I hope that this time around Ms will go with only one SKU. I mean that I would want the lowest sku to be fully functional, to me the arcade one is not mostly because it could not support NXE and caching.I think the next xbox should launch in either the Fall of 2011 or 2012 to be honest with you.Have the hardware be very powerful but also affordable with 3 different SKU's.Each SKU should come with a hdd as standard but of course, they differ in hdd space.Also, do you any of you guys believe the next xbox would use a manycore processor?
I'm all with granmaster here, I would prefer that all system include 16/32GB (enough for to help streaming from ODD and some demo/DLC /patchs) of flash memory. Ms could sell HDD separetely or do some bundles.
Many core processor ala Larrabee? While I find the idea seducing for a while, early leak about larrabee size, perfs and power consumption made the all thing unlikely. But if you think of a HD4850 as ten arrays/cores multiprocessor then most likely yes as future part could include twice as much cores/arrays. It could be even more if ATI decides to have less wide array. I will be interesting to this how GPU past RV8xx will shape up
I'm willing to see how ATI and Nvidia will evolve to match Larrabee flexibility and to support software based rendering. Intel solution is not the only one solution and it looks like one that have been designed with quiet some constrains.
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