[PS3] LittleBigPlanet Impressions

I really don't know why people think this is hard, it's a pretty easy platformer. There have been instances where I've died a lot, but it was mostly because I was trying to blast though it, instead of taking it slow. Playing it like a 'casual gamer' (aka cautiously) made it much easier.
Wut? The game has 8 worlds. 25 main levels. 35 mini levels.

That means the pre-release info about LBP game organization is wrong. ^_^
That's why I wanted to confirm what's exactly in the game.

Mine is still in GameStop. Can't pick it up until Monday.
No intention to pick a fight, but don't break down my arguments into 'oh well, LBP isn't perfect, who cares?' There are problems, why shouldn't we discuss them?

Obviously not; Megaman 9 is a far harder game. Your point? This is a strawman argument, and part of why I'm so defensive. It's as if I'm saying that LBP sucks. I'm not, and it's not, it's a great game; what MM did with the levels is amazing, they're expertly crafted, but I don't think they're very balanced.

Let's avoid the casuals vs. hardcore discussion. Instead, look at it this way: I'm a gamer, for me it's natural to waste my time in videogames, grinding through levels or replaying sections -- I quit playing LBP twice and I'm still going back. This is because this is my hobby, often enough I choose to do this over other things. Other people, they might have other priorities, they might actually quit when things stop giving them fun. There are games out there that give them instant gratification, with little time investment, and I don't think LBP as it ships is one of them.

Actually, let me rephrase that last bit. It does; sackboys are incredibly cute. Not all the levels are equal; playing through story mode, though, will have limited appeal.

Out of the qualities I expect from a videogame, 'uniqueness' is not high on the list.

Did I say who cares? My point is that this is a 'first impressions' thread, and there you are writing off the impact of game amongst 'casuals'.

You're saying story mode will have limited appeal, but that is very subjective. Furthermore, that may not be important given the enormous number of levels that are likely to be generated by users. Not to mention the possibilities with co-op play.

You're not bothered about uniqueness? I doubt Media Molecule will be struggling to sleep tonight :LOL:.
That means the pre-release info about LBP game organization is wrong. ^_^
That's why I wanted to confirm what's exactly in the game.
This contents page of the official guide posted by MM lists the levels. 25 major levels, the first 3 you've experienced in the Beta, and 7 sets of minigames, which Deepbrown informs us is 5 games each (or at least, 35 minigames in total).

Well short of the "50+50+50" mentioned before game release...
Ok so what is it? It's a success when it's sales, or a success when you think it matches to waht was "promised"?

It's a success when it does what was promised. That does include sales. I regret bringing up sales, in fact, it was a way of suggesting that the SP levels are designed by MM don't have the broad appeal that has been hinted at in all the hype.

Play it in co-op. You're experiencing it without online - where if you can't do something, there will be somebody who can.

I'm not saying that the game has zero appeal, quite the contrary; I think though that all the considerable appeal with depend on the level-making community. I think MM has dropped the ball on this. And I don't think you should bring up coop, because for other games saying 'oh, with a friend it's more fun' is practically a truism. It's true of very many games, even a whole bunch that are a great deal inferior to LBP and that otherwise got panned by critics and gamers.

And really...the single player is easy. It's not unforgiving. It's too forgiving. It sounds like you just don't have any common sense. The fire snake is simple...you just run under it.

See? This is the sort of ad hominem nonsense I was trying to disarm with Vic: 'you don't get it, you suck'. I'll put it in bold for you, since you don't want to read what I'm saying: the game isn't hard. Hard and unforgiving are different things. You can have one but not the other. You can get past most anything with a few tries: it's a pity, though, that the game is so goddamned stingy as to the number of tries. Read what Shifty said: a lot of the things require a modicum of trial and error. If you're a bit clumsy, though, expect to redo the level.

With no tutorial past the very beginning, with no sort of instruction as to how certain things work, again, I don't think MM playtested these enough, not with a general enough crowd. I'm not a fan of the Valve approach in general, I think their products come out far too polished, but I think that this is a game that'd need that amount of polish. Hell, even a Yoshi Island style 'hit this hint marker' object would have been great, a hint that you can skip if you're too good.

Vic said:
Did I say who cares? My point is that this is a 'first impressions' thread, and there you are writing off the impact of game amongst 'casuals'.

And my first impressions come framed in expecting a much more forgiving game, which is what had been suggested in all the previews! It's not that hard to understand. Isn't it supposed to be a game that you can play with your non-gamer girlfriend? And I can definitely see it, but you'll want to pick and choose and avoid a quantity of MM's story missions.

You're saying story mode will have limited appeal, but that is very subjective. Furthermore, that may not be important given the enormous number of levels that are likely to be generated by users. Not to mention the possibilities with co-op play.

Excellent. Good thing I've been saying all along that this is in reference to the story mode. I fully believe that with user-generated content will be the saving grace; I think users will design the polished game experience I expected from MM, using in no small part the expertly-designed contraptions and level segments provided by MM. Again, I think MM dropped the ball on this. It's still good, but the greatest value I see is in a design template for user levels.

(Also, complaining about subjectivity in an impressions thread strikes me as odd.)

You're not bothered about uniqueness? I doubt Media Molecule will be struggling to sleep tonight .

Uniqueness is great; I don't think it's strong enough a quality to give a game a pass if other, more important aspects are lacking. Again, who is this game for? I had the distinct impression it was a game for 'everyone', along the lines of say, Wii Sports.

Your dismissive attitude, though, again reinforces my sacred cow comment: all you guys are hearing is 'wah wah the game is too hard lbp sucks'. And I'm not saying that at all.
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Wii sports it's not. Wagging a controller in the air randomly and getting strikes is great for a child's or senior's self-esteem, but LBP is a real platformer. It requires skill, but it is mainstream in many respects.

It's not violent. It only requires a few buttons and it can be played with others. That is the draw, sort of like Guitar Hero.
Read what Shifty said: a lot of the things require a modicum of trial and error. If you're a bit clumsy, though, expect to redo the level.
This is too true of many games. You die not because you were stupid or goofed up, but because you had no way of knowing the right thing to do. eg. There's a big ravine. Do you jump it and land on a platform inside off screen (a pet hate of mine in platformers)? Go back and find a switch? Push that block over, you know the sort that have littered the game but been immovable only this is one different for some reason...? It's something I'm hoping to address in my first LBP creation, that everything is there for you to know and work out, and in theory there'll be no cause to die.

And my first impressions come framed in expecting a much more forgiving game, which is what had been suggested in all the previews! It's not that hard to understand. Isn't it supposed to be a game that you can play with your non-gamer girlfriend? And I can definitely see it, but you'll want to pick and choose and avoid a quantity of MM's story missions.
I don't know that I agree with that. Every vid I've seen has had people dying left, right and centre, but I haven't seen anyone getting in a huff. I know I did, but then I'm fussy! Joe Public just seem to lap it up and have a laugh though.

I fully believe that with user-generated content will be the saving grace; I think users will design the polished game experience I expected from MM, using in no small part the expertly-designed contraptions and level segments provided by MM. Again, I think MM dropped the ball on this. It's still good, but the greatest value I see is in a design template for user levels.
I agree The coop side is undeveloped from what I've seen. There's loads of potential to make this an ultimate coop game (though sadly not as much at launch as the early talk suggested).
Is it shameful that I just created a level made specifically to get 3 trophies in one go?

Maybe this will help me get a few other trophies when people play it, heart it, comment, whatever, lol. Can't wait to publish it!
I don't know that I agree with that. Every vid I've seen has had people dying left, right and centre, but I haven't seen anyone getting in a huff. I know I did, but then I'm fussy! Joe Public just seem to lap it up and have a laugh though.

Yeah, me too, but what I hadn't really seen was 'you died too much, restart the level'. I don't have problem with dying, it's the 'use trial and error, but try to go light on the error' part I'm complaining about. Maybe I haven't been paying attention enough (I have watched almost all videos, though, but I might've missed the details), in which case disregard whatever I'm saying.
That's true, actually. I've seen a lot of people respawing, but no 'you have run out of lives'. My first experience with that was on deepbrown's level, and I thought he had added a life count somehow. Then I found the lights around the checkpoint show lives, and you have 3 and 6 life doors. This was never apparent in any of the gameplay movies I had seen.
That's true, actually. I've seen a lot of people respawing, but no 'you have run out of lives'. My first experience with that was on deepbrown's level, and I thought he had added a life count somehow. Then I found the lights around the checkpoint show lives, and you have 3 and 6 life doors. This was never apparent in any of the gameplay movies I had seen.

I just finished the story mode (the before-the-last level is amazingly put together, by the way) and did a little testing. I thought you could adjust the number of lives per checkpoint, but like you said, the number is fixed to single or double. It seems that in coop you get more lives (turned on a second controller and got 4 lives instead of 3) but everyone shares the same pool.

Just got 1.02 too, was sorta hoping some sort of adjustment would be in that. Something I noticed from the patch: before, you'd have to shake the controller to remove the jetpack. Now you do it with circle. It's an improvement, certainly.
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$10 gift card at Circuit City.

What is this ? You get a $10 gift card if you buy LBP from CircuitCity ?

I am going to buy Valkyria Chronicles from CC because of the $45 offer. Would be fantastic if they give out discounts for other games too.
That's what their ad said today, I believe.

Either them or Best Buy but pretty sure it was CC.

Actually in last week's ad, they offered a $15 gift card with the ad saying they'd have it on 10/21.

The change in release date changed their plans.
I was just revisiting Alex Evans lighting papers, and it suddenly occured to me that the graphics engine is going to cap how the game can be extended. The idea of a full 3D LBP is, using the same graphics techniques, impossible, as the token GI look of LBP is dependent on 2.5D graphics in a confined plane. This will allow top-down views, and the game could easily be turned into racers, shooters etc., but a full 3D LBP seems off the cards for a long, long time as they can't achieve it without losing the signature realism.
Is it harder than Mario? Does Mario have fewer sections where you go 'I'd rather not do this again'? That's what I'm wondering, insofar as even casuals are used to something when it comes to platformers I guess. Though I do know that there are casuals who 'don't like this sort of game', absolutely - I had one casual say about the beta that 'she always finds these types of games too stressful'. She didn't even have much of a problem with playing it, it's just not her type of game. Last time she came over, she and my wife asked if we could play Buzz again (and this was a choice including 'regular' board games and poker ;) ). Fun was had by all (the new PS Eye integration was popular too, even if it didn't amount too that much - I think you can safely say that even casuals have tastes and preferences. ;) )
I don't think full 3D is as important as co-op interaction, more advanced content sharing, and web-based utilities to make the user creations more useful to people who don't have LBP.
I don't think full 3D is as important as co-op interaction, more advanced content sharing, and web-based utilities to make the user creations more useful to people who don't have LBP.

I think finer control over some gameplay features would be important, too. Being able to tweak a level's gravity, perhaps, or just sackboy's gravity. Sackboy is better suited to sonic-style platforming (lower jumps, more momentum) than Mario's super-high jumps and on-the-dime stops. But I think this could be tweaked. Having some control over acceleration would be good, too. There are levels with glass tobogans later on in the game, and you can get Sackboy to move at a pretty impressive clip, so Sonic-like speed probably would be achievable.

More items granting special abilities would be good, too, more movement options (enabled on a per-level basis, with stuff like wall-climbing of grippable objects or hover-jumping), being able to define a sackboy's per-life 'health' meter (with or without temporary invulnerability).