rabidrabbit said:I don't think the characters would really all need to be totally different.
They can have same faces, like 10 different or so (as cgi characters often still look very alike in facial features, even in prerendered movies) and because they are seldom seen so close, and even if you did go close to every one of them it is likely you'd have forgotten the facial features of the character you met 7 characters ago.
Anyway, I don't think next gen consoles will be powerful enough to render hundreds of characters in high enough polycount and texture resolution that you could really appreciate a unique face among a group of hundreds or even tens.
Mix those faces with 10 different hairstyles, facial hair, makeup, 10 different trousers, shirts, dresses, hats, glasses, shoes... and you'll get thousands of unique combinations.
(Edit: I didn't read l-b's previous post before posting, but he seems to have repeated just what I said here)
There would be characters that have the same clothes, hairstyles... but so is there in real life.
Again, it would be at least as important to animate those characters uniquely enough, or even enough different routines so that they would not appear like robots from the same factory line.
passerby said:* Protagonists have unlimited inventory space. Considering the surface area and strength required to carry such a pile they should be giants, have no need of puny weapons, and should just knock out the pillars and collapse the building instead of bothering to 'clear the level'.
Megadrive1988 said:the usual stuff. low framerates. aliasing. shimmering. etc.
I'll add "highly visible mip-mapping" to that list..Megadrive1988 said:the usual stuff. low framerates. aliasing. shimmering. etc.
and nobbiesWunderchu said:I'll add "highly visible mip-mapping" to that list..Megadrive1988 said:the usual stuff. low framerates. aliasing. shimmering. etc.
london-boy said:Who wants a game where people are intelligent, not just a bunch of limited code and sentences to be randomly used here and there? Where people and things move like they do in real life, not constrained by stupid and rudimentary animation we have seen until today?
rabidrabbit said:Cinematics will always at least appear to be more detailed, even if they were using the exact same models as in gameplay. That's because in gameplay you almost always have the characters much further away than in intermission cinematics.
But I agree, lod popping can look quite annoying when done badly, recently witness GTA games and Halo 2.
I'm with you there! I agree exactly with what you say, and have been griping about it since the Sega CD, 3DO, PS1 days. Why does XBOX only have a 5X DVD drive, when 16X drives were available LONG before it was released? Even an 8X drive would have helped out alot. (along with an ATA 133 cable as oppossed to a ATA 33 cable.)Inane_Dork said:Loading screens.
I'm serious when I say that if all the next gen offered was SM2.0 graphics but no games had loading screens, I would be happy.