Pre-Order Info/Help - PS4/XO

Next week for the Launch date announcement for the states (gamestop manager meeting which is now open to the public for a few days in vegas)

I also think we will get a free game also, Part of me hopes its fifa , not a huge amount f appeal but from a fans point of view , its a game i'd like to try but would never buy on my own

The GC conference they pretty much said so after they announced FIFA if you listened carefully
Is there a link to that?


I checked my history for the YouTube vid from Last night and it now shows private... I thought I got the link here was last 35 minutes of the show... pretty interesting....

Phil after summarizing fifa freebie said something about and "we will have more exciting bundle info to announce for rest of world later too".... or something to that effect,
Oh wait, that works for people with PCs because people with PCs have internet connections. That wouldn't work for console people because as we've been told numerous times here on the forum, a lot of people don't have halfway decent internet access.
I think that joke has moved on from joking around to being trollish. We all know digital distribution works and has for much of this gen already. To save many a thread derailment, I hope people can put the issue of XB1's former always on requirement behind them when talking about the platforms as they are now.
As i understand it, my pre-order "day one edition" (ehmm yeh right) will come with a year of gold and Fifa 14. Which is good since it's 2 things i wouldn't have paid for otherwise..
That's the first I've heard about a free 1yr gold subscription.

bit lower than the 4:1 US/UK and 8:1 EU many had seemed to make conventional wisdom.

I think once the feature set is demoed more generally closer to launch, it'll even up a bit, or a lot. There's still the price difference. Free FIFA should help.
Already have a PS4 preorder but free FIFA would have made the choice harder, as I preordered the PS4 version of FIFA as well.

If I played shooters, MS exclusives would have a greater draw. The Sony exclusives aren't available for launch but of course they will start to come out over the next couple of years.
Please, lets not have every single thread turn into a game versus game discussion. So if you notice some posts being removed, it's only to keep the thread on topic and to avoid console forum wars.
Already have a PS4 preorder but free FIFA would have made the choice harder, as I preordered the PS4 version of FIFA as well.
Why's that? 'Free FIFA' basically means $50 off the list price of XB1, so XB1+FIFA is $50 more than PS4+FIFA instead of $100 more. But everything else about the platforms is different. What is it about XB1 that you feel is worth maybe $50 more than PS4, but not $100 more?
Why's that? 'Free FIFA' basically means $50 off the list price of XB1, so XB1+FIFA is $50 more than PS4+FIFA instead of $100 more. But everything else about the platforms is different. What is it about XB1 that you feel is worth maybe $50 more than PS4, but not $100 more?

Well if you care about Kinect.... it's a better value than the PS4.
If you care about Kinect, surely lack of a packed in game won't stop you buying the console. I don't understand the value people place in pack-ins. The issues affecting choice of a console are numerous. What subscription fees are there? What services are there? What long-term exclusives will there be? What's the interface like? What do your friends own? Etc. To base one's choice on the presence of a single game at launch doesn't make sense to me, hence the question. I want to understand the thought processes behind purchasing decisions and how pack-in titles affect them. In wco81's case, it would appear that his choice is, "I would like an XB1 but it's too expensive, so I'll get a PS4 instead. If XB1 came with enough software to make up the price differential, to within a margin I'm willing to stretch, I'll buy it, but otherwise I'll get the console I don't prefer." If it were me, I'd wait until the console I wanted came down in price, or there was a post-release deal at some store, or somesuch.
The pack-in "killer app" for me is the new Kinect UI (mainly for voice) and universal remote like capability. The imediacy plus the user friendliness of signing people in with the camera.

That's not a game, but I imagine it'll make games and otherwise useful TV apps much more appealing for others in the house.
Why's that? 'Free FIFA' basically means $50 off the list price of XB1, so XB1+FIFA is $50 more than PS4+FIFA instead of $100 more. But everything else about the platforms is different. What is it about XB1 that you feel is worth maybe $50 more than PS4, but not $100 more?

I'm just saying it wouldn't have made the calculus to get the PS4 as clear cut.

I generally prefer Sony's first party-games than Microsoft's first-party games.

But itt might be the case that the X1 runs quieter than the PS4. That would be a big advantage as far as I'm concerned.
For some reason, I think that comparing the value of both systems is not the same as helping people find out how to pre-order their console boxes... :)
Just noticed that the PS4 has slipped to 4th place and the XB1 is down to 22nd place at Amazon. But whats really strange is that there isn't any XB1 games in the top 20. There's plenty of PS4 games there though.
Just noticed that the PS4 has slipped to 4th place and the XB1 is down to 22nd place at Amazon. But whats really strange is that there isn't any XB1 games in the top 20. There's plenty of PS4 games there though.

Most of the people I know are planning to buy their Xbox One games digitally. They would have pre-ordered the physical copies if Microsoft hadn't changed how they are handling that. But the last thing they want to have to do is insert the game disk every time they wanted to play the game.

PC gaming and Steam/GOG/etc. have spoiled them. Not having to muck around with an optical disk when you want to play has convinced some of them to buy a console for the first time in their lives.

As i understand it, my pre-order "day one edition" (ehmm yeh right) will come with a year of gold and Fifa 14. Which is good since it's 2 things i wouldn't have paid for otherwise..
I am really happy with the news, cos' I was undecided about FIFA 14 -I've had FIFA 13 and loved it but there are too many interesting games to buy this year that another annual game wasn't on my priority list, and now I can play with Gareth Bale using the RM, and Isco, plus some other stars like Cristiano Ronaldo and the like.

What's disappointing though is that all the pre-order deals featuring a second game for free -you could choose between Ryse and Forza 5- have been cancelled after the news, so we won't have two games for free here in Europe when buying an Xbox One.

No store is going to have the audacity to create a similar offer, which is a bit sad but expected though.
For all we know MS has sold 2 million pre-orders from Xbox Live ads to existing 360 owners.

It's all bullshit trying to predict sales at this point.