people don't want a lot of things and then suddenly they want it badly.
I doubt much of the general public even knew what was going on. But if you told the general public you could buy a game at the store , load it to the console and then have one of 10 friends borrow it without having to lift a finger , they would love it .
If you told people that they weren't buying a game, but just paying for license under unknown terms with a unknown future and a kill switch at some point in the future but they could share with 10 friends under even more unknown conditions i doubt they would buy into that. Besides, there is no way that game sharing would be like you portray it here, essentially letting 10 people share the cost for one game.
And remember to tell them about the limitations on reselling their discs.. another thing Microsoft never got around to explaining.
And then show them this awesome video of sharing technology..
No limitations, and when your 10 friends have played it, you can sell it or trade it in.. AWESOME
The main reason behind DD is simply profit, DD's sell for more than Discs, there is no reseller competition, it's price fixing at it's finest. And those that market it are the same that sell it, with zero competition again.
DD on the PC is different, there is competition, price fixing is much harder and there is choice since those that run the shops doesn't own the entire ecosystem.
LOL seriously? You want legislation for digital distribution? Good luck with that. So I guess Apple & Google are all doing digital games wrong too since they don't provide a way to backup your games to physical media?
Tommy McClain
It's an area that needs laws, isn't that crystal clear? If it has a future it will need to regulated by laws so that the consumers investments are protected. As proven in the courts a license can be resold, it's just a question of time before that is made into law.
Or do you prefer Microsoft,Sony and EA to do as they please?