News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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I own an Xbox One and I own a reasonably powerful laptop (quad-i7, 16GB RAM) with an Intel Iris Pro gpu. I don't own a PS4 or a Wii. I don't have any worries about feeling "ripped off" for buying an Xbox One.

Going forward, I expect Directx12 to mean more PC games will come to Xbox and more Xbox games to come to PC. The amount of Live users will expand greatly, and that means more content will come to the Xbox store. Everybody wins.
Not right now. A lot of people have PCs that out power both consoles right now and low mid and hardware can be bought extremely cheap. You guys are wanting some sort of Steam machine situation out of windows10/Xbox, but that modle hasn't been proven successful yet. Say what you will. You are entitled to your opinion, but this would kill the Xbox One and be worse than any 24hr check in always online fiasco. Any of you forum members that have a gaming PC as well as a WiiU or Ps4 really going to ever buy a Xbox One if you can play Halo 5 and Gears on your PC? Hell No. That is the issue. Turning the Xbox One into some sort of steam box is such a risky idea.
I have a gaming pc and an xbox one. They are in some ways different experiances .

Look right now you can buy a new graphics card that will outclass an xbox one and not spend much money. That is true. However that isn't true when it comes to laptops and tablets.

Now I know your going to say who cares about that. But the amount of people I know who have laptops is far far greater than those who own desktop pcs at this point.

So for someone who has a 2 or 3 year old laptop will be unable to play xbox one games on them . So they can invested $300-$400 on an xbox one and play all their games. Then when they are ready to buy a new laptop it might play the games better than the xbox one or at similar quality levels and then they can play the games on either platform.
Since they are buying the products off set from each other it allows you to keep them in your eco system.

THe point isn't to sell xbox . The point isn't to sell a desktop or a laptop or a tablet. The point is to sell windows 10 and software.

So you say people will have a ps4 and a wii u ... But why ?

Later this year MS is going to offer almost a complete top down solution for people.

You want music ? Pay for xbox music and enjoy it on your desktop , laptop , tablet , phone , console with windows 10.

Want movies ? Use xbox movies and enjoy it on all those devices.

Want Games ? use the xbox / windows store and enjoy them on your desktop , laptop , tablet and xbox (maybe in the future phones !)

Got your ps4 .... what do you do ? You enjoy your games on it sure but if I rent a movie on psn can I watch it on my tablet ? So your going outside the eco system for all that.
I guess the disconnect here, (at least from my perspective), is this: Why does anybody want people to buy an Xbox?

The only reasons I have for wanting anyone else to buy an Xbox is 1) I know them and want them to be on the same platform so we can interact and have shared experiences or 2) I don't know them but I need enough "random others" to buy Xbox so that the platform is financially viable and MS will continue to support it.

As long as both #1 and #2 are satisfied, I don't care really care about the means to that end.

So, Shredenvain - why do you care so much if people do or do not buy an Xbox?
Really? Is that really a question you need answered? I own one! I have owned almost every console made since 1990. I have owned all 3 Xbox consoles. I would like to own a 4th xbox console. If it goes the way you want there won't be one. I enjoy the competition in the console industry. I love the different experiences you get from the consoles the big 3 make.
Not just games, but the UI as well as the online experience. I myself wouldn't like to see Sony and Nintendo go the same way.
With the Xbox one and its games you know that you are getting the same graphical experience as the person you are playing against online. A level playing field as well as less of a chance the person you are playing is using software cheats or hacks. Bottom line I bought a Xbox One day one and if they make all their games available for PC than I won't need my Xbox anymore. As I have a PC to play them on.
Ms didn't invest millions in R&D and manufacturing the Xbox one just to make it pointless less than 2 years in. I am done with this conversation. Especially since it seems to be one sided on both ends. I also really appreciate the fact that you can have such a civil conversation without trying to belittle or attack the person on the other side because they have a different view than you do. Have a good day.
I own an Xbox One and I own a reasonably powerful laptop (quad-i7, 16GB RAM) with an Intel Iris Pro gpu. I don't own a PS4 or a Wii. I don't have any worries about feeling "ripped off" for buying an Xbox One.

Going forward, I expect Directx12 to mean more PC games will come to Xbox and more Xbox games to come to PC. The amount of Live users will expand greatly, and that means more content will come to the Xbox store. Everybody wins.

Good point Sir.
I would just like to point out that in my opinion the main objective of these new windows 10 features is to sell you a windows 10 device as well as a Xbox One.
If the PC is getting all the Xbox One exclusives like some believe then what is the purpose of streaming Xbox one games to you PC or laptop? Why would Ms put themselves in a situation where they lose potential future console sales and upset some of their customers? If the plan is to make the Xbox One and PC the exact same gaming platform, then why even add the streaming game feature? Couldn't you just save quit your title and move to the PC when your wife wants to watch Vampire Diaries?
with windows 10 allowing xbox game streaming off xbox one...

1. buy windows 10 tablet
2. buy xbox one

voila, its a wireless gaming dock :D

when back home with uber powerful PC, resume the game play with uber high quality graphics (cross buy, cross play, also mean cross save right?)
Details on Universal App support on Xbox One...

  • ~4 CPU cores
  • 1.5gb of RAM
  • 50% of the GPU
If you are making a dedicated application for Xbox One, you’ll have full access to everything that the Xbox offers, so the resources above do not apply to you. Those resources above are strictly for apps running on the UAP, which scales to all of our platforms utilizing Windows 10.

Check the link on other details like sign up details & links to other resources for Windows 10 & UAP.

Tommy McClain
PC gaming is a bit odd for me, I wide-screen game with it but there are times when I want to throw out the 50' hdmi cord to play in the living room. Then I remember it won't be as immersive as the triple monitor setup, and I go play something on a console instead (how that makes sense I don't have a clue). Steam streaming always means I have to play with settings, so I have now given up on that. On my Surface I end up playing RTS type games, tried streaming larger games and just give up when it flops over or a kid jumps on the bed.

I do hope the Xbox streaming works a bit better than the steam version. Although Steam lets me stream Media Center to my tablets, so there you go @eastmen the new Steam Link is our new Media Center box. LOL

On console I have a huge backlog of games, I tend to take my time playing them. :yes: Halo MCC I am still on level 2 of Halo 1 (granted legendary).

So I am really the gamers worst enemy, my last Xbox live rewards email said TV and Media Center were my most played games. :runaway: Dragon Age I am still at the first big meeting, each time I try to play that everyone tries to watch and they ruin it by talking and asking questions.

My Vita is somewhere in the house, makes my hands hurt way too much. I want to love it, I really do. I do have two XNA projects that have been for sale since 2008ish, and I did a few phone apps. Now I am working on something I am not yet ready to announce, but if I am allowed here I will share details soon enough. Going to rebuild my website soon anyway. Other than that my life story is rather boring and dull. :cool:
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Really? Is that really a question you need answered? I own one! I have owned almost every console made since 1990. I have owned all 3 Xbox consoles.

As have I, so I don't see an answer to the question in your response?

I would like to own a 4th xbox console.

Why? Nostalgia?

If it goes the way you want there won't be one. I enjoy the competition in the console industry. I love the different experiences you get from the consoles the big 3 make. Not just games, but the UI as well as the online experience. I myself wouldn't like to see Sony and Nintendo go the same way.

The games, the UI, the online experience have nothing to do with the hardware. I prefer the Xbox because of the games, the UI, the online experience and the controller (if we're going to separate that from general UI). If those things stay the same and they can be accessed via any PC or via an Xbox, it's all the same to me.

With the Xbox one and its games you know that you are getting the same graphical experience as the person you are playing against online. A level playing field as well as less of a chance the person you are playing is using software cheats or hacks.

Call me selfish but I don't care if I'm getting the same graphical experience as the person I'm playing against online. I didn't care when I was a PC gamer if the people I was playing with or against had an SLI rig and I didn't. As far as software cheats and hacks goes, I'll put that in the same category as the problems with PC vs Console gaming in terms of controller vs KB/M. It's up to MS to manage the playing field.

Bottom line I bought a Xbox One day one and if they make all their games available for PC than I won't need my Xbox anymore. As I have a PC to play them on.

I'm still not sure if you are upset about this because 1) You think your investment in the Xb1 will have been wasted, 2) You like to collect consoles, or 3) You think cross-platform play will unbalance competitive multiplayer games.

Ms didn't invest millions in R&D and manufacturing the Xbox one just to make it pointless less than 2 years in. I am done with this conversation. Especially since it seems to be one sided on both ends. I also really appreciate the fact that you can have such a civil conversation without trying to belittle or attack the person on the other side because they have a different view than you do. Have a good day.

Not sure if sarcastic. On one hand, nobody has attacked you or belittled you. On the other hand, you mentioned earlier that you felt like you were being personally attacked for your opinions.
So you will be able to stream PC games to Xbox One?

And play them with an Xbox One controller (wirelessly connected to a PC)?

The real draw of the app, however, will be the forthcoming ability to stream Xbox One games to the PC over a local network. (Microsoft hasn’t said exactly when this capability is coming.) But Schiefelbein said that Microsoft thinks that streaming connection should be a two-way street.

“It’s a great question—do we ever see PC streaming to the Xbox One? The answer is, certainly. We are thinking about this, it is in our vision.
I can’t give you a direct time that it will show up, but we are absolutely thinking about the other way around as well. What we are announcing and what we are talking about right now is from the Xbox One to the PC, but again we are certainly investigating the other way round as well.”

SFV on Xbox One via PC stream.
I would just like to point out that in my opinion the main objective of these new windows 10 features is to sell you a windows 10 device as well as a Xbox One.

Sure.. to some degree. But I don't think their goal is to sell you a Windows Phone or a Surface Tablet. Their goal with the Windows Phone and the Surface Tablet (and the Xbox) is to get you locked into their ecosystem so they can sell you subscriptions and services. All of their hardware ventures have this same end goal.

And don't think I don't understand your opinion or what you are saying. If this "merger" had happened two years ago, would I have bought an Xb1? Probably not, if the choice was buying an Xb1 or upgrading my HTPC ($100-$200) and buying a Kinect ($149) a controller and headset ($79) and then just being able to click on an app to launch Xbox Live and play all the games with all my friends without needing to purchase an Xb1.

The difference that I'm struggling to understand is I don't see why that is a bad thing to give consumers that choice.

If the PC is getting all the Xbox One exclusives like some believe then what is the purpose of streaming Xbox one games to you PC or laptop? Why would Ms put themselves in a situation where they lose potential future console sales and upset some of their customers? If the plan is to make the Xbox One and PC the exact same gaming platform, then why even add the streaming game feature? Couldn't you just save quit your title and move to the PC when your wife wants to watch Vampire Diaries?

Probably because very few people have a PC connected to their "main" TV. I do. Lots of people on a tech forum like Beyond3d do, but the vast majority of people do not. As to losing potential future console sales - I don't think that would happen in numbers enough to be significant and MS isn't selling consoles for the profit. They are selling consoles to sell subscriptions.
And don't think I don't understand your opinion or what you are saying. If this "merger" had happened two years ago, would I have bought an Xb1? Probably not, if the choice was buying an Xb1 or upgrading my HTPC ($100-$200) and buying a Kinect ($149) a controller and headset ($79) and then just being able to click on an app to launch Xbox Live and play all the games with all my friends without needing to purchase an Xb1.
This is exactly what I said in my many responses. So you completely understand my point yet you stated earlier that I had the attitude of you can't play my games on your system. You insinuated I was being fanboyish. The you go on to ask me a question which I answer yet you say you don't see it in my response. That is the attack and belittlement I was speaking of.
It is all good. I am not angry with you.
You say if this merger would have happened 2 years ago you wouldn't have gotten a Xbox One. If this merger does happen this is the way a lot of people will feel. Like I stated earlier, this "merger" hasn't been announced by anyone. As of right now it seems the Xbox One will keep some of it's major exclusives. After watching Phil's session at GDC it seems the point of all this is to make it easier for Devs to get their software on both the Xbox One and Windows 10 devices. They aren't even requiring a subscription to Xbox Live for multiplayer on windows 10 games. They are leaving it up to the devs and publishers.
so basically its like Sony? They allow and support xbuy, xsave, xplay but it all depends on the developer and publisher whether they want to implement those or not. Heck, sony itself never implemented those :(

and here i though MS will give "push" to xbuy, xsave, xplay from what i read about their windows 10 x Xbox plan.
Microsoft won't release every first party Xbox One game on Windows 10, since by doing this they may kill Xbox platform (the brand) while Xbox brand has little to no power on PC space. Why should they release all of their first party games on Windows 10 and kill Xbox One while EA, Ubisoft and Valve have their own stores to sell their own games on PC? Xbox game store is and will be way more complete than Windows 10 game store, since big publishers (EA, Ubisoft and Valve) will continue to support Xbox platforms unlike Windows 10 game store. I think what they want to bring on Windows 10 store are most indie games and games from major publisher that have no store on PC.

hey fable legend is not a crossbuy, just a crossplay bah... uuuugh

what one screen

Fable Legends is a F2P game, so don't expect it to be cross-buy. :D
hey fable legend is not a crossbuy, just a crossplay bah... uuuugh

what one screen

The most interesting thing I got out of that was that Elite: Dangerous is hinted as possibly having cross-play across XBO, PC...and Mac. Interesting.

Elite: Dangerous - confirmed for Xbox One last night - may also offer some form of cross-play. Creator David Braben has said that the game will share the same "galaxy state" across Mac, PC and Xbox One, hinting at a shared world for all players.

This is exactly what I said in my many responses. So you completely understand my point yet you stated earlier that I had the attitude of you can't play my games on your system.
He understands your logic but not the emotional justification for the position. You want there to be an Xbox console as another console. Most other folk really don't care and just want something to play games on. For people who only care about the software, XB1 games on PC is a Good Thing as it provides more options - cheap console for the entry level gamer, PC for core gamers or those already half-way there.

So the basis of your argument is 'I want there to be a lot of variety in the console space', which is a perfectly fine POV but not one you'll find a lot of agreement over. ;)

At least we all understand where everyone's coming from now.

Personally, I'm in the 'just want access to the games' party. I've mentioned that I'm considering switching to PC. However, it's still prone to usability issues, so there remains reason for a console to exist even if it's games are all on PC. But it won't be quite the same thing as a console. That's just progress though. You may lament the change, but it's going to happen, one way or another. At some point in the future we likely won't have consoles but streamed games from servers. Just like we lost the variety of Home Computers from the 80s and settled on 2(.5) OSes for all computers. Can't really fight this one.
I love how they've tried to emphasise how good a Windows 8 PC/tablet is by comparing its image to a Windows 7 PC that looks like it came from 1992.

We haven't heard much (anything?) about the unification of Windows in an Xbox One. I guess they'll remain separate for the time being.
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