PS3 is a nuclear accident waiting to happen?

Lazy8s said:
they will not limit their market with some radical paradigm shift.

On other hand they can expand their market with some radical paradigm shift.

Its way too early to predict anything at all in respect to PS3.
Targetted hype? What the heck is that? Hype by definition is mass. If most people in the console world don't know much about it, how can you call it hype? The word hype has been hyped up too much.
Ironically, the PS3 "hype" seems to effect the owners of the "other" consoles the most, yet they invariably accuse the PS2 owners of being hopelessly entranced by it. :-?
Fine, call it whatever the hell you want. I originally called it "hype" b/c hype has the connotation of stretching the truth. Okamoto's public claims of PS3 based on a grid network being 1000 more powerful than PS2 had no technical detail to back them up, and sounded like an exaggeration for publicity to me. I simply cannot see the feasibility in what they suggest (drawing CPU cycles from a network to power real-time games). Hence the word "hype". Okamoto may not not have been speaking to the mass market in a launch press release, but at GDC he certainly sounded like he was trying to hype up game devs about PS3, hence "targetted hype."

This is an absurd argument anyway. I was hoping people would respond to my speculative predictions about what PS3 will actually turn out to be, and that I might actually learn something new about PS3, the Cell, Grid Networks, SOI, how Sony's claims may actually be feasible, or anything interesting for that matter. Instead I get drawn into an argument over semantics. Wtf is this, an English forum?
As far as I know, all that's been officially said is that they are hoping to make a machine 1000x more powerful than the PS2. Will the Cell be used in it or no has never been firmly specified.
How would a developer develop a game to take advantage of a system using distributed networks when the developer knows that not every ps3 will be networked.

It does sound very interesting and I would love to see how it is actually implemented in the final release of the ps3.