Played some races now. Game seems plagued by lag to me at the moment. We're racing, a pack of four staying very close. Suddenly one guy pulls way ahead. okay, maybe he had a boost/zoom thingy. Nearing the end, I'm in second, he's way ahead, and then next time I look at the positions, he's dropped way back. I overtake, so technically I'm first, and cross the line. He was out of sight on my left. Now perhaps he pipped me at the post, and the 2nd place I was awarded was correct, but the end stats said I was 6 seconds behind!
The ModSpot "Home on wheels" is also very daft. Lots of mindless dodgems crashing. Can't join friend's games in the Beta either. Voice chat is clear and mulinational.
I have enjoyed making stuff though. The editor aspect is excellent. I found that if you press the triangle when in the colour chooser, often you have to option to change shader properties. Metal adds specular reflection (spherical reflection map), Rubber adds standard illumination, and Cloth adds rim lighting. Some cool options.
Nice idea, not for me.