It's just semantics. Taped out is what it was in Nov '11.
And just when I thought we crossed into the Acceptance stage. Why are you all so insistent there's something else to Xbone?
Because I want and expect it to be following the lines of the original Xbox and the 360.
And because there are things about the hardware photos that make me incredulous about 768 and Jaguar after spending all the money on 5 billion transistors.
One way I have posed the question a few times is as follows:
What is your opinion on the following four rather concrete physical facts about the hardware that can be seen in photographs?
Please note that all four exist at the same time. Saying just that #3 is for silence does not work. Can you address all four at the same time in the context of predicted performance and power?
1. Xbox One SoC Size: New Console Record/Tie/Not Record
2. Xbox One Power Brick: New Console Record/Tie/Not Record
3. Xbox One Heatsink/Fan: New Console Record/Tie/Not Record
4. Xbox One SoC Power Buck Converter: New Console Record/Tie/Not Record
When you look at all four at the same time and compare it to the original PS3 and Xbox 360 chips, power converters, power supplies and heatsinks/fans I get the feeling that it is in the high power category not the "pulling a Nintendo Wii U 2.0" category.
Take the power buck converter. Look at the original PS3 main board and the original Xbox 360 main board and now compare to the Xbox one the buck converter components (number of mosfets, chokes, output filter caps) shown in the wired photos. All three are pretty similar which to me suggests a similar amount of power consumption. Also keep in mind I know a bit about electronics and I can see that the toroids (for all the power conversion in the 360) are crummy and wimpy compared with the more advanced and more expensive ones clearly shown in the wired photos. From doing electronic design and from buying motherboards/CPUs (from my first 8088 and NEC V20 up to today's processors = 20+ years) and overclocking I know the toroids are used on the cheaper and lower powered main boards (and older boards) and the particular ones shown in the wired photos for Xbox One are pretty much top of the line and are seen in top of the line BIG graphics cards.
Compare the 360 power brick to the pictures of the Xbox One (yes, I know it might not be final) and again it suggests a similar amount of power.
Add up all four at the same time and I do not buy the lower power rumors. It does not make sense.
Plus when I see the "pulling a Nintendo Wii U 2.0" and other Xbox One bashing along with constant "Xbone" & "Tiny Flaccid" then I pretty much reject the arguments of obvious MS haters.
Seriously, do you think a fan of both PS3 and 360 will listen to obvious anti MS bashers? Particularly when there is a stream of pretty dubious rumored problems all of a sudden?