[PS3] LittleBigPlanet Impressions

How can there be a 1.01 Euro patch known? Who's playing LBP now in Europe? Who broke the release date by a week?
Is there such a thing like an european version ? A friend of my received his american copy yesterday and he could switch the language to dutch.

Couldn't it be that the only difference is the case and the manual ?
Well, I finished it last night. All I can say is "Bravo Mm!" Those last 10 or so levels were Awesome. I hope the servers go up soon, I would love to retrieve my beta levels and get some co-op going so I can get those last items.

I'll concur with deep's assessment of the retail. Framerate seems a touch more stable, textures look a bit crisper, way more music, stickers, objects and materials :smile:. There are still a few bugs that need to be patched up, specifically pertaining to cameras and sound objects either resetting itself or not saving it's settings. I also encountered the "rewind" freeze up once, thankfully it did not result in a corrupted save. I am still making multiple copies of my WIP's and backing up my save data...just in case.


With the release of LittleBigPlanet right around the corner, we wanted to announce the next evolution of the LBP website... The LittleBigWorkshop. Your personal location and for everything LittleBigPlanet that will be going live very soon.

Ah, but what is "The LittleBigWorkshop"?

Imagine a place where all LBP players and creators can gather to share their experiences and ideas; a place where you can plan your creations with special tools and connect with other LBP fans to collaborate and share ideas; a place to show off and demonstrate your greatest achievements, with the ability to teach others in CREATE and SHARE; a location where you can access everything LBP, including tutorial videos, user-generated content, and etc…

The LittleBigWorkshop will be your own personal creative canvas, a place that can inspire ingenuity, emotion and synergy for players, creators and those that are just curious.

Here’s what you can expect from The LittleBigWorkshop:

This is your LittleBigWorkshop, PLAY WITH EVERYTHING. Get the latest news and info from LittleBigNews; create your own masterpiece with the Sticker Room; view the latest official SackBoy trailer and costume within Game Info; or simply, learn what LBP is all about. You have the complete freedom to explore and view everything within LittleBigWorkshop.

Game Info – Want to know what LittleBigPlanet is all about? Missed some of the LBP trailers? How about exclusive artwork and screens from Mm? You will find it all within the Game Info page.
LittleBigNews – LittleBigChallenges? User generated level spotlights? Developer news? Get daily updates of LittleBigPlanet from the official News page.
LittleBigForums – a bulletin board system made for the ultimate LBP user. Create your own thread, subjects or groups and take part with the LBP community
Sticker Room – Make your own wallpaper or artwork by using a set of in-game LBP stickers, architecture and decorations.
My LBP love is back since the game is in-store for pick up today, and my 500Gb HDD arrived last night too (Yay !). Really eager to get things moving when I get to my PS3.

Catching up on GAF's LBP thread, you might want to check this out: Azure's Palace


For such a purportedly casual game, the single player can get terribly frustrating.
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It seems like anyone that pre-ordered at Gamestop or EB Games can go pick up their copy of LBP today.

I just called mine and they have a ton of copies in! Will head down shortly...!
How do you do that? It's an important tip!

You can copy your level in your moon by highlighting it and when the 'Edit/Play option comes up, push right on your D-pad until you get the option to copy. I usually reserve 2 or 3 three slots for copies until my level is complete. I then copy periodically to those slots, so in case I make a mistake (that I can't take back) I can just load up one of the older copies and start over from there. I do this because during the beta, I did a 'detach and delete' while in pause mode, then I changed to play mode to test my change only to discover that my whole level fall apart and there was nothing I could do about it because I had no backups.:cry: It's an easy way to lose hours of work and I guarantee it'll happen to a lot of people. I back up my game save from the XMB to a USB thumb drive because during the beta there were two bugs that could ruin your day. One was a system lockup during a 'rewind function' that could result in corrupted level save data the other was a system lockup during a join session that would result in complete loss of any recently saved level data. Both deepbrown and I experienced the latter, and it sucked because we both lost many hours of work because of it. I'm pretty sure Mm has fixed these last two problems, but I'm playing on the safe side for now.
Honestly, I have to wonder what the hell MM was thinking when they made the checkpoint system the way it is.
What's wrong with it? The idea of a checkpoint object to do wtih as you will seems very good to me. The only floor I noticed in the beta was the life-limit being way too short for some platformy bits, but I'd say it was the level design at fault.

You can copy your level in your moon by...
I back up my game save from the XMB to a USB thumb drive...
Thanks for the suggestions. The lack of a proper 'save' file selector in the editor was most annoying, but the cloning option is a useable workaround, and of course backing up the save file will backup the level designs.

Incidientally, is there actually a means to port levels locally, a sort of export/import option? I'm sure MM said that private, local files woudl be an option, and you could carry level designs round someone's house. I hope they aren't going to exclude those not online from sharing with friends.
What's wrong with it? The idea of a checkpoint object to do wtih as you will seems very good to me. The only floor I noticed in the beta was the life-limit being way too short for some platformy bits, but I'd say it was the level design at fault.

Well, my problem with it is how you're kicked back to the beginning of the level once you run out of lives. And typically, you'll have 3 lives on any given checkpoint, except for bosses, which will give you about 6.

The way they did checkpoints makes LBP far less forgiving than other platformers, especially since the only thing that doesn't kill sackboy in one hit is fire, and there's absolutely no 'temporary invulnerability' when you get hit or when you respawn. The latter isn't really an issue, but sometimes it is. Against the 'america' boss, at one moment he killed me, then dropped a bomb right by the spawn point, so that when I popped out, I died again. I managed to get past that, but later on, in the Japan levels I had to restart levels over and over and over. And worse, once I got past some of the more frustrating bits it made me go 'I don't want to ever have to do this again'.

I don't know, I'm getting the feeling that the single-player levels weren't playtested enough. Especially considering that Sony hopes LBP will be a game with broad appeal.

Edit: The game also doesn't really care about tutorials, past the basic stuff and the creation stuff.
For instance, in Japan you find these narrowly-spaced, flimsy 'planks'. The game doesn't tell you that you can just run across -- after I tried to run across when I saw them the first time and failed for some reason, I spent a lot of time spamming the jump button with varied success.
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