Fox5 said:
Nick- Considering burnout 2 probably pushed more polys than Burnout 1 and was multiplatform, it would also mean all the consoles can handle those numbers.
I don't think he was challinging any of the other consoles at all, he was just posting a known number. (Which was the topic at hand for all consoles after all. least at that particular point.
Fox5 said:
(and I wouldn't consider Burnout 2 or TS2 even near the best looking games on any of the platforms)
And this is, of course, the point coming from all sorts about number of polys or whether a console uses frick and another uses frack, and how many heebie-jeebies one can crank from the hoopla.
In the end, it's the game that matters. And we've all seen good-looking and technically-adept games suck before.
Fox5 said:
BTW, what is this Performance Analyser that will yield major improvements?
From an article about GDC 2003: "Just like on the PlayStation, SCEA is now sharing its PS2 Performance Analyzer, which measures and analyses a game's performance and helps creators to optimize a game's capabilities on the platform."
I'm not sure if it was only available after that point, or select devs had it before, but it basically gives in-depth analysis as to how one's code is running on the machine: where one had headroom, where bottlenecks are, what percentage of resources are being used...
Hard to find released figures for it from games for whatever reason, though. One of the only ones I know was talking about GT3 (I guess this was a premiere title to show off figures with) only using between 1/4-1/3 of the PS2's resources on the PA.
Does it mean devs have any hope of hitting anywhere near 100%? Of course not. (I think a tech demo has come close, though. Wasn't there one posted on here a while back? I have the file around somewhere, but don't have a link.) But an in-depth analysis toolset is never a bad thing. <grins>
There was a bit more murmuring going on about it beginning of the year (because of GDC I guess), and one of the titles that got some press because of "heavy use of the PA" was Primal. Certainly not a bad game to look at. ^_^
Hence why I'd love to be able to see more games and figures and know which developers may be using it for what... 's just cool. ^_^ Still won't tack anything down to "absolutes" of course, but more information is always interesting.