How much cooling does this card require? You can't sell PC-size console. In order to include 4850-level card in your console you have to get appropriate parts shrunk enough to be less power hungry. Furthermore when you launch console in, say, September, you should start manufacturing it ~6 months before the launch. By the time you start manufacturing process you have to be damn sure everything works as expected. I still believe that you can't get that far by Feb 2010. 2011? Probably, sure.
I just bought a 1 gig 4850 for $170. So i'm happy. The cooling on my card is a dual slot cooler. It was two chips though , the 4850 cards are more powerfull and have less cooling
You actually don't even need a fan.
Again: 2011 - probably yes. 2010 - I don't think it's doable for a reasonable price.
IT depends on what you mean by 2010. If the console launches for the holiday 2010 they will surely use 40nm. Video cards are going to be coming out in the next fwe months using it. But how long after wards will it take to hit 32nm ? They may be willing to eat some cost till then. The 4850 is pretty small and cheap compared to other nvidia cards . You can get the 512 meg verisons for $130. We already know they perform very well and are 1m tranistors on 55nm,740.html?prod[2116]=on
Assassins Creed v1.02
(1920x1200, 4xAA, Game AF, max. Quality) 38.9 FPS
Call of Duty 4 v1.6
Fraps/Shock and Awe
(1920x1200, 4xAA, 8xAF, max. Quality) 75fps
Mass Effect
(1920x1200, 8xAA, Game AF, Ultra Quality ) 25fps
I think its obvious that even cheap pc hardware has moved on and if ms goes with a set up like this gen with a good pool of edram and a large gpu they can really make a powerfull system that is far beyond an xbox 2.5 esp if they ramp up the ram pool
This works _only_ if you think that back-compat is not important at all. BR drives you can buy today won't play DVD at x12. Building BR that can would be more expensive than those cheap drives you can buy today
6x bluray drive at $100 and they make ap rofit on it. Thats a 216mbit/s thats 27MB/s vs 16.2MB/s of the dvd drive in the xbox 360.
Prices of bluray will only continue to come down this year and next year. Its quickly becoming a non expensive disc drive.
Sure, but you're forgetting two important things. First: costs pile up. Faster, smalles CPU, better GPU, more RAM, HDD, flash, Ethernet, WiFi, BR, yada yada. Suddenly you have "perfectly doable" console for $600. Second: there is no way next generation of consoles will win with HW alone. I think this is the main reason why Bach says we'll have to wait a little more. Just like with Xbox 360 and Xbox Live being "center of the experience", next generation needs some added value, be it built-in software or service provided. And whatever it's going to be, you have to build it. This process is slower than taking existing hardware and building console on top of it (although I'm not saying that this part is super easy).
I don't see that happening. sony is rumored to have spent up to $800 on the ps3. I don't see ms coming anywhere near that price next gen. Bluray , wifi , ethernet are not going to be huge costs next gen, they weren't this gen , a wifi adapter can be as cheap as $8 bucks online and they are making a profit. The things that drive the cost ofa console up are the cpu , gpu , ram and mother board costs along with hardrives and optical drives. Sony's console got out of control because they decided to put ah ardrive in as mandatory and went with a brand new barely tested optical drive that ending up having bad yield problems and resulted in many delays and very expnesive drives.
Next gen you may need more than powerfull hardare , but the core gamers who went out and bought the 360 on launch day and supported it for 2 years with huge attach rates and continues to drive huge game sales will want those things. They will want whoever has the best online set up for gaming and the best hardware to play it on. If ms launches first again with a powerfull system the core gamer will go to them. I already know core gamers who wished a new xbox would come out this year ! They are ready to move on .
hadows are pretty expensive and this was just an example of what you can use extra horse power on. In the end I stand by my words: no matter how much power you have, most of the time it won't be used for high res. I'd rather use extra power on higher quality skinning, efects (caustics, godrays, soft shadows with variable penumbra size,...) than waste them on high resolution, sterile environments
Its not just powerfull hardare , but if you have powerfull hardware , good dev tools and have a large base of gamers willnig ot buy tons of games then the hardware will get used.
It wouldn't because it'd make console even more expensive. There's a common misconception that it's enough to put more, better HW in the console and boom! sells like pancakes. It doesn't
Comon missconception ? I don't think so , so far there is one gen that has had cute and quriky new control scheme take off. But its allways been a timing and power scenario to succeeding. The new control scheme on the n64 didn't help it beat the ps1 and before that we didn't have a new control scheme since hte original systems in the 70s. They don't come around ever generation and next gen a wii remote wont be neough to sell people on a new system and if all three systems have wii remotes then whats going to sell one system over the other ?
The ps3 was really expensive because of bluray which has done nothing for the system in terms of games. It was a big mistake on their part and they paided and are paying for it. But a ps3 with no br and an extra 512 megs of ram could have come out in 2005 and would have destroyed the 360 and would have cost less than the ps3 we ended up with to boot.
Once again there are many types of gamers and you can go for the ultra casuals as nintendo has done or you can go for the core. Sometimes you can go for both. There is no reason why ms can't go after the core again in the first year or two with an expensive system. We already know that a $400 system sells well and I expect ms to launch with a $300/400 system again this gen. MS also has the money to take some losses up front to get a leap on the competition.
I don't see any reason why a 9 core /3MB waternoose (500m tranistors or 3x the size and tranistors of the current waternoose) on 40nm vs 90nm and a dx11 gpu with 32MBs of edram or similar with 8 gigs of system ram isn't do able in 2010/2011 for the smae price the 360 cost at launch.
If that happens again around 2010 xmas time, it would be a good move for MS to come up with a new console whose computational performance is much bettter than PS3 (hence much better gfx and more complexity in games) to downplay the difference between 360 and PS3.
Can PS3 games look better than 360 ones? Most likely yes. Is it going to be an order of magnitude "better"? Definitely not. So who else than those 27 vocal fanboys on the Internet would care about the "difference"? There's a much greater difference in quality between DVD an BR than between 360 and PS3 yet people are not showering BR drive manufacturers with their money. Why? Because most consumers don't care about gradual changes. Either something provides great value and something very unique or it's not worth the money. Sure, new, powerful cosole will appeal to some audience but whether it's 1mln or 5mln of users depends on price (and it's not going to be more than this 5mln).
Still, better hardware is not enough. You need something _really_ fresh to appeal to more than just HC audience (~3mln ppl). Also before we move to next-gen, console manufacturers and developers have to figure out how one can decrease the cost of game development which is already very, very high. Higher fidelity games will require even more assets which are already eating up huge part of the development budgets. If you provide new hardware, you want people to actually utilize it. No sane developer is going to jump on the new, expensive console, that provides better hardware (that you have to utilize) while having tiny market share.
Actually if MS does launch in 2010 it would basicly kill the ps3. The ps3 would most likely at that point be stuck between a $100 360 with the same grpahical ability and its own slew of great AAA titles and a $400 xbox next with graphics far beyond the ps3. At the current rate the ps3 will most likely only have hit $200 on its base sku.