installs are typically < 5gb, and that hybrid has 4gb of nand. I figure for typical gaming use where you sit there and play a game for hours most of the install data would be sitting on the nand for full speed access.
RAGE uses 8Gb of install data.

I think it's up to you. 7200rpm HDD, hybrid HDD or full SSD. ^_^

Right except Rage is an exception, certain studios get special privileges but for most the rule is < 5gb. Ssd's are generally too small for the price, and that hybrid benchmarks much faster than 7200 rpm drives so it seems to make a lot of sense.
*shrug* Would be good to benchmark it in the PS3 + SSD thread. ^_^

I see that the hybrid drive in your link has a 7200rpm HDD too. So yeah... you can mix and match.

Seagate's Momentus XT starts with a standard 7200PM 2.5" Momentus drive and adds a 32MB buffer, the largest on any 2.5" Momentus drive. Seagate then makes it a hybrid by adding a single 4GB SLC (!) NAND chip on the drive's PCB.

I suppose if you want to pay for SSD, they would use 7200rpm to keep up with the expectation.

If the basic 7200rpm HDD is good enough, then SSD just makes it more pleasant to use (Nice to have !).
Are the 7200rpm drives good enough. Saw some good videos. If so, they are probably the cheaper route.

If swapping in faster HDD works, it means the bottleneck is in the streaming subsystem. The engine still has some legroom.

I have noticed some texture lag when I've been playing. Most noticeable if you stand still and spin as fast as possible left and right. But other than that not really. I'm using a WD Scorpio Black 7200rpm.
Do you see pop-ins when you play normally ? If you see less pop-ins, then it usually means the engine was waiting for the data.

I was afraid of overheating, so didn't bother with 7200rpm HDD. ^_^
Was considering whether I should get a HMZ-T1 or a SSD HDD.
I believe there are even faster drives than the WD Black. I know my Samsung 7200rpm 2.5" drive outperforms the black. I use it in a USB 3.0 enclosure as my transfer drive of large files.
The choice of SSD or HDD comes down to whether the game will benefit from the access time being thousands of times faster. On PC, I tried Rage on my Vertex 2 and WD 640GB. It was hard to tell the difference so I went with HDD. Rage is probably pretty optimized to perform sequential transfers due to the need to run on optical media too.
Yeah... that's my "worry". Beyond certain point, the bottlenecks may shift to other subsystems. Still, would be a great experiment to try if someone can fork out the $$$. :devilish:
I picked the Black out as the lowest power consumption, noise, and temperature drive with mid to high seek times. There are definitely faster HDDs out there but the Scorpio's have a great track record in constant use scenarios. I've never had one fail on me yet and I've always used them in laptops which get quite a hammering.
I thought the vehicle sections were great. If you want to turn on a dime, use the handbrake. I was constantly spinning around and nailing vehicles behind me. I didn't notice the pop-in so much when I was having fun, did when I was deliberately screwing around with it. It's an interesting approach to engine design, but is it really necessary in indoor levels? Indoor areas certainly didn't look much better than, say any of the COD games. Anyway, I had a blast, right up until WTF ending. There needed to be more missions centered around Subway Town and a better ending, then I'd give it an unqualified thumbs up. (PS3 version)