Deleted member 11852
Where did I say you'd written off, or suggested you can't spell 'the'?Where have I written it off? Have I said, "this will fail" or "Nintendo is teh doomed"??
Furthermore, application of intelligence helps us identify pretty clear outcomes without the risk of having to create and test the product in the real world, so yes, it's pretty possible at times to rule something DOA without it even trying, like Ouya. Or expecting Wii to be a fad with a 90% certainty. You don't need to use a 3 foot wide controller or a piano-keys based console controller to know they're bad ideas and won't sell. Some ideas, obviosuly bad.
I agree you can look at some things and deduce they aren't going to work but experience may suggest other ideas may be bad but without using a particular implementation, what you're really bringing is irrelevant experience and bias. Take for example the iPhone. Popular opinion at the launch when Apple announced it was that the screen would be shit and it would be really difficult to type on. Coming from a BlackBerry I had that bias yet within a week or two I was typing faster on the iPhone than I had on the BlackBerry phones I'd used for years - contrary to previous experience of using a lot of touch screens.
The touchpad on the DualShock 4 looks really badly placed for concurrent controls with the sticks and/or face buttons and/or d-pad and you'd probably think a first person shooter that relied on it's use while moving about would be awful but Killzone Shadowfall does exactly that to control your drone. Contrary to expectations, it works really well. Go figure! Some conventional wisdom is just a bad preconceived notion