Corn/Rend, can't see you're drivers.
Can you even see my account? I don't think we are PS3-friends.
I'll try to add you tomorrow.
Corn/Rend, can't see you're drivers.
Corn/Rend, can't see you're drivers.
That's odd, they should be online. I'll try to put them back up tonight.
have been watching the racers in remote play and marveling the visuals. Is it only me that often confuses the standard cars with the premiums? I often find myself trying to change the camera to marvel the interior visuals with the driver only to find out there is none because its a standard car, and I am like.....what the?? But it looked so good
Then I try to spot the lower detail and I am amazed by how good they made many of these cars look in lower polygons and detail even if it is noticeable when you give a closer look
Race finished.
Lap 10S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 10X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 10X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 10D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 10T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 10C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 10V.Baldwin (patsu) went off-track.
Lap 10A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 10R.Fowler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 10D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 10X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 10S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 9V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 9V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 9T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 9S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 9C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 9A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 9X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 9X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 9S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 9K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 8th position into 7th position.
Lap 8A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 8V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 8th position into 7th position.
Lap 8K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 8th position into 7th position.
Lap 8K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 8K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 8V.Baldwin (patsu) went off-track.
Lap 8C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 8C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 7J.Otto (DJ12) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 7V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 7J.Otto (DJ12) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 7M.Lindsey (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 7S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 7J.Otto (DJ12) went off-track.
Lap 7T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 7V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 7V.Baldwin (patsu) went off-track.
Lap 7D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 7C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 7V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 7T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 7V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 7K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 7K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 7X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 7J.Otto (DJ12) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 7X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 7K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 7X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 6D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 6S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 6V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 6C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 6C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 6A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 6S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 6T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 6S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 6K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 6S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 15th position into 14th position.
Lap 6M.Lindsey (cornsnake) moved up from 15th position into 14th position.
Lap 6X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 5X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 5S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 5X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 5X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 5K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 5C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 5T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 5V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 5A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 5K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 5V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 5V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 5V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 5X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 5V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 5A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 4K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 4H.Becker (Jostepop) went off-track.
Lap 4D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 4V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 4S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 4S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 4H.Becker (Jostepop) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 4S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 4V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 4K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 4S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 4K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 4S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 4K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 3X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 3S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 3S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 3K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 3V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 3S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 3K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 3S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 3K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 3H.Becker (Jostepop) went off-track.
Lap 3V.Baldwin (patsu) went off-track.
Lap 3D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 3C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 3C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 3D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 3T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 3R.Fowler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 3A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 3X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 3S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 3S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 3S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 3X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 3V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 3T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 3V.Baldwin (patsu) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 2X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 2K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 2S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 2H.Becker (Jostepop) went off-track.
Lap 2X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 2R.Fowler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 2D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 2S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 2T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 2V.Baldwin (patsu) went off-track.
Lap 2X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 2T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 2T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 2S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 2X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 2C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 8th position into 7th position.
Lap 2V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 2D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 2V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 2J.Otto (DJ12) went off-track.
Lap 2C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 9th position into 8th position.
Lap 2S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 2C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 2A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 3rd position into 2nd position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 2nd position into 1st position.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 1D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 1S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 1M.Lindsey (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 3rd position into 2nd position.
Lap 1S.Bruni (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 1H.Becker (Jostepop) went off-track.
Lap 1X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) went off-track.
Lap 1D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) went off-track.
Lap 1H.Becker (Jostepop) moved up from 10th position into 9th position.
Lap 1S.Tyler (AnthonyNPutson) went off-track.
Lap 1V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) went off-track.
Lap 1V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 7th position into 6th position.
Lap 1T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) went off-track.
Lap 1V.van der Heyden (cornsnake) moved up from 8th position into 7th position.
Lap 1J.Otto (DJ12) went off-track.
Lap 1J.Otto (DJ12) moved up from 2nd position into 1st position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 2nd position into 1st position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 3rd position into 2nd position.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 1X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 1K.Barlow (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 14th position into 13th position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 3rd position into 2nd position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 1M.Lindsey (cornsnake) moved up from 16th position into 15th position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 3rd position into 2nd position.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 1M.Reed (Jostepop) went off-track.
Lap 1X.De La Fuente (Lagspike_exe) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) went off-track.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 12th position into 11th position.
Lap 1T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 1C.Contreras (Eyes) moved up from 13th position into 12th position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 1D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 1T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 1T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Lap 1T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 1H.Becker (Jostepop) moved up from 11th position into 10th position.
Lap 1K.Holt (DJ12) moved up from 6th position into 5th position.
Lap 1D.Armstrong (DANTESINFERNO) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 4th position into 3rd position.
Lap 1T.Kobayashi (Ygg_Barasil) went off-track.
Lap 1A.Berg (niwrA) moved up from 5th position into 4th position.
Race started.
This is great! Can't believe how much my drivers' levels jumped over night! cheers everyone - added a few people.
Eyes, thanks for all the remote racing over the last week. I tried to pay back today, using all your drivers for all my races
On to another thing, what does shared cars do?
Sorry for the spam, but why o why didn't I choose save replay for this race?
where's the video?I just wanted to boot up GT5 to see how my drivers have leveled up after all this carnage and what they brought to the bank, when I was prompted by update 1.08 ... ! Hadn't heard anything about this update yet. Will now check what's new.
EDIT: oh, nothing much, just a fix for a glitch:
The latest GT5 update, v1.08, has just gone live in Europe and North America (it became available in Asia earlier today). According to Polyphony Digital, this small patch only fixes one issue that has become something of a hot-topic in our forums over the past few days. Known as the “SSR7 glitch” or the “online money glitch”, it allowed players to quickly accumulate a lot of money and A-Spec experience points -- check the video above to see how it was done.
EDIT: 2 million earned and level 26 B-Spec ... thanks guys!
hahahahah what the hell happened here??
No idea, I did a remote race from the office and didn't do a "save replay" so I can not find out :/
But it was a Tokyo special stage race, could be earthquake related......
After all the B-Spec remote racing madness, nows a good time to plough on with the offline B-Spec mode. Especially now the X10 is my possession 8)