I guess what most has me confused about that Ferrari picture is
#1 -- Where was it found.
#2 -- What reason is there to immediately associate it with having anything at all to do with the next xbox, unless the picture was found on a first party developer's site? The twitter of an individual of some significance?
Maybe I just have a bad eye for these things, but I see nothing in that drive club picture that makes it look better. I mean, more advanced model, perhaps? Although, I figure to even be able to say that much, we might want to have a better look at that Ferrari, but I see better lighting on the Ferrari, the reflections are pretty outrageous (probably not legit), and even the road looks superior in the Ferrari shot.
I've always been a big supporter of not wanting games to look too close to real life. They should look, quite clearly, like the videogames that they are, just really impressive looking games, even if that means having to deal with some rather unrealistic graphical details. Nobody will accuse Uncharted 2 of looking hyper realistic, but it sure does look amazing, does it not?