Fact is JC and id have been VERY proactive in bringing up new dev houses and bringing new people into the industry.
No kidding. Releasing the Q3 source already? You can nab it and make your own game without sending a dime to ID. It is all well and good to talk about the development community, but it is impressive to see JC cowboy up like he does, and he really puts his money where his mouth is. He recognizes the daunting environment the market is today, and I respect him for trying to help others break into it. Makes you wonder if JC would have made it into the industry as it is today. That he is sharing all of thier hard work probably gives some insight into what he thinks.
I just don't understand why people are up in arms. He even mentions there are people that will really dig into the complex architectures and do really nice things. He mentions how impressed he is with the consoles and graphics specifically. I found his speech a very good read. Thanks for typing all that up, man. I know your arms were feeling it.