Come up with numbers or step away from the discussion, your generalization aren't helping, you are just being a "loud minority" yourself.
The only smart thing Sony did was ... nothing! It was Microsoft that made them look smart.
It was more than that. The PS4 in design and marketing philosophy is heavily influenced by the missteps that happened around the PS3.
Its why the PS4 design doesn't seem to stray that far from a general AMD APU/PC design. Its why Sony valued lower pricing of the standard sku versus the increasing sticker price because of the addition of a camera. Its why Sony strongly pushed for indie development on their new console. Its why Jack Tretton isn't as visible as last gen and has toned down all the colorful PR.
Sony took lessons learned last gen and applied them to this gen.
There is no "lets use our console to push some proprietary technology". There is no "lets skimp on development tools even though we have exotic tech because the devs will figure it out eventually". There is no "Hey, go get a second job because our console is worth it."
What you see as "nothing", I see as a 180 degree turn around in Sony's approach and usually going from arrogant to humble isn't an easy or effortless endeavor. Its why it usually takes someone else "stomping a mudhole into your a@# and walking it dry" to convince someone to make that transition.
MS's main problem is that they seem to have been oblivious to the issues Sony dealt with last gen. Or that they allowed their own arrogance to convince them, they could take some of the same steps Sony took last gen and execute better.
Kinect adds to the retail price of the console as well as the R&D costs based on potential that may or may not be recognized much like BluRay. Instead of SPEs in the PS3 we have a bunch of specialized fixed function accelerators in Durango. We hearing the same "supercomputing" language from MS this gen as we heard from Sony last gen. On top of all that, MS wanted to finish it off with "Always ON Online DRM". Probably the biggest misstep ever taken by a manufacturer of a commerically popular console platform.
MS seemed to watch Sony walk into minefield and trip more than a few mines and basically believe "its okay we have better metal detectors". Then commenced to walk itself into a bigger and more dangerous minefield with the potential of blowing up the whole division and realizing "better" and "capable" does not mean the same thing. And since E3, MS has dropped those metal detectors broke out some good old fashion sticks and have been retracing their steps to safety.
MS doesn't come into this gen with close to 250-300 million in console unit sales over a decade and all the good will that those consoles generated, which is why MS is even in a more precarious position than Sony ever was. Luckily MS saving grace is its willingness to address some concerns and remove infamous features before the launch of the console.