For the purpose of doing motion controlling the Wii has shown that a cheap sensor bar will work.
Sure, but PS Move added some improvements. It can do absolute positioning and doesn't seem to require frequent calibration. There is no need to keep the controller pointed at the screen/sensor bar.
The cost of the Wii Remote plus the sensor bar is more likely to cost less than the PS3 Move plus PS Eye. For one player that difference may not be such a big barrier, but start adding more players and you can see how expensive it could be even compared to the Wii.
Probably best to get real pricing info to see how much of a difference it is. Otherwise, it's your guesstimates vs my words. Like I said, the camera is not an incremental cost for PS Move controller. There is only one camera for the entire set up. The Wiimote will have 1 IR camera per user. I don't see why the PSEye is a variable cost here.
See my track record, the kind of motion controlling I was looking forward to was something like Wii or the Gametrak Freedom, but without a sensor of any kind. The only thing that came that close was the Motus Darwin, but it disappeared into obscurity. Natal is ok since its just one device, but again I wanted something in my hand. The extra stuff that Natal & PSEye bring are neat and all but they seem like they were bolted on to give added value to the motion system.
The PSEye added absolute positioning and helps to calibrate the motion controllers. In practical terms, it allows user to write precisely using the controller. EyePet uses it for sketch recognition. It allows users to manipulate in-game objects precisely in a virtual (3D) environment. LittleBigPlanet may use it for user level construction.
For additional controller-free features, I'd say it depends on the games. It only feels bolted on if the game doesn't use it properly. I think SingStar speech recognition is great because you can control the game using the mic alone (No need to put down mic, navigate songs and categories using DS3, pick up mic). However if you try to use the speech recognition to do free-form conversation with the computer, then it will probably be a disappointment.