Fine, call it whatever the hell you want. I originally called it "hype" b/c hype has the connotation of stretching the truth. Okamoto's public claims of PS3 based on a grid network being 1000 more powerful than PS2 had no technical detail to back them up, and sounded like an exaggeration for publicity to me. I simply cannot see the feasibility in what they suggest (drawing CPU cycles from a network to power real-time games). Hence the word "hype". Okamoto may not not have been speaking to the mass market in a launch press release, but at GDC he certainly sounded like he was trying to hype up game devs about PS3, hence "targetted hype."
This is an absurd argument anyway. I was hoping people would respond to my speculative predictions about what PS3 will actually turn out to be, and that I might actually learn something new about PS3, the Cell, Grid Networks, SOI, how Sony's claims may actually be feasible, or anything interesting for that matter. Instead I get drawn into an argument over semantics. Wtf is this, an English forum?