Microsoft have phenomenally, utterly failed to make the gaming case for Kinect. A group of media obsessed execs saw Kinect and decided that games were now irrelevant because they could image trillions of lazy media loving consumer fucks commanding their Xbox to spunk money down Microsoft's neckhole in exchange for basically doing nothing.
And so as the execs and managers fumbled with their drool covered flies, trying to clumsily beat one out over finally winning the Internet-TV-Device-As-Service war that consumers weren't looking for a saviour from, they grunted at game makers to fuck off, leaving Kinect as the most awesome and awesomely under supported expensive none-peripheral peripheral in gaming history.
MS have made Kinect an irrelevance for most of the potential Xbox One owners out there. Now they may have to do the decent (i.e. necessary) thing and sell them an Xbox one without Kinect. Or lose them to Sony.
Put it this way: for gamers, Kinect is currently more compelling for the PS4 than it is for the Xbox One B0ne. Which is bullshit. Because Kinect could be delivering awesome games right now, today.