Quite why SuperDAE would have actual games when I'm sure Microsoft have him on every single blacklist they have available.
Anything about him is so strange that I think that he's paid from microsoft just to make viral hype
Quite why SuperDAE would have actual games when I'm sure Microsoft have him on every single blacklist they have available.
It says there combined and blended on the GPU right in the article
- We can't get stable 30fps!
- Then enlarge the ammo counter
so strange...
- We can't get stable 30fps!
- Then enlarge the ammo counter
so strange...
That'd be three GPUs?
a lot of duplicated silicon (or triplicated)
if the multiple HUD covers 15% of the screen, are we safe saying that this reduce memory, shading and bandwidth of a 15%
shading should, because it's bound to the number of pixel
memory should, as framebuffer require less tiles
and bandwidth too
With far cry 3 hud you could have saved almost 50% thanks to the bigger hud in recent history.But,well isnt it very cheap to gain performance by increasing huds?...above all when the tendency is to hud-less games.
above all when the tendency is to hud-less games.
bkilian said:That's simplified, and I may be missing some stuff on the scaling front, but it looks like it would take about 5-10% of one CU, assuming two buffers are always scaled, and we're operating at 1080p60.
For example if I'm playing on a 32" 1080p, will I notice if the rendering resolution will go down to 720p?
In absolute terms it does seem minor but do minor tasks like this add up and have a inordinate larger impact on overall Gpu efficiency? i.e. by introducing different types of tasks with vary memory/bandwidth/ computational requirements?
Well, if this is so good i think Orbis devs will happily spend a CU to make the same and gain a lot of efficiency, the fashion word.But well, till now seems the most efficient teams in the world (Naughty Dog,GG and SSM) have not advised well Sony in making Orbis...ERP,Barbarian what the f!
do you think you can spot the difference:
when it last 1/30 or 1/60 of a second?
Yes but by definition using a portion of the gpu to make the gpu more efficient, instead of custom hardware, is exactly the question!
Display panels http://www.vgleaks.com/durango-display-planes/
The three display planes are independent in the following ways, among others:
This is a good argument for going 720p all time, but where is this coming from?, offline rendering with 64x AA?, and the 720p section is downsampled from the full 1080p image?
Nice, this confirms HUD can be rendered at 1080p while the game is rendered at.. something, plus a third plane is reserved for the OS which can do "compositing" of itself to show you some chatting interface or doing whatever or displaying those piece of crap achievements..