Squeak said:PC-Engine said:Well if you cannot even admit that Xbox is superior to PS2 in most ways then there's
really no point in continuing.
1. More polys
2. Per pixel effects like BM
3. Higher quality filtering like trilinear/Anisotropic
4. Higher resolution textures
5. Texture compression
6. Progressive Scan output + 720P support
7. HDD
8. Ethernet
9. 4 controller ports
10. D.I.C.E.
1: According to microsoft yes, but have we ever seen a game that came even close to the 125 million pps claimed, or even the revised "realistic" number, 31 million?
To me PS2 and xbox seems very much on par when it comes to polygons, maybe with a slight edge to PS2 (see J&D and R&C).
2: True, that is an advantage, but only a slight one. It isn’t like you can afford to sprinkle everything with high-res dot3 textures.
It can only be used sparingly, but even then at a cost.
3: xbox does have better looking mip mapping on textures but question is if that’s down to people better knowing the xbox SDK/tools, or a hardware deficiency on the PS2s side.
PS2 is perfectly capable of performing high quality mip mapping, we’ve seen that in a number of games, but far to many, even big games, doesn’t use it for some reason.
Regarding trilinear and anioso, trilinear is actually very often missing from even big titles on xbox, and anioso when it is used, doesn’t look that good. It looks as though they’ve just replaced the texture with one of its mip levels, at low angles.
PS2 has could do anioso using the GS’s clamp function to create rip maps, of course only sparingly.
4: xbox has its share of blurry textures to. Take a look Panzer Dragoon Orta, which by some is regarded as the best looking game on the machine:
And this is not just a single bad pic, there are many examples of blur like this throughout the game.
xbox’s big advantage is, that for some reason, it is very easy to do detail texturing, that´s IMO what PS2 games are really lacking.
5: I dont know for sure (as I'm not a developer) but I don’t think texture compression is as big an advantage as it is often made to sound like (at least not S3TC/DXTC), and I don’t think it is actually used very often in real games. Multitexturing is a far more efficient and flexible (mip mapping, alpa etc.) "compression method".
6: 720P doesn’t come for free, just look at Soul Calibur where the game is "zoomed in" to make less polygon and textures visible to counteract the higher pixelfillrate requirement, in 720P mode.
7: Apart from ripping music to the drive I can’t see the great advantage of a HDD.
After 3 years with PS2 I’m only on my second memcard, without having made any compromises, and I’ll most likely be able to take the savegames with me, when PS3 comes.
8: All US PS2s have ethernet port a standard now, and probably soon jap and EU models too. Besides what’s the big deal? It costs about the same to get online with either xbox or PS2, and PS2 did it before xbox.
9: I don’t know if I’m unusual, but in all the time I’ve had a Gamecube, I’ve only once been able to get 4 enthusiastic, equally good players in front of the television.
But even then, playing on a 320x240 or less screen area is hardly ideal?
The only game that I can think of, that is still fun with more than two players on the same screen, is Bomberman.
10: Don't know what that is.
1. So you can look at a game like J&D/R&C and magically know it's pushing more polys than any Xbox game to date? Xbox CAN push more polys than PS2 whether you're talking about RAW or in-game. Tests done by EA already give a good idea as to what Xbox is capable of compared to PS2. PS2 can do 66 RAW Mpolys/s while Xbox can do 116 RAW Mpolys/s. Why would Xbox almost double the PS2's RAW poly number then suddenly push less than the PS2 when it's in-game??? I don't see the logic in that.
2. Nothing is FREE. Also you wouldn't want BM all over the place anyway. Some surfaces are smooth in nature so why would you want to BM those? Overuse of BM like any other feature is ridiculous period.
3. Why do high profile PS2 games not use mipmapping? Maybe because it's a trade off to get better performance somewhere else? Mipmapping should be used as much as possible to clean up the shimmering.
Trilinear and Anisotropic filtering is superior to Bilinear period. Just because PS2 can emulate it in software doesn't mean it's fast enough to be used in-game. My i486DX could do raytracing too AND??? Xbox has the potential and often does use Trilinear in games instead of Bilinear. Anisotropric is useful for road signs etc. in racing games.
4. There are Xbox games that have high resolution textures that PS2 can only dream of end of story. Every console has games that display blurry textures. They're most common on PS2 than Xbox.
5. Simon F addressed this one already.
6. Nobody said 720p was free. NOTHING is FREE!!! Point is there are 720p games on Xbox while there is none on PS2 even after being on the market for what 4 years now?
7. Point is it came with EVERY Xbox sold. What it is used for depends on the developers.
8. See #7
9. Some games don't NEED a divided screen. Played any tennis or volleyball games lately???
10. London boy addressed this one already.