[PC] Max Payne 3

I just saw Max Payne movie on HBO last night. Having played (and loved) the game (though i waited over a year because i thought the premise was chessy), i have to say that the movie did a great job of capturing the spirit of the game..

I agree. I was surprised to find so many people online that didn't like it or even hated it. It was definitely reminscent of the first game. Maybe nobody remembers it anymore.

I liked it a lot more than that pushover Hitman movie from a few years ago.
Your crazy if you like the max payne movie and you are totally insane if you think the movie gives a good view of the game. Because it doesnt. You couldnt have done worse than they did even if you tried. It has nothing to do with the game and it misses everything that makes Max Payne Max payne.
Your crazy if you like the max payne movie and you are totally insane if you think the movie gives a good view of the game. Because it doesnt. You couldnt have done worse than they did even if you tried. It has nothing to do with the game and it misses everything that makes Max Payne Max payne.

I disagree, it's one of the best adaptions of game to movie so far on any possible aspect.
It might be one of the best adaptions of a game to a movie but that still doesnt make it good. The story sucks and isnt Max Payne, The guy who plays Max Payne isnt like Max Payne at all. Max is full of dark sarcastic humor and knows what he is doing. In the movie it seems he is on the edge of breaking down and he doesnt have any of Max Humor.

Max Payne could make for a very good movie as it actually has enough of a storyline but again they managed to screw something that could have been really great and turn it into a insult.
Wow you sure are rather strongly polarized on that hate. I don't really see it myself. I was playing the first game not long ago. He's definitely a mess, and for the same reason as in the movie. Sure they took a few creative liberties, but I thought it turned out ok.

Maybe it would have been better to follow the game more precisely, but the movie people never do that.
Wow you sure are rather strongly polarized on that hate. I don't really see it myself. I was playing the first game not long ago. He's definitely a mess, and for the same reason as in the movie. Sure they took a few creative liberties, but I thought it turned out ok.

Maybe it would have been better to follow the game more precisely, but the movie people never do that.

I think they walked the fine line between creative liberties and the feel of the game brilliantly.

and i agree with some other commenters here, this is probably the BEST movie from game adaptation i've seen so far.

on a sad note. i reinstalled max payne on my vista system (SP2 or 1? whatever) anyway the sound is borked (as in cuts in and out in tutorial. and non existent in game). sheesh.
Does this have to be via steam? Just asking, trying it now on my non steam install.

installing now in my program files\max payne folder.

It worked. Thanks
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No problem.

But it sure would've been cool if they fixed this issue before they released it on Steam. :devilish:

Is there one for max payne 2? I have cutscene audio, but not the in game narrative (im usingsubtitles, but it's not the same)

Im gonna try this one...see how it goes.

There 'is' one for max payne 2, but it doesn't work for me. I'm only missing the 'while playing' voice over. cutscenes, dialog ok.

But, while im here...it's AMAZING to me the gaming goodness that came out of LESS than 1G of disk for Max Payne 1.
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I haven't installed Max Payne 2 yet (got them both on Steam for $15). Which reminds me. I found the MP1 fix on the Steam forums. You should look there.
I haven't installed Max Payne 2 yet (got them both on Steam for $15). Which reminds me. I found the MP1 fix on the Steam forums. You should look there.

yeah that's where i was. then i googled, found another 'fix' that had no impact for me. im still working on it. but i don't play every night. right now im downloading a radio mod for fallout3, which an evil co-worker mentioned and i fired up that game again after no touching it for months.
Those shots look pretty good for a console game, though I do notice a severe lack of texture filtering on the floor in the second shot.

Eurgh, console screenshots. Still, at least they've got a fantastic looking Classique Max™ again... I suspect we're going to be treated to some sequel / prequel gameplay in MP3. You know, "5 years ago" and "6 Months Later", that sort of thing. It would explain the drastically different character styles.

I also suspect that we're going to get a 'flashback' of sorts to some of the events in Max Payne 1 / 2. Those tenements look exactly like those from MP2.
I had forgotten about this game. I think I'm looking forward to it but I'm not sure what to expect. I loved the original but after beating MP2 I was rather burned out on the series' concept.