Why not wait then, forget about the stupid Disc thingy and just go with what they have "now". And when they have "enough" onboard go with the revolution.
Why would you wait when you have a revolutionary idea? When you have a great idea you go for it, you don't wait for someone else to implement it first, that seems insane to me.
There is nothing stopping them from doing everything the said they would, Going with a half hearted messed up weak message of .. nothing that the public really wants is not the way to do it.
That's all debatable, their message was crystal clear to me, it was obvious what they were doing. But then again I don't read forums like Gaf, etc which likely explains why I was not confused as much as others apparently were. Reading this forum did confuse me a bit because I was reading things people were posting as "Fact" and scratching my head wondering where in heck did people get such silly ideas. Eventually though I realized they were just taking fud from other websites and transplanting it here to b3d which was a huge shame, because this forum is normally fairly clean. Ultimately though I was able to cull the garbage so it didn't affect me, I understood their message the entire time.
But it still seems suspicious that they weren't able to get a stronger foundation and explanation ready during the many years of development of the XBOX1.
I imagine pitching the idea to ever game developer out there that oh yeah, you're game will be playable by 10 people didn't necessarily go over super smooth. For the bigger players that have leverage, say like COD, they probably turned the screws to Microsoft simply because they could. Maybe the conversation went something like:
MS: "Yeah we're gonna let up to 10 gamers play a single game purchase of COD.
COD: "Sure that's cool, we'll just give Sony a few months exclusivity to compensate for that, no problem."
MS: "We're willing to accommodate your needs and are excited to continue to have COD on our gaming platform on day 1"
COD: "More favorable terms on licencing costs would make your game sharing idea very exciting to us."
MS: "Let's discuss the future together over dinner."
Yeah just speculative but there is no reason to not leverage the situation if you have the leverage. I really can't imagine how difficult it must have been for Microsoft to try and pull it all off, I don't envy them. Not that it matters anymore mind you.
I for one look forward to the industry embracing the customer and not just the dollars they get from DD
Well I don't really care since I'm not a console gamer anymore, and Steam lets me use my games anywhere on any device I own so I'm liberated already compared to the ridiculous restrictions the antiquated console gaming model imposes. But apparently that's what console gamers want so cool, rock on, I've moved on to more consumer friendly pastures already. But I'll check back in 8 years on next gen (if there is one) to see if consoles catch up on the dd side of things. Maybe they will, who knows anything can happen. Then again in 8 years the concept of a console may seem as logical to me as buying a Rio 500 Mp3 player in 2013.