PS3, Holiday 2006

blakjedi said:
How people defend speculation (sometimes pure speculation like ants "1 Rsx shader = 2 xenos shaders" tripe) I dont know.

Call it what you want but how a can COMPRMISED shader be more powerful or equal to a specialised one???
Call it what you want but how a can COMPRMISED shader be more powerful or equal to a specialised one???
The theory behind unified shaders is that they're very similar in operation. Though US running as PS likely won't be as efficient as pure PS, the difference probably isn't that great.

Tap In said:
ummm... you're a glutton for punishment? ;)
Must be. I'm still here!
Shifty Geezer said:
The reason would be to minimize interest in PS3 to not impact PS2/PSP sales. eg. If they announce FFXII for PS3 with updated visuals, if that were in development, would that not detract from sales of FFXII for PS2? Assuming a lot of games for PS3 will be franchise derivatives, it's in Sony's and the software developers best interests to have existing customer buy existing games instead of wait for the improved PS3 experience in 6 months time. That's the logic as I see it.

I was referring to numbers only, not actual title names.

Shifty Geezer said:
Now can someone please explain to me why I'm posting in another merry-go-round who'll beat who thread? Why aren't we getting technical discussions? When in the blazes will we get to hear about RSX and actually cover something new? :p

When you figure this out please PM me with the answer. :)
expletive said:
I believe the consoles were arriving at Wal-Mart set to 480i, 4:3, to be displayed on a widescreen HD monitor... *GASP*

It's no wonder people are complaining, the quality increase was enough for me to do a double-take at "King-Kong".
I have to say that even with a properly setup kiosk, that demo does not look that impressive when you look for the shortness on polygons, areas with unflattering textures, and the "hacked" ocean effect at the game options screen. This is not to say the demo is missing polys, textures, and effects altogether. They just seem in targetted places of the game, instead of just a pervasive level of quality throughout.

The kiosk in my area seems to have a bug on the Kameo demo, as well. I've attempted to access it several times now, and it always results in a persistent dark screen (though, I seem to have learned more about the dashboard, as a result, where I can cancel out of the demo and get the box functional again, w/o actually hardware resetting the box).
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randycat99 said:
.....I've attempted to access it several times now, .....

It seems like you just *might* be intrigued by this new system despite its less than auspicious start and your occasional criticism of it. ;)
Make no mistake that I remain in the PS3 camp. I do care enough to give the X360 a fair lookover. There is no shame in that. It is objectivity and open mindedness at its finest- something that the "other camp" would do well to take example from. :rolleyes:
randycat99 said:
Make no mistake that I remain in the PS3 camp. I do care enough to give the X360 a fair lookover. There is no shame in that. It is objectivity and open mindedness at its finest- something that the "other camp" would do well to take example from. :rolleyes:

One can appreciate that MS has done a suck job on opportunities to impress. Specailly with the Demo display at Walmart. If the demo pods across the US are looking not up to spec. that only adds to a disfavorable opionon and the PS3 looks better than X360 just adds to the hype.
Mythos said:
One can appreciate that MS has done a suck job on opportunities to impress. Specailly with the Demo display at Walmart. If the demo pods across the US are looking not up to spec. that only adds to a disfavorable opionon and the PS3 looks better than X360 just adds to the hype.

It sounds like YOU can appreciate it but by the time the PS3 launches, which looks like 1 year from now, dodgy walmart kiosks from 12 months back will likely have zero impact on sales either way.
Mythos said:
One can appreciate that MS has done a suck job on opportunities to impress. Specailly with the Demo display at Walmart. If the demo pods across the US are looking not up to spec. that only adds to a disfavorable opionon and the PS3 looks better than X360 just adds to the hype.

True. The biggest problem with 360 is not the hardware, or the software or the services... its the marketing of the damn system. Now how intelligent people on this board routinely extrapolate that into "superiority" of PS3 I dont get... but I guess I dont have to get it either.

I have never based my purchases on what message boards or polls say or even the "momentum" of a system... otherwise I would have been a playstation supporter for the last ten years.

I bought my playstation 1 the day it came out... amid the hype and expectation and with the exception of colony wars, warhawk, and MGS1 was not really taken in by the system. Even having bought Playstation first i ended playing Saturn more once i got it in 1996...

All that is to say buy and play what y'all want... but really the whole "buy ps3 cause we all know that its gonna be better" argument really is very hollow.
blakjedi said:
I bought my playstation 1 the day it came out... amid the hype and expectation and with the exception of colony wars, warhawk, and MGS1 was not really taken in by the system. Even having bought Playstation first i ended playing Saturn more once i got it in 1996...

I brought a Saturn first and then a PSone. How in the hell did you play the Saturn more? I could never find games for it. I'll go to Toys 'R Us and see 8 Saturn games then see 50 PSone games on the other selves. That was the only reason why I brought a PSone.
randycat99 said:
Make no mistake that I remain in the PS3 camp. I do care enough to give the X360 a fair lookover. There is no shame in that. It is objectivity and open mindedness at its finest- something that the "other camp" would do well to take example from. :rolleyes:

not shameful at all, admirable in fact.

I don't know how many times I read posts from anti-MS people where it's fairly obvious that they have not even bothered to read or understand what the X360 is/will be (to the point that it's obvious that they didn't even read Dave's Xenos article). They just come on here and post their FUD and regurgitate the "party line".

At least you can speak first hand about your impressions.

edited to add: oh yea, I'm sure that works both ways. :D
blakjedi said:
True. The biggest problem with 360 is not the hardware, or the software or the services... its the marketing of the damn system. Now how intelligent people on this board routinely extrapolate that into "superiority" of PS3 I dont get... but I guess I dont have to get it either.

I have never based my purchases on what message boards or polls say or even the "momentum" of a system... otherwise I would have been a playstation supporter for the last ten years.

I bought my playstation 1 the day it came out... amid the hype and expectation and with the exception of colony wars, warhawk, and MGS1 was not really taken in by the system. Even having bought Playstation first i ended playing Saturn more once i got it in 1996...

All that is to say buy and play what y'all want... but really the whole "buy ps3 cause we all know that its gonna be better" argument really is very hollow.

Right on.

And though the the PS3 is more powerfully arguement over the X360 is more seen balance some of our views. It's not up to us to spread the word. Ultimately these big business need to get their message out.
A year won't make a stink of difference if the Xbox360's software situation doesn't improve. Touting computer ports, games that use UE3 but look like DC games (frame-city killer, I'm looking in your direction), and generally unimpressive first gen games that are really last minute re-toolings of last gen games, isn't going to cut the mustard against prospective Sony offerings, be they tech demos and concept designs currently.

Sony marketing works, it just does. It worked against a dreamcast that offered online play and quality gaming long before anyone had the chance to wait ten hours in line for a PS2 that offered neither. Given that frame of reference, it seems to me that MS is doing a terrible job with the Xbox360. Or maybe I'm wrong and perhaps there's a "Halo" waiting in the wings for the 360, and if there is, MS needs to do a better job shoving said killer app in people's faces.

EDIT: I forgot about PGR3. Though it still isn't Halo-like-proportions killer app to me.
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SedentaryJourney said:
A year won't make a stink of difference if the Xbox360's software situation doesn't improve.

Do you think that the 360s software situation wont improve from a launch titles (some of which actually do look fantastic)? I thought we'd already seen future games (GoW) in action that, quite honestly, embarrass most of the launch offerings.

Sony isnt going to be competing against PDZ, Amped 3, RR6, theyre going to be competing against games like GoW, mass effect, too human, Halo 3(?), etc.

I agree, it would be a disaster if things remained status quo but given this is the launch lineup, even some of those are great, and we've already seen games coming that show great promise, i don't think it's something to worry about.

Also remember we ahvent really seen MS' marketing team do anything as of yet. A bunch of (disappointing) viral campaigns for the hardcore some initial kiosks with beta demos, is all we've really seen. MS has proven they can screw up advertising as well as hit a home run though so we'll ahve to see what they come up with.
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randycat99 said:
Make no mistake that I remain in the PS3 camp. I do care enough to give the X360 a fair lookover. There is no shame in that. It is objectivity and open mindedness at its finest- something that the "other camp" would do well to take example from. :rolleyes:
People in many "camps" would do well to learn from you.
Please don't make this even more partisan, even by accident.
SedentaryJourney said:
EDIT: I forgot about PGR3. Though it still isn't Halo-like-proportions killer app to me.

To be fair, no one thought Halo was a killer app before they actually played the final version...