1) Nintendo is in the games market but they seem to be disengaged from the market that MS and Sony are going after. Hence I don't bring them up in a thread discussing the next xbox as they are targeting a different market. Sony however is a direct competitor to MS.
Lol they are all targetting the same exact market!! They are just doing it in different ways. At the end of the day they willl all talk about how they have expanded the market how they have got a new demographic buying their machines.
2) Yes Sony will sell ps2 in 2007 and with the high price of ps3 they will probably continue to sell ps2 by the time xbox 720 comes out. How this small piece of the money pie is relevant though, I don't know.
I dont think the PS3 price will stay that high for as long as your implying, well i guess that depends on what components are causing the high price, but if it is cell is used in other commercial devices and blu ray picks up then wouldn't that high price tag tumble soon enough?? Sony's biggest problem would be getting the price down as quickly while not allowing the price reduction to devalue their product
Releasing a new console does not make the old ones dissapear. Agreed, however it does shorten the lifecycle of that console and shrink it's potential profits. Otherwise we'd still be playing psx right?
It depends on the console and the support the companies give to it afterwards. Abondoning xbox did shorten its life cycle, but at the same time i wouldn't say psx had its lifecycle shortened by the release of the PS2.
But my point i think was that i dont think it would be too crazy for there to be people only just getting tired of their PS2s in 2 or 3 years and starting to finally think about a next gen machine and at the same time there will still be people considering buying their first PS2s.
Yes but as you'll also see this year, sales of the old gen systems and their software slow when a next-gen console is released. This affects the bottom line and each month that goes by that a MS has the only viable next-gen system on the market is less future profit for Sony. It is not a given that Sony will have the same marketshare with ps3 as they did with ps2. The less marketshare they have the less likely they are to lean on their current gen system and delay their next gen offerings.
True. But the market was in decline anyway wasn't it? and the 360 isn't really picking up the slack is it?? Not that am saying your point is wrong, as its not, its just at this moment in time the decline appears more coincedental, as opposed to the next generation being the cause.
This isn't about Sony trying to bleed MS. This is about Sony trying to establish a video format and mortgaging their Playstation brand to do it. This action has left the door open for MS to gain market leadership with xb720 by launching "early" in comparison to when Sony want's to introduce their next gen offering. Great thing for MS is (as I explained earlier) it won't cost them much (relatively) to do it.
I guess what i really meant to say is i hope MS is smarter than people in here think they are. Trying to bleed sony dry is a waste of time and resources and they really dont help themselves, even if they succeed they only create a gap in the market for other competitors to fill, by that i mean sony's failure by no means guarantees MS success