Rumors, flimsy yeah. of Microsoft's "biggest surprise ever" at E3
So what E3 pro-MS Megatons could we speculate on, knowing our hopes are likely to be dashed?
They sold XBox to Amazon (lolz)?
Umm, what else. For me a far fetched but slightly possible one I'd love to see is they drop Kinect, and announce a brand new $299 price.
Gameswise, Hmm, what could be huge these days? Some huge series going timed exclusive? Probably essentially impossible. Let your mind run wild...
A few good ones from forums because I'm not very creative and cant think of any:
MS buys Respawn, they become first party. (this one actually seems kind of the far fetched realistic we're going for)
GTA 6 exclusive (righhttt)
New Mass Effect trilogy exclusive to X1.
They're buying Sony
Ms buys Rockstar
XBox Two
Uncle Bill's Sex Change
Valve/Nintendo partnership (another good one)
Halo 5,6,7,8,9 & 10 out in November. (hah, internets crack me up)
Backwards Compatibility dongle for Xbox One incoming
Illumiroom? Oculus Rift, Forteleza glasses, This ties in with that developer guy who recently said he saw cool stuff from MS they dont talk about
Microsoft is changing their names to Xbox.
Sakaguchi's new game (not big enough imo)