News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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With all the excitement over the confirmed GPU clock(IMHO only interesting to dispel rumors of downclock) I guess the bit on the podcast about no Xbox Guide got overlooked. That's cool.

Tommy McClain

That's a tangible benefit of 3 (2)GB reserved RAM. Very cool. I did hear that part bnut it didn't really register

That's why I'm a big propoent of 12GB. They could use 8GB for games and have 4GB for crazy OS things. Have your cake and eat it too!.

You want to be that guy? Really?

53Mhz and now it is a completely different console?

Nope, not at all. But 12GB would change the picture a lot imo. In conjunction imo they would make a major difference.

In a way the upclock is bittersweet, it helps, and it's nice to confirm no downclock, but OTOH it seems to serve to rule out any major, game changing upclock (one that would result in ~1.4-1.5+ TF)
This is where eastmen and my other source for the upclock rumour differ.
Eastmen thinks there'll be a CPU upclock as well, while my other source only has heard a GPU upclock being considered, however he doesn't have confirmation that they're not going to upclock the CPU - he just hasn't heard a CPU upclock being mentioned.

You miss understand. There is only a gpu upclock from my understanding.

Also its my understanding that the yield problems are very true.
Where's that info from? I can't find the Jaguar power consumption anywhere in isolation from the CUs of the AMD APUs.

"Under 20W" would be more accurate. Anandtech found that the entire A4-5000 platform (4C/1.5 GHz) didn't use more than 11.5W when loading the CPU:

Also, the TDP of the Jaguar-based CPU-only Opteron X1150 (4C/2.0 GHz) is listed as 17W. Power consumption of the cores would likely be lower than that.
"Under 20W" would be more accurate. Anandtech found that the entire A4-5000 platform (4C/1.5 GHz) didn't use more than 11.5W when loading the CPU:

Also, the TDP of the Jaguar-based CPU-only Opteron X1150 (4C/2.0 GHz) is listed as 17W. Power consumption of the cores would likely be lower than that.

That's 4 cores not 8. Double those numbers and you get 23W and 34W respectively. The reason not to announce any changes sooner is to prevent a response from Sony.
That's 4 cores not 8. Double those numbers and you get 23W and 34W respectively. The reason not to announce any changes sooner is to prevent a response from Sony.

Doubling the numbers is disingenuous because those are power measurements for the entire platform/laptop (A4-5000) and the whole SOC (X1150).

Anand also said it's likely the A4-5000 SOC consumes under 10 watts:
I also suspect the 15W TDP is perhaps a bit conservative, total platform power consumption with all CPU cores firing never exceeded 12W (meaning SoC power consumption is far lower, likely sub-10W).

and the CPU cores would use even less power than that.
Oh, if eastmen's saying it's not that the CPU has been upclocked but is already more than 1.6 Ghz, then it might explain what my other source has told me - that we don't know the whole story about the CPU.

I always took that to mean something like 256 bit ALUs or other CPU customisations (like VMX128 on Xenon) but yeah, it could just simply mean its clocked at 1.8 Ghz and not 1.6 as always speculated.
He said he was told that the CPU is not clocked at 1.6GHz.
It could be more, it could be less, it could be false.

For the record I am just saying that there are other possible scenarios.
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Also its my understanding that the yield problems are very true.
If your source is a developer I'd assume his information is hearsay as I suspect very few people inside Microsoft, let alone outside, will know yield numbers. It's not relevant to developers so they won't be told numbers.
If your source is a developer I'd assume his information is hearsay as I suspect very few people inside Microsoft, let alone outside, will know yield numbers. It's not relevant to developers so they won't be told numbers.

Your right. It is hearsay which is why I dont normaly bring it up. However yields are good on the one. Thus an upclock on the gpu.

All of my info comes from a third party dev amd itd subject to chance and flat out being wrong which is why I try to be very upfront with it.

Hopefully ms talks about the cpu soon amd ram so everything can get put to rest.
8Gb it's the System Memory as indicated here.

I don't want to enter in a non-end debate, but is this the total ram quantity in the system? they can keep saying "it is 8GB system memory" and now add "all available to devs".

If the 12GB thing is real, the image can be accurate.
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So if Microsoft are using a CPU clocked higher than normal jaguar does this also leave the door open there CPU not being standard jaguar .

Plus how much bearing does CPU power have on modern game engines ........after all most of the talk seems to be about GPUs .

I was always under the impression CPU power was more important or has that all changed over the last few years .
I don't want to enter in a non-end debate, but is this the total ram quantity in the system? they can keep saying "it is 8GB system memory" and now add "all available to devs".

If the 12GB thing is real, the image can be accurate.
that would be completely against every product description ever mode though, no? Every product description like this says total RAM, excluding what's available for software/services. You don't buy a Samsung phone to have it listed as 1GB when in fact there's 2 GBs but 1 GB is taken up with the OS. If there isn't 8 Gbs total RAM inside the XB1, it means a change since that slide was made, and not that the slide was only showing what's available for games.
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