I don't think they're dumb enough to let go of such a powerful wedge issue.
As for your questions.
1. Record, first gen to use only one chip in awhile
2. Not a record
3. not a record
4 not a record
The no paywall for sony makes me doubt this. I don't think Sony is stupid enough to provide free online play again, but you never know.
But economics don't work that way. Otherwise I could say... I can't believe they don't price the games 120$, they're losing 60 * [games sales] billion per year because of this idiotic decision of pricing the games only $60.I don't see how you can willingly give up some percentage (lets say 50%) of 40 million people * $50/year = $1 billion/year. That is NOT chump change. In fact, that would put their entire company well into the black and make up for their losses from the ailing entertainment division.
As a gamer, I would be happy for free online play. If I were a stockholder, I'd be freaking furious.
if I was a guessing man, I'd say he is implying there is no free live tier, it's gold all the way.
And I wonder what the cost for gold will be.I'm guessing they will charge even more.
if I was a guessing man, I'd say he is implying there is no free live tier, it's gold all the way.
That's not exactly big news though, what was Silver membership good for anyway? Downloading demos is all I can think of.
You could purchase any of the content(less Gold Exclusives & deals) & you could use voice chat & text messaging. Video chat & Parties weren't included though. Pretty much if you didn't game online or use the apps, you had access to almost everything else. I think bkilian is right, I'm thinking free Live(Silver) will no longer be available. Xbox.com seems to no longer talk about the free version.
Tommy McClain
Bkilian said that? ouch... I do not want a console where I must pay for everything, the console, the games, the service...
if I was a guessing man, I'd say he is implying there is no free live tier, it's gold all the way.
Bkilian said that? ouch... I do not want a console where I must pay for everything, the console, the games, the service...
Kb_Smoker's answers seemed rather plausible, though.That is a really poor job of answering the question.
#1. Is definitely a record. Larger in size and transistor count than PS4 and PS4 was the prior record before Xbox One size and transistor count was shown (picture and 5B).
#2, #3 & #4. If you don't think it is a record which one was the record? The two possibilities are Xbox 360 original or PS3 original. Which do you think was the record over the Xbox One shown in the wired photos? Any facts to back it up? Any photos and/or references to back up your answers?
He was interpreting that guy CBOAT from GAF.
Tommy McClain
Losing Xbox Silver doesn't necessarily mean losing the ability to play games. You just lose access to thinks like voice chat, friends list(?), ability to download demos, etc.
So if you don't pay any money then you just have a very basic game and media playing machine.
Now I'm not saying Xbox Silver is going away. Just pointing out that if it does, it doesn't mean you have to pay monthly/yearly in order to play single player games.
Weren't you ban on Neogaf for doing this exactly.?
You could purchase any of the content(less Gold Exclusives & deals) & you could use voice chat & text messaging. Video chat & Parties weren't included though. Pretty much if you didn't game online or use the apps, you had access to almost everything else. I think bkilian is right, I'm thinking free Live(Silver) will no longer be available. Xbox.com seems to no longer talk about the free version.
Tommy McClain
NeoGaf are getting a bit ridiculous for banning Xbox fanboys for doing nothing else besides being fanboys.
I can vouch for SenjutsuSage and his source - it seems the current GPU clock is indeed 800 mhz as per the vgleaks specs
Oh yeah, not being able to download DLC or XBLA titles would suck - though I can't imagine them putting this behind a paywall.
You have to pay $50 a year just so you can pay for DLC? Sounds ludicrous.
NeoGaf are getting a bit ridiculous for banning Xbox fanboys for doing nothing else besides being fanboys.
I can vouch for SenjutsuSage and his source - it seems the current GPU clock is indeed 800 mhz as per the vgleaks specs
Oh yeah, not being able to download DLC or XBLA titles would suck - though I can't imagine them putting this behind a paywall. You have to pay $50 a year just so you can pay for DLC? Sounds ludicrous.