There are other interesting gameplay mechanics being developed.I can't help but lean a little at corners playing FPSs. It could give me a better view now as well as making me look silly.
LOL, those ideas sound so great, I have to share. They can be nothing or everything. I can imagine people winking to increase their Speechcraft in Skyrim. :smile:That would be cool. Whistling to attract attention in stealth games, until someone noisy comes through and blows your cover.
The guy in the Wired Kinect demo suggested winking at merchants in an RPG to get better deals. Both cameras should be able to read facial expressions to some useful degree in good light.
Nope, I wasn't banned for that. I was temporarily banned till after E3 for, I suppose, being a bit too overzealous in my belief that the Xbox One's policies weren't quite as life altering and disastrous as some thought.
So I was literally banned for "Spinning too hard." :/ I learned my lesson, though. I'll just say my piece and then move on. Engaging with people on such a touchy subject that gets people so angry and animated, especially when I'm probably on the wrong side of the issue, is probably asking for trouble clearly. So people saw me get banned and instantly jumped to the conclusion that I must have been banned because I'm some "shill" that works for MS, which I'm not. But when you don't agree with people on a specific subject, that's what happens.
The subject of what I said about there being no downclock isn't what got me banned. It was the entirely different subject of the Xbox One's policies and being perceived as spinning, even though I was just giving my personal opinion on the matter. My ban only lasts till after E3. I have concerns like others, but I don't think the policies would change very much about the way I do things day to day. I regularly had nice things to say about the Wii-U and PS4 on GAF, so I wasn't exactly trolling any specific consoles. It just rubbed some folks the wrong way that I held some of the opinions that I did, and more or less maintained a positive outlook on the Xbox One. I don't really blame the mods, but more so people accusing anybody that has a different view of somehow working for Microsoft.
Queue up the next great net controversy:
Thanks a lot Microsoft, now when my XBox One can't connect after 24 hours, I lose the ability to walk.
Somewhat more seriously, I guess some of us grizzled gamers will have to unlearn our years of making ourselves not lean when going into turns.
I hope they add one more bonus feature for Kinect: the ability to raise your hand to shield your eyes from the insanely over the top lens flare and sun effects that bright out half the screen in every "OMG look at our realistic graphics" shot.
I hope they add one more bonus feature for Kinect: the ability to raise your hand to shield your eyes from the insanely over the top lens flare and sun effects that bright out half the screen in every "OMG look at our realistic graphics" shot.
I hope they add one more bonus feature for Kinect: the ability to raise your hand to shield your eyes from the insanely over the top lens flare and sun effects that bright out half the screen in every "OMG look at our realistic graphics" shot.
They seem to love it, to be more precise.It confounds me that there are folk within Turn10 that actually think the light shafts are good. :|
It confounds me that there are folk within Turn10 that actually think the light shafts are good. :|
From that standpoint I wish they would stop doing that!
No wonder the company went into administration last year, they clearly don't have a clue.The retailer GAME is going to open a Xbox One only store in London, and they describe as a "one of a kind concept store".
Very surprising if you ask me.
It's Microsoft's take on an Apple store.
Maybe MS is giving $50 of that $100 price premium to retailers. That would certainly make them pimp Xbox One more.