I think the most concrete evidence that Sony will keep some form of Cell CPU is this statement by an IBM representative.
If it will have some GPU specific functionality added is not known, but the following could be interpreted as they are adding graphic capability to some of their upcoming chips.
"I think you'll see [Cell] integrated into our future Power road map.
That's the way to think about it as opposed to a separate line --
it'll just get integrated into the next line of things that we do,"
Menon said. "But certainly, we're working with all of the game folks
to provide our capabilities into those next-generation machines."
If it will have some GPU specific functionality added is not known, but the following could be interpreted as they are adding graphic capability to some of their upcoming chips.
The PlayStation 3 combines Power processor cores with specialized
hardware to deliver advanced gaming capabilities. IBM is trying to
increase its focus on developing multiple processing components in
systems to intense graphics requirements and specific application
"There are many things we are doing that will impact the consumer,"
Menon said.