Nintendo announce: Nintendo NX

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You also can't rest your finger on an on-screen, capacitive button without pressing it, so ergonomics is shit.
Sure you can. You don't register a tap until a finger is first lifted.
@DSoup Yeah, with a shitty joypad like that there sure won't be.
I prefer real tactile buttons but I've got real good with touch buttons on iPhone and iPad, plus Vita (simulated R2/L2/R3/L3 on the real touchpad). Humans adapt.

Are you human, Grall? Are you? ARE YOU!?!?!
Here's an example - FIFA. YOu don't use the right stick, only face buttons on the right. How does that map to this NXControllers? Do you have to navigate around/over the thumbstick when want to swap from Cross to Shoot or Pass to Throughball? What about the four shoulder buttons? Are L2 and R2 going to be mapped to the top of the screen so you have to use your index finger on the screen while using your middle finger on the shoulder buttons?

Vita's read touchpad works precisely because it's on the back, although even that had issues with false positives and comfortable holding.
I don't play FIFA, why is the right stick not used? Isn't the fundamental issue basically a problem that gets solved every time a cross-platform game works on a multiple systems where physical controllers differ? I'd have thought a football game could benefit from from touch controls - you can swipe in different directions using different force which could translate into pretty good ball control.
The right stick isn't used because your fingers are on the face buttons! It can be used for passing but it takes a lot to get used to. Swiping would be too laggy and innacurate, plus the thumbstick is going to be in the way still. Regards cross platform games on different controls, what cross-platform games are doing that? We've had dual-stick + face buttons for ages now and games target that unless developed for a specific target. When they deviate, like shooter controls on PSP, the compromises tend to affect the game experience.
@Grall No ones saying touch buttons are Ideal but when taking the entire package into account it's not the be all,end all like your making,and i've enjoyed plenty of vice city on the ipad just fine,again the virtual thumb stick leaves alot to be desired but that element is addressed by this controller.

Apprently the sticks are going to have tactile feedback so i'd imagine in many cases you would actually be able to move the right stick for example in a certain direction to perform functions that would normally be addressed via physical buttons.

Well have to wait until E3 (presumably?) for some hands-on to see how well it works out,i think it looks to have the potential to be interesting and that is exactly what Nintendo needs again,something seemingly unique to them not available elsewhere to drive up sales.
...the potential to be interesting and that is exactly what Nintendo needs again,something seemingly unique to them not available elsewhere to drive up sales.
'Unique' doesn't drive sales. 'good' drives sales, whether unique or not. Good and unique is the best possibility for sales, like Wii. Unique but not much good ends up with Wii U and it's 'interesting' tablet which not even Nintendo have made an essential gaming component. I've just put down my Vita. Still, having rechecked the photos, the NXC sticks look more like nubs, so size won't be an issue as I was suggesting. But then is the stick control going to be any good? How are d-pad based fighters going to work for aother example? Anyone tried Street Fighter iOS?
@Shifty Geezer There's going to be compromises to be made with certain titles but most people aren't concerned with d-pad precise twitch fighters,something smash bros certainly isn't.

You seem to be looking to complain about any seemingly possible scenario this controller might struggle with ...there obviously looking to want to shake things up and go away from what is now considered traditional control schemes and btw no the wii u pad was not at all interesting to me but this certainly is.
something seemingly unique to them not available elsewhere to drive up sales
The reliance on gimmicks is not what makes a popular games console. PS4 has nothing unique to it - the controller touchpad arguably, but it has basically no use in almost every game, yet it is best-selling, and amongst the fastest selling consoles of any gen. NES did not have anything unique to it, neither did SNES. They were just good consoles (well, NES, arguably, was a bad console with good games available for it... ;))

Waggle worked as a gimmick for Wii, but it lacked longevity. Wiis ended up collecting dust after wii sports got boring. People tire of gimmicks, there has to be something more to a console than that.
You seem to be looking to complain about...
I'm asking questions, and even acknowledged one of my concerns (stick obstruction) was wrong. I've plenty of experience of console companies offering lovely new contrivances (EyeToy, Sixaxis, Kinect, Wii, Move, Wuublet) to have a feel for what works and what doesn't, most notably because no device potential is ever used to anything even remotely close to its theoretical potential, most ending up pointless additions. Where an addition can end up being pointless and expensive, that's a bad call for the product. If you're happy to take this product at face value on faith alone, feel free to put in your preorder now. But I'm not going to stop airing my opinions just because some enthusiasts don't like to hear what may go wrong. I bad mouth all three console companies for their poor execution!
@Shifty Geezer But don't you agree Nintendo have to do a bit more than put a box out equal to the xbox one/ps4 and slap nintendo on the front?

The gamecube did that and failed MISERABLY,.

Everyone's moaning that they basically want a nintendo style ps4 with a pro controller and that will be Nintendo's key to success...HELLO?!?
I'm asking questions, and even acknowledged one of my concerns (stick obstruction) was wrong. I've plenty of experience of console companies offering lovely new contrivances (EyeToy, Sixaxis, Kinect, Wii, Move, Wuublet) to have a feel for what works and what doesn't..

All the experience in the world really is no help when somebody introduces something new. I'm skeptical as the next man, more so for Nintendo given the Wiimote and Wii U pad, but I can't assess and write off something I've not used.
The gamecube did that and failed MISERABLY,.
GC failed for more reasons than that, largely for Nintendo alienating 3rd party developers all through their existence (only retaining them during NES/SNES eras because they were market leaders at the time). GC lacked software, just like N64 did, just like Wii and Wuu.

Compounding issue to the alienation of developers is that Wii and Wuu were so damn obsolete, hardware-wise. GC was still mostly competitive to the then-current era consoles (it had wacky memory architecture and fixed hardware shading and occasionally grainy, dithered screen image, but was otherwise pretty solid.) Wuu is just so stupidly behind current consoles there's zero chance to port any A, AA title to it, much less AAA. :p

If there isn't the software people want, they're not going to buy the hardware either. So there'll be less software coming out, meaning less hardware sold... People have been saying FOR YEARS that Nintendo needs to re-vitalize their 3rd party relations, and they say they will, but they never actually do. It's all just words, and talk. So no, it's not just the matter of releasing a PS4-level console, of course.

Then there's the networking and social aspects too. I don't care much about friends lists and multiplayer and video capturing and whatnot, but loads of people do these days, and Nintendo's always been shit at these things. Like, friends codes? Seriously? Then there's the lack of a unified platform. You wanna play Balloon Fight on your Wii? Ok, you buy it on wii store even though it's a quarter century old game. Years later you want it on your wuu. Gotta buy it one more time. 3DS...? Well, you get the picture, I hope. No doubt, Nintendo's hoping to milk their fans all over again for the same ancient damn games with NX, but it's not gonna work.

You buy something from apple's app store, you have it forever. You can download your stuff to all your devices, for all time. This is what Nintendo has to compete with, but they just aren't. They pretend as if they exist in a vacuum and don't have to care about these things, so of course their products turn out shit, and sell like shit. If they were to put out a PS4-level NX and not fix the store and not fix their network or 3rd party relations, it too would sell like shit, because Nintendo does not exist in a vacuum. They aren't the leaders anymore.

And a PS4-level NX with a stupid controller with a screen on its face would also sell like shit. But NX won't be PS4 level, we can be sure of that. We'd be lucky if it's xbone level.
@Shifty Geezer But don't you agree Nintendo have to do a bit more than put a box out equal to the xbox one/ps4 and slap nintendo on the front?
Debateable. Nintendo's strength has always been their software. A console that offers everything the other do in better quality and with Nintendo software alongside the 3rd parties would be a compelling product for core gamers.

All the experience in the world really is no help when somebody introduces something new. I'm skeptical as the next man, more so for Nintendo given the Wiimote and Wii U pad, but I can't assess and write off something I've not used.
Where have I written it off? Have I said, "this will fail" or "Nintendo is teh doomed"??
Furthermore, application of intelligence helps us identify pretty clear outcomes without the risk of having to create and test the product in the real world, so yes, it's pretty possible at times to rule something DOA without it even trying, like Ouya. Or expecting Wii to be a fad with a 90% certainty. You don't need to use a 3 foot wide controller or a piano-keys based console controller to know they're bad ideas and won't sell. Some ideas, obviosuly bad. Others, obviously good. Some, not so sure and more debatable. But always accepting one can be wrong and, at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter if one's right or wrong. I have no problem thinking this is a lousy idea only to be proven wrong and find all controllers of the future copy this design. :p
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