If you care about Kinect, surely lack of a packed in game won't stop you buying the console. I don't understand the value people place in pack-ins. The issues affecting choice of a console are numerous. What subscription fees are there? What services are there? What long-term exclusives will there be? What's the interface like? What do your friends own? Etc. To base one's choice on the presence of a single game at launch doesn't make sense to me, hence the question. I want to understand the thought processes behind purchasing decisions and how pack-in titles affect them. In wco81's case, it would appear that his choice is, "I would like an XB1 but it's too expensive, so I'll get a PS4 instead. If XB1 came with enough software to make up the price differential, to within a margin I'm willing to stretch, I'll buy it, but otherwise I'll get the console I don't prefer." If it were me, I'd wait until the console I wanted came down in price, or there was a post-release deal at some store, or somesuch.