Predict: The Next Generation Console Tech

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After this i am also starting to think all the rumours till now are completely wrong.
The rumors can definitely be wrong but I would not give that PR any weight. IT's about down playing the WiiU, that's all.

Other than that it has a naughty "old Sony" ring to it that imho didn't do any good for Sony and how it is perceived... The guy especially after the ps3 and psv launch should a bit more humble instead of being an arrogant ass.
If anything to me the fact that Sony still let that kind of PR out nowadays... is not a good sign.
If this is meant to run on nextgen consoles then I am pretty sure that ALL the speculation about low powered x86 hardware and simple rebranded last-year radeon GPU's are completely wrong..
That demo, while certainly very impressive, was completely scripted, though.

No dynamic user input, (probably) no real-time physics, (probably) no AI stuff.

So the proper comparison would be related to something like the "Beyond" cutscene that was shown during SONY's press conference.

Still a very big leap in quality - but nothing that necessarily requires over-the-top hardware to be achieved.

It's basically just 3DMark in a FF setting.

I'll get all excited when they actually show someone playing a real game featuring the same graphics on a next gen console.

Not saying I wouldn't love to see that happen, though ... ;)
That demo, while certainly very impressive, was completely scripted, though.

No dynamic user input, (probably) no real-time physics, (probably) no AI stuff.

So the proper comparison would be related to something like the "Beyond" cutscene that was shown during SONY's press conference.

Still a very big leap in quality - but nothing that necessarily requires over-the-top hardware to be achieved.

It's basically just 3DMark in a FF setting.

I'll get all excited when they actually show someone playing a real game featuring the same graphics on a next gen console.

Not saying I wouldn't love to see that happen, though ... ;)

The animation has only been done in non-realtime settings. 3d mark had skin shaders and a high polygon count, yes, but never characters moving and interacting in a way that it was borderline AAA multimillion dollar cgi.
Plus there were physics being calculated, at least that was what I gathered from the realtime demonstration video. The cloth-physics at least have never been show in a realtime renderer. Unless it was the only that that was being rendered if I'm not mistaken.
If this is meant to run on nextgen consoles then I am pretty sure that ALL the speculation about low powered x86 hardware and simple rebranded last-year radeon GPU's are completely wrong..

What hardware do you think that demo would have been running on?
It seems like MS is clearly testing the water for possibly releasing a higher priced system but using payment plans like the 99.99 xbox360 rollout they just did today to Bestbuy and such. Does this impact any predictions here?
Yes, they will test a higher price point through payment plans and offer even less of a console ;)
Yes, they will test a higher price point through payment plans and offer even less of a console ;)

That is sad. I was hoping that it was a plan to test the chance of possibly going with a higher spec'd system and offering a couple different ways to make it more palatable. Sort of killing 2 birds with one stone.
That page has now been taken down, could you please summarize what was on it? :) Thank you...

Basically it was Jack Tretton saying the important thing on releasing PS4 is not being the first or the cheapest but being the best...
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'Best' is subjective and open to interpretation. The best experience may come from services and features rather than performance. Many found the Wii to be the best console this gen. Anyone wanting HD movie playback in their device probably found the PS3 the best this gen even though in most games it tends to perform less well than XB360.

Really, PR statements should just be ignored. ;)
That is sad. I was hoping that it was a plan to test the chance of possibly going with a higher spec'd system and offering a couple different ways to make it more palatable. Sort of killing 2 birds with one stone.

I believe it should, but would guess I reside firmly in the minority.
Microsoft and Nintendo must love this man

I don´t know. I think next generation could be the last or one of the last ones. It could last really ten years. Evolution is slower as manufacturing process are near a wall. Maybe in the long term this time is better to make things well ( good thought hardware ) although it supposes being a little late...
The animation has only been done in non-realtime settings. 3d mark had skin shaders and a high polygon count, yes, but never characters moving and interacting in a way that it was borderline AAA multimillion dollar cgi.
Plus there were physics being calculated, at least that was what I gathered from the realtime demonstration video. The cloth-physics at least have never been show in a realtime renderer. Unless it was the only that that was being rendered if I'm not mistaken.

This "Agni" demo is real-time rendered.
12 core Xeon
Tesla for cloth and particle physics
a few kepler prototypes for gpu purposes

I'm not sure if that was a serious post or you were taking the P but if it were running on such hardware, then it would say pretty much nothing about next generation consoles graphical capabilities since they won't have a fraction of that power. It might say something about what next, next generation games will look like however.

On the other hand, if the demo is running on a modern quad core and single 680 which seems a lot more likely, then next gen consoles could still be running "low powered x86 hardware and simple rebranded last-year radeon GPU's" and still achieve something similar.

On the outside I'd say the demo is using dual 680's with a high end x86 chip.

It's obviously incredible though, easily the best realtime graphics I've ever seen but since it's not a game, it wouldn't be fair to put it in the same catagory as the actual gameplay that was on show at E3 in other upcoming games.
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