And what would that DD cache system be ? Steam already uses physical media to get games to those with slow connecitions. If its good for the goose its good for the gander
why people cried and complained and forced MS's hand . Why would they now give us the benefits . I hope they roll out game sharing and discs as DD but i'm not sure how they would do it without game codes or a drm check. Lets hear your ideas
MS sadly couldn't announce all their plans because of the back lash.
THe only other DD system with game sharing requires a conection to check and make sure two people aren't playing at the same time and that is steam.
Ehmm, it would allow people with shitty internet of limited data to get the game and "enjoy" all the benefits of a DD game. Microsoft FAILED to tell us why they wanted Discs to be bound to the same crazy rules as DD games are. The only logical conclusion was the killing of 2nd hand sales.
I don't care what they do with DD, that is not my battle to fight (i would be willing to say how much it sucks and how limited the options would be) since i, as i said many times before, understand the limits and they are part of my "where does my money go" thought process.
So do you understand the problem now? Binding Physical discs to the same rules as DD. There was no need except they maybe felt it was getting to easy being them?
You are still comparing a completely different product/service to what Microsoft proposed, why the need to do so? Even when what Microsoft was proposing was a lot worse? You can play your games OFFLINE with steam. Kapow.. how about that?
MS sadly couldn't announce all their plans because of the back lash.
Ehmm no? They had every chance to announce ALL of their plans, countless times. Hell if they really really meant it, they would have used every chance, every interview to hammer down how great this idea was. And what exactly was the groundbreaking ideas? The family sharing was without any doubt the coolest feature, but they never really made the limitations clear. I find it hard to believe that i could cherry pick 9 people to be my family. Hello cheap games.
Trade/reselling was weird and limited, the same with giving your disc to a friend? why should they have any saying in that? only one time, on my friends list for 30 days, all that for a disc based game?
I would say that the problem was that their message was a cluster, they had no clean idea of just what they wanted, and they had to many limitations on what they thought they wanted. It sucked.