God I hate your posts Chap!!
chap said:
If all the PS3 speculations have some truth in them, will Sony Playstation face its first defeat in a decade?
So, you're predicting a defeat based on (a) Hype, (b) Your lack of understanding of the said hype (c) want to start a fight.
Lets take a look at this, ok, hopefully you'll remember this for more than 2 weeks before posting yet another Anti-Sony thread on this topic:
Hundreds of Cells?
Distributed grid computing?
Hundreds of Cells? Ok, although all IBM's proposed plans on Cellular computing have been based around 16-24 computational 'cores' per die.. lets accept your ubsurd and cluessless 'hundreds' idea and think about this. How would this, which is totally unfounded, differ from an advanced design like the P10 or the NV3x's T&L front-end? This is the future, specifically the type of architecture like the P10.
Dumb comment on the first part.
'GRID' computing (Globus, et al) are all based around the dynamic sharing of processor resources (Networking, Processing, Memory). Isn't this whats needed within the die that contains several sub-cells? This is more of a complimentary function, which perhaps isn't going to be used as I, and others have thought.
Recent comments from members within SCE and IBM have stated that they turned to the established R&D at Universities and such Institutions to help them solve the software based problems of Cellular designs. GRID's being worked on activally at most large R&D universities, I know UofC and UIUC are both activly workin on it - I assume it's the same at similar calibur schools.
Downloading games from Sonynet?
How is this a bad thing? Didn't Sega have something similar during the 32-bit generation? MS will offer something similar, as will Sony. If they work out the DRM issues this is not only positive for the vendors, but developers.
Fuck, Valve just unveilied a simlilar distrobution idea at GDC 2002 and it was great. Whats the diffrence? Oh yeah.... Sony
Massively parallel hardware?
Broadband everything?
What the hell is this? Name me contemporary 3D hardware thats not highly parrallel. Just because you don't see it because it's masked by a HAL and DX/OGL layer doesn't mean the architecture isn't. Thats the only diffrence, how many people have to tell you that any hardware would be difficult to program for if you were given such a low-level view??
We might have delays, high cost hardware, high development costs, infrastructure problems. Bad for Sony, bad for consumers and bad for developers.
The hell is this? This is relevent of
ANY IHV or vendor that develops hardware or software for any platform, at any time. Why don't I see you bitching out nVidia for totally dropping the ball concerning anything based on
CineFx? Oh yeah... no Sony.
It sounds like a very humongous mission ahead of Sony if they want to fulfil their visions. Is Sony really up to the task? Will their lack of IT specialities impair their work?
So has been any advance, of any genre, or any people, at any time in the history of civilization. What makes this so diffrent? Actually nothing, there will allways be
King John's who ademently oppose any idea that they can't see - unfortunatly the internet has allowed you to annoy the rest of us. Fortuntaly, there are still some
Ferdinand's - of which Microsoft and Sony are.
This is not an anti Sony topic, i love my PS2. I just need to hear some views regarding Sony's choices.
Right... I need alot of things too